
Terms containing proposed | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a proposed amendment建议的修正案
econ.a proposed budget概算
avia.advanced notice of proposed rule making新规则制订前的预告
fin.balance sheet giving effect to proposed financing财务计划实施后的资产负债表
interntl.trade.balance sheet giving effect to proposed financing拟定理财计划实施后的资产负债表
fin.balance sheet giving effect to proposed financing拟定理财计划实施后之资产负债表
commer.be proposed as a candidate for被推荐为…候选人
gen.be proposed as a candidate forM 被推荐为M的候选人
fisherybiomass proposed action生物量行动计划
avia.description of proposed actions and alternatives对计划行动及其备份计划的描述
avia.description of proposed actions and alternatives对计划行动及其备分计划的描述
interntl.trade.details of the proposed travel计划旅行细节
interntl.trade.draft text of the proposed international code of conduct on transfer of technology国际技术转让行动守则草案
el.engineering change proposed技术改革建议
el.engineering change proposed工程修改建议
org.name.Expert Consultation on the Proposed COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture关于拟议渔业委员会水产养殖分委员会的专家磋商会
UN, afr.four-point agenda for peace proposed by the Government安哥拉政府提出的四点和平纲领
hydroel.st.Geographic location of the proposed project工程地理位置图
econ.I proposed to repay the loan at $30 a month我建议每月付30美元来还清贷款
cryptogr.improved proposed encryption standard改进型推荐加密标准
China, polit.investigate and propose solutions对问题调查研究提出建议 (to issues)
expl.It is proposed that the total carbon content of the explosive should be used as the basis for GHG determinations from detonation有人建议、用炸药里碳的总含量来作为确定爆炸时的温室气体排量的基础
gen.Max proposed marriage to her with a piece of heart-shaped diamond on the ring迈克斯用镶有心形钻石的戒指向她求婚
avia.notice of proposed amendment建议修正通知
avia.notice of proposed amendment建议修正的通知
spacenotice of proposed change建议更改通知单
avia.notice of proposed rule making规章制度制定建议通知
avia.notice of proposed rule making建议制定规则的通知
econ.notice of proposed rulemaking美国联邦能源法规委员会新颁规则通告
el.notice of proposed rulemaking推荐规则制定的通知
el.notice of proposed rulemaking法规制定建议公告
avia.notice of proposed rulemaking建议制定规则的通知
securit.notification of proposed change of auditors拟更换审计师的通知
China, polit.notify the deputies of the date of the session and of the main items on the proposed agenda通知代表开会日期和建议大会讨论的主要事项
China, polit.persons proposed to be removed from office被提出罢免的人员
China, lawpower to propose bills for amendments修改提案权
bridg.constr.preliminary plan of proposed project计划任务书
UN, account.programmatic aspects of the proposed programme budget拟议方案预算中与方案有关的内容
China, polit.propose a bill提出一项议案
China, polit.propose a motion提出议案 (for)
econ.propose a motion提出议案
China, polit.propose a motion for提出动议议案
gen.propose a toast toM 提议为M干杯
gen.propose making a change建议修改一下
avia.propose specification change notice建议的规范更改通知
China, lawpropose the removal免职建议
econ.propose to打算 (readjustment, 再调整)
China, lawpropose to hold提议召开
gen.propose to make a change建议修改一下
commer.propose to make a charge in the agreement建议对协议作一改变
China, lawpropose transaction declaration提出交易申报
tech.proposed access road拟建入口道路
securit.proposed acquisition建议收购
el.proposed algorithm建议算法
telecom.proposed algorithm推荐【提出】算法
construct.proposed alignment拟用〔假定〕路线
tech.proposed alignment拟用路线
tech.proposed alignment假定路线
IMF.proposed amendment修正案草案
busin.proposed amendment建议的修正案
dril.proposed bottom-hole location计划的井底位置
busin.proposed budget概算
tech.proposed building拟建房屋
econ.proposed category建议【推荐】等级
avia.proposed change建议的更改
telecom.proposed class申请级
tech.proposed common name建议通用名称
commer.proposed contract草约
corp.gov.proposed contribution to problem resolution拟议解决问题所需的贡献资金
dril.proposed depth建议【计划】深度
bridg.constr.proposed design拟用的设计
eng.geol.proposed development拟建工程
eng.geol.proposed development拟建项目
el.proposed development approach建议研制[开发]方案
fin.proposed director获提名董事
securit.proposed director被提名的董事
securit.proposed director董事候选人
brit., busin.proposed dividend准备分派的股利
interntl.trade.proposed dividend拟派股利
textileproposed dividend计划股利
textileproposed dividend建议股利
textileproposed dividend计划股息
securit.proposed dividend建议派发的股利
interntl.trade.proposed dividend拟订的股息
securit.proposed dividend拟定股息
fin.proposed dividends计划股息
