
Terms for subject General containing put | all forms | exact matches only
Always put your teacup on a saucer, never on the tabletop把茶杯放在托盘上,不要将茶碗直接放在桌面
And I believe this teardrop necklace would make you more attractive. You should put it on我觉得这条泪滴状的项链会让你更有魅力。你应该戴上它
be hard put to it很难 没法,难以
be hard put to it陷人闲境 (to + inf.)
be hard put to it to + inf.很难
be hard put to it to + inf.没办法
be put in the bag被俘虏
be put under arrest在拘留中
be put under arrest被捕
Can I put it in the overhead compartment?我能把它放进头顶行李舱吗?
Can you put your hand where it hurts the most?你能把手放在最疼的地方吗?
Could you please put your nationality there, sir?先生,请将您的国籍写在这里
Could you put me through to the manager, please?请帮我找经理接一下电话好吗?
Could you put your hand baggage on the counter, please? Do you have any gifts, plants, or food in here?请把手提行李放在柜台上好吗?你有没有带什么礼物、植物或食品来这里?
I did not have the energy to put my bag in the overhead locker, so I stuffed it on the empty seat next to mine我没有力气把包放进头上的储物柜里,所以我把它塞在了我旁边空着的座位上
I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结账了。这是90美元,剩下的做小费
If you need to clean your room, put the clean card on the door如果您需要清理房间,请把“清洁牌”挂在门外
I'll put her on the phone. Just a second我会请她听电话,请等一下
I'll put it on my Visa card, then那我就用我的维萨卡
I'll put you through to Mr. Johnson我帮你接通约翰逊先生
in machines less work is got out than what is put in输出的功小于输人的功
in machines less work is got out than what is put in在机械里
it is recommended to drive a new car before you put it into use, and so with a new machine新车在正式使用前最好先试开一下,对新机器也是如此
keep it put使它固定不动
Michael stubbed out his cigarette and put on work pants, work shirt and the peaked cap most Sicilian men wore迈克尔掐灭了香烟头,穿上了工作裤、工作衫,戴上了大多数西西里男子常戴的那种鸭舌帽
No, but you should put a coin inside没有,你应该投一枚硬币
not to put too fine a point on it说实话
not to put too fine a point on it坦率〔直截了当〕地说
not to put too fine a point upon it说实话
not to put too fine a point upon it坦率〔直截了当〕地说
ofno force put a force upon对…牵强附会
ofno force put a force upon曲解
ofno force put a force upon对…加以强制
OK, I will put some premium gasoline好的,我去加一些高级汽油
Please put me on the earliest possible connecting flight to San Francisco请帮我订一张最早的飞往旧金山的联运航班
Please put the luggage over special height, length, and weight in the trunk请把超过一定高度、长度和重量的行李放进汽车行李箱
Please sign your name on the bottom line and put down your address here请在支票底端的线上签名,并在这儿写下您的地址
pour put or down
Prince William put the sapphire and diamond engagement ring on Kate's finger威廉王子将蓝宝石钻戒戴在凯特手上
publish and put in circulation发行
put across渡过
put across有效地表达
put across宣传解释
put across欺骗
put across使…接受
put across成功
put across做〔搞〕成
put across横放
put all one's eggs in one basket孤注一掷
put an affront to sb.upon sb. 当众侮辱某人
put an ape in sb.'s hood欺骗某人
put an ape in sb.'s hood愚弄
put an article into English把文章译成英文
put an article into print把一篇文章付印
put an edge on使刀口锋利 (a knife)
put an embargo upon对…实行禁运
put an embargo upon对…予以禁止〔阻止,限制〕
put an embargo upon…禁止…输出〔出口,出人〕
put an end to除去
put an end to废除
put an end to消灭
put an end to完 〔终,了.〕结
put an end to停止
put another complexion on改变…的局面
put apart拨出
put apart离开
put M apart for储备 M 留作 N 之用 (N)
put as much space as possible between尽量拉开…之间的距离
put away
put away抛弃
put away处理掉
put away把…收好
put away排斥
put away拿开
put away送走
put away储放备用
put back向后移
put back返回
put back倒退
put back推迟
put back阻止〔碍〕
put back返航
put back把…放送,推,拨原处
put one's back into全力从事
put back the clock开倒车
put back the clock倒拨
put back the clock把钟拔慢
put a ban on禁止某事
put one's best face on尽量装出讨人喜欢的样子
put one's best foot foremost全力以赴
put one's best foot foremost赶紧
put one's best foot forward全力以赴
put one's best foot forward赶紧
put one's best foot forward尽速工作
put one's best foot forward以最快步伐前进
put one's best leg foremost全力以赴
