
Terms containing proving | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Aberdeen Proving Ground亚伯丁武器试验
spaceadvanced base proving ground前进基地试验靶场
gen.air proving ground〔机载〕空中武器试验〔靶〕场
avia.air proving ground center空军试验场中心
gen.Air Proving Ground Center空军武器试验中心
avia.air proving ground command空军试验场司令部
gen.Air Proving Ground Command空军武器试验场司令部
el.mach.air-flow proving switch气流检验开关
econ.Any commodity which proves to be of poor workmanship should be repaired or replaced by the manufacturers任何经证实为工艺拙劣的商品应由厂家予以修理或更换
spaceArmy Electronic Proving Ground陆军电子试验场
gen.Army Electronics Proving Ground陆军里子〔设备〕试验场
gen.army proving ground陆军武器试验〔靶〕场
ITautomatic theorem proving自动定理证明
tech.automatic theorem proving机械证明定理
tech.boiler proving pump锅炉检验泵
tech.boiler proving pump锅炉试验泵
econ.Both parties agree that as soon as the business proves sound, they will set up another joint venture双方同意,一旦业务稳定,将建立另一家合资公司
tech.brake proving indicator制动证实指示灯
oilcentralized proving station集中检定站
tech.chain cable proving house锚链检验室
tech.cross proving相互检查
gen.desert proving establishment沙漠,野外科学试验靶场
spaceDugway Proving Ground杜格威试验场 (美国陆军)
el.electronic proving ground电子器材试验场
spaceelectronic proving ground电子试验场
avia.electronic proving ground电子验证场
oilelementary proving基本标定
tech.elementary proving基本校准
cryptogr.elliptic curve primality proving椭圆曲线素性证明
cryptogr.elliptic curve primality proving algorithm椭圆曲线素性证明算法
gen.Eniwetok Proving Ground埃尼威托克试验场
China, lawevidence to prove the contrary相反证据证明
China, lawexpound and prove论证
oilfield proving现场标定
auto.field proving使用中检查试验
auto.final prove-out最后检查
auto.final prove-out终检
tech.freezing prove technique防冻技术
tech.full proving全项目标定
oilgravimetric proving重力检验
China, lawhave evidence to prove有证据证明
econ.I don't think this will prove to be an effective measure to widen business according to the present situation根据目前形势,我认为这不会是扩大业务的有效措施
tech.indoor proving ground室内试验场
oilinitial proving初始检定
gen.it all goes to prove that...一切都证明了 …
econ.It would prove most conducive to your interest to charter a vessel in your port在贵港包租一条船对贵方非常有利
USA, spacejoint long-range proving ground联合远程试验靶场
gen.leaks can sometimes prove difficult to cure漏洞有时是不易解决的
spaceLong Range Proving Ground远程试验场 (Base, 美国导弹试验场)
avia.long range proving ground远程试验靶场
spacelong-range proving ground远程导弹试验场
gen.long-range proving ground远程导弹试验靶场
gen.Long-Range Proving Ground Division远程导弹试验靶场管理处 (AFMTC 所属的)
ITmachine theorem proving机器定理证明
met.mechanical theorem proving机器验证
ITmechanical theorem proving机器定理证明
met.mechanical theorem proving机器证明
tech.mechanical theorem proving定理的机器证明
AI.mechanical theorem proving in geometry几何定理机器证明
oilmeter proving流量计标定
USA, spaceNaval Proving Ground海军试验靶场
gen.Naval Proving Ground海军试验靶场
gen.Nevada Proving Ground占华达试验靶场
AI.nonresolution theorem proving非归结定理证明
oilon-site proving现场检定
oilon-site proving现场标定
oilopen proving equipment开式标定设备
gen.our investigations go to prove that...我们的调查结果证明…
China, polit.partial adjustments to the plan for national economic and social development or to the State budget that prove necessary in the course of their implementation国民经济和社会发展计划、国家预算在执行过程中所必须作的部分调整方案
cryptogr.primality proving algorithm素性证明算法
avia.production proving squawk system生产检验报告系统
gen.prove abortive终归失败
gen.prove an alibi证明被告当时不在犯罪现场
China, lawprove by experiment试验证明
gen.prove by experiment实验证明
econ.prove by parol口头证明
gen.prove fatal to...成为…的致命伤
avia.prove for production投产验证 (根据工艺装备的投产验证程序《QP-3024-MP -017》定义,是指对飞机本体的高成本或复杂零件 (例如机加零件)和装配件所用的工装,在投产前进行验证,以确保工装的正确功能和精确性)
avia.prove for production of machine control medium机床程控媒体的投产验证
avia.prove for production of process equipment工艺装备的投产验证
avia.prove for production part投产验证零件
fin.prove gold验金
China, lawprove one's identity证明身份
patents.prove one's identity证明身份〔国籍〕
telecom.prove-in distance盈亏均衡差距离
telecom.prove-in distance最经济合理的距离
telecom.prove-in distance论证距离
telecom.prove-in length适用长度
avia.prove in plan验证计划
econ.prove out证明是合适的 (或令人满意的)
textileprove out acceptance认证验收
auto.prove-out acceptance试验和检查后验收
auto.prove-out vehicle试验用车辆
