
Terms containing purlin | all forms | exact matches only
tech.aluminum purlin铝檩条
tech.angle iron purlin角钢檩条
met.angle purlin角钢檁条
met.angle purlin角檁
archit.angle iron purlin角钢檀条
eng.geol.angle purlin角钢檀条
eng.geol.angle purlin角檀
oilangle purlin角檩
oilangle purlin角钢檩条
tech.angle purlin斜角檩条
tech.angle steel purlin角钢檩条
archit.articulated purlin活接楝条
tech.articulated purlin活接檩条
tech.articulated purlin铰接檩条
tech.bamboo purlin竹棟条
tech.bamboo purlin竹檩条
tech.barrel purlin筒檩条
tech.barrel purlin管状檩条
tech.braced purlin加支撑的檩条
tech.bracing purlin支撑檩条
tech.built-up purlin组合檩条
tech.cast purlin浇制的檩条
tech.caves purlin檐檩
tech.central purlin中檩条
tech.channel purlin槽钢檩条
tech.concealed-type purlin hanger暗式檩条托架
tech.concrete purlin混凝土檩条
tech.continuous purlin连续檩
tech.continuous purlin连续檩条
archit.eaves purlin檐樟
tech.eaves purlin桃檐枋
tech.eaves purlin檐檩
tech.edge purlin边檩
tech.edge purlin屋顶上的边沿檩条
tech.fish-bellied purlin鱼腹式檩条
tech.five-purlin beam五架梁
tech.Gerber purlin葛尔培桁条
tech.Gerber purlin葛尔培檩条
tech.glazing purlin上釉的檩条
tech.glazing purlin镶玻璃的檩条
tech.inferior purlin下桁条
tech.inferior purlin劣质桁条
tech.intermediate principal purlin中金檩
tech.intermediate purlin金檩
tech.intermediate purlin金桁
archit.intermediate purlin中间擦
tech.intermediate purlin中间檩
tech.intermediate purlin上中平衡
tech.lattice purlin格构桁条
tech.lattice purlin格构檩条
archit.lean-to roof purlin单坡屋架檩条
tech.lean-to-roof purlin单坡屋面檩条
tech.lean-to-roof purlin单坡屋架檩条
tech.linked purlin连接的檩条
tech.lower principal purlin下金桁
tech.lower principal purlin下金檩
tech.lower purlin tiebar下金枋
tech.middle purlin中间桁条
tech.non-trussed purlin roof无桁架的檩条屋顶
tech.over-purlin insulation檩上保温层
tech.over-purlin lining望板
tech.over-purlin lining檩上内衬
tech.peripheral column supported purlin正心桁
tech.pin-jointed purlin铰接檩条
tech.pin-jointed purlin铰接体系
tech.pinned purlin铰接檩条
tech.pinned purlin铰接桁条
tech.pipe purlin管状檩条
tech.pipe purlin管状桁条
tech.precast concrete purlin预制混凝土檩条
tech.prefabricated concrete purlin预制混凝土檩条
tech.prestressed concrete purlin预应力混凝土檩条
tech.prestressed concrete purlin预应力混凝土桁条
tech.principal purlin金桁
tech.principal purlin金檩
tech.purlin anchoring檩条锚碇
tech.purlin anchoring檩条锚固
tech.purlin arrangement檩条布置
tech.purlin brace檩香条撑
tech.purlin brace檩撑
construct.purlin brace
met.purlin brace
tech.purlin brace檩条撑
tech.purlin brace屋顶桁条
tech.purlin cleat檩条支托的楔块
tech.purlin cleat檩垫
tech.purlin cleat支托檩条的楔块
archit.purlin cleat檩条支托楔块
tech.purlin cleat檩条扣件
tech.purlin connection檩条联结
tech.purlin hanger檩托
tech.purlin head条端部
tech.purlin hinge檩条铰接
tech.purlin joint檩条接合
tech.purlin layout檩条布置
tech.purlin on hypostyle老檐桁
tech.purlin post檩条支柱
tech.purlin post檩条下柱
tech.purlin post檩柱
tech.purlin projection檩条伸出部分
tech.purlin projection檩条挑头
tech.purlin roof檩支屋顶
tech.purlin roof檩香屋架
met.purlin roof屋架
tech.purlin roof硬山搁檩屋顶
archit.purlin roof權支屋面
tech.purlin roof檩支屋面
tech.purlin roof檩条屋架
tech.purlin roof with inclined struts and wind filling有斜支撑和填充墙檩支屋顶
tech.purlin roof with king post单柱式檩支屋顶单柱檩屋架
tech.purlin roof with king post and slanting studs有单柱和斜支撑的檩支屋顶
tech.purlin roof with king post and wind filling有正立柱和填充墙的檩支屋顶
tech.purlin roof with queen post双柱檩屋架
tech.purlin roof with queen post双柱式檩支屋顶页
tech.purlin roof with slope studs有倾斜支撑的檩支屋顶
tech.purlin roof with struts inclined away from the center支撑从中心向外倾斜的檩支屋顶
tech.purlin roof with struts inclined towards the center支撑向中心倾斜的檩支屋顶
tech.purlin roof with three posts三柱式檩支屋顶
tech.purlin roof with three posts and wind filling有填充墙的三柱檩支屋顶
tech.purlin roof with two posts and wind filling有填充墙的两柱檩支屋顶
tech.purlin spacing檩条间距
tech.purlin with king post单柱檩屋架
tech.purlin with queen post双柱檩屋架
tech.queen-post purlin双柱式檩条
tech.raising the purlin举架
tech.raising the purlin举析
tech.reinforced purlin加强的桁条
tech.ridge purlin正梁
tech.ridge purlin脊檩
archit.ridge purlin脊擦
tech.ridge purlin屋脊檩条
tech.ridge purlin brace脊檩撑
tech.roof purlin屋面桁条
hydroel.st.roof purlin屋面檀条
tech.roof purlin屋顶檩条
tech.seven-purlin beam七架梁
archit.skylight purlin天窗檩
tech.skylight purlin天窗檩条
tech.space purlin间隔镶条
tech.spatial purlin空间镶条
tech.steel channel purlin槽钢檩条
tech.steel hinge purlin钢铰檩条
archit.steel purlin钢檩条
tech.steel purlin钢檩 (条)
tech.stiffening purlin加劲檩条
tech.stiffening purlin brace加劲檩
tech.strutted purlin roof支撑檩条屋顶
archit.support of ridge purlin脊標支承
tech.support of ridge purlin脊檩支承
tech.three-purlin beam三架梁
tech.three-dimensional purlin三维檩条
tech.three-dimensional purlin三维桁条
tech.timber purlin木屋顶桁条
tech.trapezoidal purlin梯形桁条
tech.trapezoidal purlin梯形檩条
tech.trussed purlin桁架式梁
archit.trussed purlin拉杆加劲檩条
tech.trussed purlin加劲檩条 (拉杆)
tech.trussed purlin桁架檩
tech.trussed purlin格构式檩条
tech.trussed purlin桁架式檩条
tech.tube purlin管子桁条
tech.tube purlin管子檩条
tech.under-purlin insulation檩下保温层
tech.under-purlin lining檩下内衬
tech.under-purlin lining檩下衬
tech.verge purlin檐口桁条
tech.verge purlin边桁
tech.verge purlin山墙口桁条
tech.wooden purlin木檩 (条)
tech.zed purlinZ 形檩条
tech.zee purlinZ 形檩条