
Terms for subject China containing provisioning | all forms
absence of an agreed or explicitly agreed provision没有约定或者约定不明确
according to the provision of the constitution依章程的规定
act in violation of the provision of this law违反本法规定的行为
alternate provision变通规定
be basically in conformity with the relevant provisions of the current laws与现行法律的有关规定基本一致
be governed by the relevant provisions in this Chapter适用本章的有关规定
be handled with reference to the provisions of the relevant articles of this Law参照本法有关各条的规定办理
budgetary provisions预算的拨款
conformity with the provision prescribed by law符合法律规定
construed according to legal provision根据法律规定推定
a law contain provisions法律作出规定 (to)
further detail relevant provisions进-步细化有关规定
detailed provisions for the implementation of policies配套政策实施细则
general provision一般规定
implement the provisions of law执行法律的规定
in accordance with related provisions of the Oversight Law按照监督法的有关规定
in accordance with the provision of the amendment to the Constitution根据宪法修正案的规定
in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph依照前款规定
in accordance with the provision of this Law依本法规定
in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations依照法律、行政法规规定
in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and laws依据宪法和法律规定
in accordance with the provisions of in the preceding paragraph依照前款规定
in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph依照前款规定
in accordance with the relevant provision of the Constitution依照宪法的有关规定
in violation of the provisions on management违反管理规定 (of)
legal provision法律条款
legal provision法律的规定
loan loss provisioning损失准备金
main provisions of a draft law法律草案的主要内容
make supplementary provisions补充规定
make unified provisions统一规范 (for)
note stating the provision of evidence举证说明书
old provision旧的规定
old special provision旧的特别规定
other provision其他条款
provision for payment备付金
provision governing road passage道路通行规定
provision of guaranty提供担保
provision of guaranty for another person为他人提供担保
provision of the law法律规定
provision on frontier health and quarantine国境卫生检疫规定
provision prescribed by law法律规定
relevant provision有关规定
relevant provision then当时有关规定
restrict the provision of限制办理
separate the examination of a loan from the actual provision of the loan审贷分离
specific provision分则
supplementary provision补充的规定
the provisions of the preceding paragraph前款的规定
the relevant provisions of the State国家有关规定
the Resolution on the Revision of Certain Provisions in the Electoral Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses of the Peopled Republic of China《关于修改〈中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会选举法〉的若干规定的决议》
the specific meaning of a provision法律规定的具体含义
the State Council determines the steps to implement these provisions国务院规定法规的实施步骤
transcend the provision of law and regulation超越法律、法规规定
violate the provision about price marking违反明码标价规定
violate the provisions on public security administration违反治安管理规定
violation of the provision in the permit for planning违反规划许可的规定