auto.prove-out vehicle在成批生产前小批量生产的车辆
textileprove system检验系统
textileprove system校准系统
tech.prove the subsidiary ledger核对明细分类账
China, lawprove to the contrary提出反证
gen.prove up探明
gen.prove up具备…条件
gen.prove up to the hilt充分证明
cryptogr.prove validity证明有效性
busin.proving a debt核查债务
busin.proving a will遗产税核明遗产
cryptogr.proving algorithm证明算法
textileproving cash核对现金
securit.proving cash查对现金
oilproving circuit检验用电路
tech.proving circuit校验线路
agric.proving correctness正确性证明
oilproving counter检定计数器
spaceproving flight验证飞行
avia.proving flight验证试飞
tech.proving flowmeter标定流量计
avia.proving prove for production投产验证
eng.geol.proving frame校正架
tech.proving frame试验架
tech.proving frame测力环试验架
eng.geol.proving frame校验架
tech.proving frame应力
tech.proving gage校验计
tech.proving gauge校验计
spaceproving ground靶场
spaceproving ground试验场
tech.proving ground考验场
avia.proving ground检验场
earth.sc.proving ground器材试验场
auto.proving ground试车
spaceproving ground武器试验场
avia.proving ground射击场
tech.proving ground汽车性能检验场
tech.proving ground试验基地
spaceproving ground试验靶场 (尤指试验新武器的)
gen.proving ground〔射击〕试验场
gen.Proving Ground Command试验场司令部
auto.proving-ground facilities试验场设施
tech.proving-ground facility试验场设施
eng.geol.proving hole勘探钻孔
eng.geol.proving hole勘探坑道
tech.proving hole探孔
oilproving installation测试装置
tech.proving instrument校验仪器
tech.proving lever测力杆
tech.proving lever校验杆
eng.geol.proving method检验方法
telecom.proving of correctness正确性证明
oilproving operation标定操作
tech.proving oven发面炉
telecom.proving period验证期
tech.proving point标定点
tech.proving press打样机
tech.proving press手动小打样机
spaceproving program验证程序
tech.proving programme验证程序
spaceproving range试验靶场
spaceproving range火箭试验场
tech.proving range实验靶场
tech.proving ring量力杯
tech.proving ring试验环
met.proving ring测力环
met.proving ring校验环
tech.proving ring测应
tech.proving ring压力机上的校验环
tech.proving ring检验环
construct.proving ring测〔应〕力环
eng.geol.proving ring衡圈
eng.geol.proving ring量力環
hydroel.st.proving ring量力环
tech.proving ring应力环
tech.proving road试车道
chem.proving room发酵室
el.proving run试车前检査
el.proving run试运行
spaceproving stand试车台 (发动机的)
spaceproving stand试验台
tech.proving stand试验架
tech.proving tank标定罐
tech.proving tank校准罐
oilproving temperature检定温度
tech.proving test验证性试验
econ.proving test复核检测
tech.proving test复核试验
tech.proving test校核试验
busin.proving the subsidiary ledger核对明细分类账
fin.proving the subsidiary ledger明细分类帐之核对
tech.proving the subsidiary ledger明细分类账核对
oilproving time检验时间
tech.proving time验证时间
auto.proving trial检查验证试验
el.proving trial检验
spaceproving trial验证性试验[试车]
tech.proving trial复核试验
tech.proving trial验证性试验
eng.geol.proving well试验井
tech.resolution theorem-proving解析定理证明
China, lawresult of assessment proves the need to modify经评估确需修改
avia.route-proving flight新航线的试飞
shipb.Ship document is a general call of various files that proves ship's ownership, performance, technical status and operating necessary condition船舶文件是证明船舶所有权、性能、技术状况和营运必备条件的各种文件的总称
anim.husb.sire proving公畜检验
oilsuccessive proving run连续检定运行
econ.The above price proves acceptable to us上述价格可为我方接受
gen.The congestion is so bad during rush hour that even taking a bus proves to be a dreaded ordeal now!上下班高峰时的交通更加拥堵不堪,这时乘坐公共汽车简直是一场可怕的折磨啊
econ.The main purport of the certificate is to prove the sound quality of the product此证书的主旨是证明该声品的质量良好
tech.theorem proving定理证明
AI.Theorem Proving System定理证明系统
gen.there is no sound evidence to prove this没有可靠的证据证明这点
econ.This arrangement will prove beneficial to both parties此项安排将对双方有利
econ.This sales plan might prove abortive but it is worth trying out这个销售计划也许不能成功,但仍值得一试
cablesThrough the above test measures, it proves that our multicore cables come up to the advanced international standards以上验证措施证明,我们的多芯电缆已达到国际先进水平
oilvolumetric proving体积检验
oilvolumetric proving容积校准
tech.volumetrical proving容积校准
econ.We hope your endeavours in this respect will prove fruitful希望你们在这方面的努力会有收获
USA, spaceWhite Sands Proving Ground白沙试验场
gen.White Sands Proving Ground白沙武器试验
gen.You will have to bring your passport to prove who you are为了证明你的身份,你需要随身携带护照
spaceYuma Proving Ground犹马试验场 (美国陆军)
gen.Yuma Proving Ground尤玛武器试验