fin.proposed dividends拟派股利
tech.proposed dock拟建码头
org.name.Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables预切水果和蔬菜操作规范拟议草案
ITproposed edited recommendation已修正的提议推荐标准
comp., net.proposed edited recommendation已修正的提议推荐
cryptogr.proposed encryption standard所提出的加密标准
cryptogr.proposed encryption standard拟加密标准
securit.proposed estimate建议估算
proj.manag.proposed estimates建议预算
agric.proposed extension area of a variety建议品种推广面积
corp.gov.proposed field project拟议实地项目
plann.proposed figures for the plan计划建议数字
tech.proposed flowchart建议采用的流程
met.proposed flowsheet建议采用的流程
met.proposed flowsheet推荐流程
met.proposed flowsheet建议流程
tech.proposed grade推荐坡度
tech.proposed grade拟用坡度
construct.proposed grade推荐〔拟用〕坡度
tech.proposed grade建议坡度
tech.proposed highway subgrade拟建公路路基
avia.proposed interface change notice建议的界面接口更改通知
busin.proposed lay out推荐平面布置方案
tech.proposed layout推荐平面布置方案
econ.proposed life拟用年限
microsc., el.proposed logical system推荐逻辑系统
avia.proposed master minimum equipment list推荐的最少设备清单
avia.proposed material erection schedule建议的材料实施计划
earth.sc.proposed maximum contaminant level建议的最高污染物水平
water.res., ecol.proposed maximum contaminant level建议采用的最大污染水平
tech.proposed maximum contaminant level建议最大污染水平
busin.proposed medium-term plan中期计划草案
bridg.constr.proposed method推荐的方法
busin.proposed model推荐模型
commer.proposed model拟用型号
commer.proposed model推荐〔拟用,计划〕型号
shipb.proposed model推荐型号
tech.proposed monitoring item拟定监测项目
agric.proposed name of registered cultivar建议登记品种的名称
avia.proposed notice of change被提议的更改通知
telecom.proposed parameter申请参数
telecom.proposed parameter已申请参数
comp., net.proposed parameter建议参数
bridg.constr.proposed procedure推荐的方法
avia.proposed product modification被提议的产品更改
busin.proposed program建议计划
consult.proposed program建议的计划
econ.proposed program budget建议的计划
busin.proposed program budget方案概算
UN, account.proposed programme budget拟议方案预算
tech.proposed project拟建工程
busin.proposed project拟用方案
tech.proposed project建议方案
econ.proposed projects建议方案
econ.proposed projects拟议计划
tech.proposed quay拟建码头
tech.proposed quay wall拟建岸壁
ITproposed recommendation提议推荐标准
comp., net.proposed recommendation提议推荐
fin.proposed reforms拟议中的改革
tech.proposed regulation试行条例
met.proposed repair计划检修
IMF.proposed resolution决议草案
consult.proposed resolution建议的决议
UN, account.proposed resource level拟议资源数额
tech.proposed scheme推荐方案
tech.proposed second ary track拟建第二线【铁】
desert.proposed sediment discharge预计土沙流量
IMF.Proposed Seventh Amendment on the Reform of the Executive Board关于执董会改革的第七次拟议修正案
textileproposed site推荐地点
tech.proposed site待选坝址
tech.proposed site待选场址
securit.proposed sponsor被提名保荐人
UN, account.proposed staffing拟议工作人员配置
telecom.proposed standard建议采用的标准
telecom.proposed standard推荐标准
tech.proposed structure计划建造的建筑物
tech.proposed structure拟用建筑物
tech.proposed structure计划采用的建筑物
securit.proposed structure of transaction拟议中的交易结构
commer.proposed system package plan一揽子计划
commer.proposed system package plan拟议的系统包装计划
commer.proposed system package plan拟议的系统
tech.proposed task of project项目建议书
el.proposed technical approach推荐技术方案
tech.proposed terminal拟建码头
tech.proposed test method建议试验方法
econ.proposed time提议的时间
dril.proposed total depth推荐总深度
tech.proposed traverse net图上设计的导线网
econ.Proposed United States of America Standard推荐的美国标准
bridg.constr.proposed value推荐值
tech.proposed wharf拟建码头
securit.publish a draft of the proposed rule发表拟议的规则草拟本
hydroel.st.Relationship of the proposed construction scheme and environmental sensitive objects推荐开发方案与环境敏感对象关系示意图
China, polit.release the entire text of a proposed law to the public向社会全文公布法律草案
securit.shares proposed to be listed拟上市股票
securit.shares proposed to be listed计划上市股票
tech.standard facies belts proposed by wilson威尔逊标准相带
econ.The contractor shall submit a statement of all proposed schedule of the work in writing承包商须以书面形式呈交一份工程进度表
China, polit.the deputy proposed to be recalled被提出罢免的人员
econ.the details of proposed travel计划旅行细节
avia.to be proposed待建议
avia.to be proposed待提议
econ.What we shall discuss in the following paragraph is the nature of the business and the items proposed to be transacted我们在下面一段要讨论的是业务的性质和建议成交的商品项目