
Terms containing property owner | all forms | in specified order only
econ.co-owner of property财产共有人
busin.legal owner of property财产合法业主
earth.sc.National Federation of Property Owners全国财产所有者联合会
China, lawnotice calling on the owner to claim the property财产认领公告
econ.owner of lost property失主
busin.owner of lost property财产失主
interntl.trade.owner of property业主
busin.owner of property财产所有人
securit.owner of property财产所有者
econ.property owner业主
tech.property owner财产所有者
textileproperty owner地主
oilproperty owner产权人
interntl.trade.property owner财产所有人
tech.property owner土地所有人
commer.The property was adjudged to the rightful owner把财产判给合法所有人