
Terms for subject General containing publics | all forms
Are the public toilets being used all?公共卫生间里人满了吗?
be in the public domain没有版权〔专利权〕
comply in public but oppose in private阳奉阴违
doctor of public health公共卫生学博士
feed at the public trough吃公家饭
give to the public印行
give to the public出版
hall for a specific public use
I think it's something that I'll have to consider. The public transport system is pretty good这倒可以考虑。公共交通系统还是挺不错的
in public公开〔然〕
in the public eye出名的
in the public eye众所周知的
in the public eye经常在公开场合露面
Institute of Public Administration爱尔兰公共事务管理学院
International Federation of Building and Public Works国际房屋和公共工程协会
internet public opinion网络舆情
make a secret public揭露秘密
make M public公布〔发表〕M
make public曝光
matter of public knowledge人人皆知的事
of Quebec National School of Public Administration, University魁北克大学国家公共管理学院
online public opinion网络舆情
Perhaps it would be better if you started taking public transport to work没准你乘坐公共交通工具去上班会好一些
place for public recreation
public address扩音装置
public address set有线广播
public address set扩音装置〔系统〕
public address system扩音装置〔系统〕
public address system有线广播
public-address system扩音装置〔系统〕
public address system有线广播扩音系统
public cloud公共云
public cote competitionголуб.гонк. 信鸽公棚赛
public cote competitionголуб.гонк. 公棚赛竞翔比赛的一种
public figure人士
public hall会堂
public opinion舆论
public pigeon houseголуб.гонк. 信鸽公棚
public relations公共关系与舆论联系部门
public security治安
public subscriptions公开招募
public subscriptions公债发行
public subscriptions公众认购
public toilet公共卫生间
public transport system公交系统
public voice舆论
Public Works Administration公用事业管理美国
reduce the cost of M to the public把M的价格降低到民用的价格
riding public公共车辆的乘客
the general public公众
the public at large公众
the public services政府各部门
the public services各机关
the public services公用事业
the reading public广大读者
Valentine's Day is not a public holiday, in which government offices, stores, schools and other organizations are open as usual情人节不是一个公共节日,在这一天,政府、商店、学校以及其他办公机构会照常办公