put one's best leg foremost飞速走〔跑〕
put one's best leg forward飞速走〔跑〕
put one's best leg forward尽速工作
put one's best leg forward全力以赴
put one's best leg forward以最快步伐前进
put by搁着
put by回避
put by储存…备用
put by放弃
put by忽视
put by把…放在…旁边
put one's clothes on穿衣
put credit in相信
put emphasis on着重于
put emphasis on把重点放在…
put emphasis on强调
put emphasis upon着重于
put emphasis upon把重点放在…
put emphasis upon强调
put M equal to令M等于N (N)
put one's face against坚决反对
put one's face against抵制
put faith in信任
put faith in相信
put false colours upon歪曲
put one's foot down坚持立场〔观点〕
put one's foot down抗议
put one's foot down坚决反对
put one's foot in it弄糟
put one's foot in it做错事
put one's foot in it犯错误
put one's foot in it陷人困境
put one's foot in it说错话
put one's foot into it做错事
put one's foot into it弄糟
put one's foot into it陷人困境
put one's foot into it犯错误
put one's foot into it说错话
put forth发表
put forth出版
put forth发挥
put forth颁布
put forth出海
put forth
put forth起航
put forth伸〔长,放,拿,提,使,发〕出
put forth one's strength用力
put forward推荐
put forward放〔拿〕出
put forward建议
put forward促进
put forward提出〔倡〕
put forward拨快
put forward把…向前拨
put forward提出
put forward criticism onM 向M提出批评
put forward criticism onM 对M进行批评
put forward criticism uponM 向M提出批评
put forward criticism uponM 对M进行批评
put one's hand to企图
put one's hand to参与
put one's hand to着手
put one's hand to the plough着手工作
put into放〔插,输,注,流,驶〕人
put into翻译成
put into使进人
put into把…放进
put... into a dilemma使…陷人进退两难的境地
put sb. into a flutter使某人忐忑不安
put M into +a. +use…地使用利用
put into action执行
put into action使生效
put into action把… 付诸实践
put into action实施〔行〕
put ...into effect实行〔现,施〕
put into effect实施〔行〕
put into effect把… 付诸实践
put ...into effect使…生效 (起作用)
put M into force使 M 生效
put M into force实施 M
put into gear投人工作
put into gear搭上齿轮
put... into one's head使想起来
put... into one's head将…提示给
put M into operation实施
put M into operation使M运转
put M into operation施行
put into operation投人运行〔运转,生产〕
put into operation开动
put into operation实行〔施〕
put M into operation把M投人生产
put M into play实现M
put into play实施〔行〕
put into play执行
put into play把… 付诸实践
put into play使生效
put M into play使M运转
put into practice把… 付诸实践
put into practice实行〔施〕
put into practice实施〔行〕
put into practice执行
put into practice使生效
put into practice把…付诸实践
put into practice实践
put into reverse向后开
put into reverse汽车挂后挡
put M into service把 M 交付使用
put M into shape整理M
put M into shape使M具体化
put M into shape使M成形
put throw into the melting-pot彻底改造〔改革〕
put throw into the melting-pot弃旧重作
put into the shade使黯然失色〔相形见细〕
put it another way换句话说
put it briefly概括地说
put it by for later use把它收起来供以后使用
put it in practice实行它
put it in practice把它付诸实践
put it right把它收拾〔修理,改正〕好
put it tothat…希望N会同意 (N)
put it to提出这一点请…考虑
put it where it belongs把它放在应放的地方
put its screw-lid in place把它的螺旋盖子拧好
put me through to我想找
put off
put off放弃
put off去掉
put off阻碍〔止〕 (from)
put off搪塞
put off设法使…等待
put off推诿
put off劝阻
put off动身
put off出航
put off用欺骗手段卖掉
put off拿〔移〕开
put on演〔装〕出
put on伪称有
put on假装
put on显示
put on开〔推,煽〕动
put on使运转
put on把…施加于
put on增〔添〕加
put on拨快
put on拉〔扯〕紧
put on推进〔荐,给〕
put on把…放在…上
put on a bold front显出厚颜无耻的样子 (on)
put on a bold front做出勇敢面对现实的样子 (on)
put on a bold front显岀大胆对抗的样子 (on)
put on a bold front勇敢地面对 (on)
put sb. on a diet医生给某人规定饮食
put M on a pedestal把M当做崇拜的对象
put M on a pedestal把M放在底座〔支架〕上
put on a pose ofM 装出M面貌 (样子)
put on allocation实行配销
put on one's considering cap深思熟虑
put on one's considering cap动脑筋想
put on full speed开足马力
put on full speed加快速度
put on one's gloves戴上手套
put M on points对 M 实行配给
put on rations对…实行配给供应制
put on steam加油
put on steam使劲
put on steam拿出干劲
put on the alert军队处于戒备状态
put on the brake制动
put on the brake施闸
put on the brake刹车
put on the brakes (of a car)
put on the brakes施闸
put on the brakes制动
put on the brakes刹车 (of a car)
put M on the map使 M 被认为重要
put M on the order of the day把M排到议事日程上
put... on the order of the day把…列人议事日程
put on the shelf废弃不用
put on the shelf束之高阁
put on the shelf搁在架子上
put on the zinc coating上锌
put on one's thinking cap深思熟虑
put on one's thinking cap动脑筋想
put ...on to使…注意
put on trial进行试验
Put on your hiking shoes and venture down a sunlit path into the woods穿上远足鞋,从洒满阳光的小路进入森林去冒险
put or lay aside
put over驶到对面
put over使圆满地成功完成,被接受,被理解,受欢迎
put over推迟
put over拖延
put over使转向
put over
put over把…放在…之上
put pen to paper着手写
put right弄〔治〕好
put right修理
put right收拾
put right纠〔改〕正
put right纠正
put one's right hand to the work认真〔尽力〕做事
put sand in the machine阻挠
put sand in the machine捣乱
put sand in the machine妨碍
put sand in the wheels阻挠
put sand in the wheels捣乱
put sand in the wheels妨碍
put sb. through to 911帮某人接通911
put one's seal to保证
put one's seal to批准
put one's seal to在…上盖印
put one's shoulder to the wheel尽力完成任务
put one's shoulder to the wheel努力工作
put one's signature toM 签名于M
put one's signature toM 在M上签名盖章
put spurs toM 对M加以促进
put spurs toM 激励M
put stress on注意
put stress on把重点放在…上
put stress on着重
put stress on强调
put stress upon把重点放在…上
put stress upon着重
put stress upon注意
put stress upon强调
put the bee on撤销
put the bee on结束
put the bee on困扰
put the bee on打昏
put the bee on使…无效
put the bee on废止
put the bee on向…借
put the best face on sth.尽量粉饰某事
put the blame on M for使M负N 之责 (N)
put the blame on M for把N的责任归咎于M (N)
put the blame on others把罪责推给别人
put the blame upon M for使M负N 之责 (N)
put the blame upon M for把N的责任归咎于M (N)
put the boot in采取决定性的行动
put the boot in猛踢
put the brake on限制
put the brake on缩减
put the brake on对…加以延缓
Put the bread under the grill to make the toast for breakfast把面包放在烤架下准备做早饭吃的吐司
put the capacity of the generator at 300,000 kW估计这部发电机的发电量为 30 万千瓦
put the capsheaf on使达到顶点〔最高潮〕
put the capsheaf to使达到顶点〔最高潮〕
put the cart before the horse本末倒置
put the case in another way换句话说
put the case in another way换个提法
put the date underneath the address把日期写在地址下面
put the electromagnet in place with the end about 1/4 inch above the iron bar使其一端位于铁棒上方约1/4英寸的地方
put the electromagnet in place with the end about 1/4 inch above the iron bar把电磁铁装好
put the finishing touches onM 对M进行精饰 (最后的修饰)
put the finishing touches onM 对M完成最后的一部分工作
put the finishing touches toM 对M进行精饰 (最后的修饰)
put the finishing touches toM 对M完成最后的一部分工作
put the flag挂旗庆祝胜利
put the hammer into the tool box把锤子放人工具箱
put the hands of the clock back把钟的针向后拨
put the lid on使到顶
put the lid on取缔
put the lid on禁止
put the machine back into service重新把这机器交付使用
put the mockers on使完蛋
put the mockers on嘲弄
put the mockers on诋毁
put the mockers on嘲笑
put the mockers on使落空
put the mockers on挫败计划等
put the number atM 估计数目为M
put the other way round反过来说
put the program into action实行这计划
put the proper intelpretation on a clause in the agreement对协定条款作出正确的解释
put the question提付表决
put the record straight弄清真相
put the saddle on the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
put the saddle on the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
put the saddle upon the right wrong horse夸奖该夸奖的人
put the saddle upon the right wrong horse责备该责备的人
put the screw onM 对M施加压力
put the trivial above the important轻重倒置
put the whammy onM 使 M 倒霉
put the wind up使吓一跳
put things in order整理
put things straight整顿局面
put this and that together把现有事实〔材料〕综合起来看
put through电话把…接通
put through使经受〔从事〕
put through使…穿过〔通过〕
put through实现
put through完成
put through做成
put through贯彻
put through接通电话
put sb. through his facings教练某人
put sb. through his facings考验某人的专业知识与能力
put sb. through his facings训练
put through one's paces考察…的能力〔本领〕
put M to使 M 做 (+ inf.)
put to a test使受试 〔检,检〕验
put to a test试验〔检査〕一下
put M to +a. +use…地使用利用
put... to an improper use误用
put one to annoyance打扰
put one to annoyance使受骚扰
put to bed将报刊等打印
put to bed安顿孩子就寝
put to death处死
put to death杀死
put to execution执行死刑
put to execution处死刑
put to fire and sword又烧又杀
put M to flight使 M 溃逃
put M to a good use好好利用
put N to processing the data指定N处理数据
put to rights整理 (顿)
put to sea离港
put out to sea离港
put out to sea出海
put to sea开船
put M to silence驳倒M
put M to silence驳得M哑口无言
put to stamp付印
put sb. to the blush使某人脸红〔受窘〕
put sb. to the expense of让某人花钱
put sb. to the expense of使某人破费
put to the foil击退
put to the foil挫败
put M to the proof检〔考,试〕验M
put sb. to the run使…逃走
put to the test使受试 〔检,检〕验
put to the test试验〔检査〕一下
put M to the vote把 M 付诸表决
put...to trial试验〔车〕
put to good use充分利用
put trust inM 信任〔信赖 M,相信〕M
put two and two together推理
put two and two together根据事实推断〔推论〕
put two and two together根据事实推断
put under使处于…之下
put under observation置于监测之下〔的〕
put under observation使可加观测〔的〕
put up进行
put up施〔予〕以
put up张贴
put up收拾〔藏〕
put up把…装罐
put up贮藏
put up配制
put up密〔预〕
put up涨价
put up打包
put up公布
put up表现 〔显示〕出
put up提供〔出,高,名〕
put up树〔建,架,搭,升,举,挂〕起
put up a fight奋勇战斗〔抵抗〕
put up a front讲排场
put up a front装门面
put up a good fight善战
put up a good show干得很漂亮
put-up affair诡计
put-up affair圈套
put-up affair勾当
put up for sale把…拍卖
put up good fight奋勇战斗〔抵抗〕
put N up to通知N
put N up to唆使〔告诉,指导〕N (做)
put N up to告知〔诉〕N
put...up to the ropes熟悉〔懂得,告知,告以〕内幕 (秘诀,窍门,规则)
put sb. wise toM 使某人对 M 事先心中有数
put sb. wise toM 把 M 完全告诉某人
put M within grasp使M 成为可以达到
Put your luggage on the scale, please请把您的行李放在秤上
She picked up some sugar with the tongs and put them in the cup她用夹子夹起些糖块,放进杯子中
show a disposition to put it off表示要延期
stay put装牢
stay put停在原位
stay put留在原位不动
stay put呆〔搁〕着不动
The ATM is maintained by the staff of the bank every afternoon, and they will put money in it每天下午银行都会来人对自动柜台机进行维护,并补充现金
The baggage checked in the first would come out later, for the porters put it in the airplane earlier than others at departing airport搬运工在出发机场将先托运的行李先装上飞机,所以现在就晚出来.
The counterman scooped out Sumatran coffee beans, ground them, put the grounds in a filter in the cone and poured hot water over them to give me a sample of their product柜台服务员用勺子舀岀少许苏门答腊咖啡豆,磨成粉,倒入滴滤式咖啡壶的滤格,浇下热水,冲一杯咖啡供我品尝
The kettle on the fire is nearly dry. Put some more water in it火上的壶要烧干了,再往里面倒些水
The restaurant admitted that a clerk mistakenly put a metal spoon into the ice crusher, and then the ice shavings with floating bits of crushed metal were sold to customers餐厅承认,一位店员误将一把金属汤匙混入碎冰机里,然后将这份漂浮有金属碎屑的冰沙卖给了顾客
to put it another way换句话说
to put it bluntly插人语直截了当地说
to put it shortly简单地说
Will you put my baggage in the storage bin?请将我的行李放进飞机行李厢,好吗?
Would you like to put lemon or something else in your tea?您要的茶里是放柠檬还是其他别的东西?
Would you please put it in a gift box?你能不能把它装在礼品盒里?
Would you please put them on the scale?把它们放在秤上好吗?
Would you please put your suitcases and bags on the scale?您能把箱子和包放到秤上吗?
Would you put your baggage on the machine, please?请您把行李放在机器上好吗?
Would you put your signature here, please?请您在这签一下名,好吗?
Yesterday afternoon, I arrived at Lyon. Then I called a taxi to the Sheraton Hotel. After that, when I put my luggage in order, I found my handbag missing. I supposed I lost it in the taxi昨天下午到达里昂,然后叫一辆出租车到了喜来登酒店,当我收拾行李时,发现手提包不见了,我估计是丢在出租车上了
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