
Terms for subject China containing promote | all forms | exact matches only
call for and promote the building of a harmonious world提岀推动建设和谐世界
Convention Concerning Triparties Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards三方协商促进实施国际劳工标准公约
cultural exchanges that promote common progress文化上交流共进
help promote the work of the people's government at the corresponding level协助本级人民政府推行工作
improve legislation to develop democratic politics, guarantee the rights of citizens, promote social programs完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规
initiate a movement to universally promote and educate Chinese citizens在全国公民中开展普遍的宣传教育运动 (in)
laws to promote industrial development有关促进产业发展的法律
maintain world peace and promote common development维护世界和平,促进共同发展
make efforts to promote public adjudication according to law in an all-round way全面推进依法公开审判
promote a scientific and healthy lifestyle and good manners倡导科学、健康、文明的生活方式
promote advanced technology推广先进技术
promote all aspects of government administration by the rule of law全面推进依法行政
promote all-round, balanced and sustainable development of the economy and society推动经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展
promote and coordinate促进和协调
promote and expand the State-owned economic sector发展壮大国有经济
promote balanced development among regions促进区域协调发展
promote by breaking convention破格晋升
promote by skipping one level越一级晋升
promote cleaner production清洁生产促进工作
promote comprehensive, balanced and sustainable economic and social development促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展
promote comprehensive development of our relations with other countries推动对外关系全面发展
promote cooperation in practical matters推动务实合作
promote cross-Straits relations发展两岸关系
promote stronger cross-Straits relations发展两岸关系
promote development of social undertakings促进社会事业发展
promote equal opportunity in education促进教育公平
promote governing the country according to law推进依法治国
promote government administration in accordance with the law促进依法行政
promote health and sanitation activities of a mass character开展群众性的卫生活动
promote ideologically sound and well-educated young people to leading posts革命化、年轻化、知识化
promote improvements in local-level organizations加强基层建设
promote improvements in personnel加强队伍建设
promote improvements in personnel力口强队伍建设
promote industrial development促进产业发展
promote justice in the judicial system促进公正司法
promote mutual support and cooperation with in international affairs加强在国际事务中的相互支持和合作
promote mutually beneficial cooperation推动互利合作
promote peaceful national reunification促进祖国和平统一
promote progress of science and technology推进科学技术进步
promote public awareness of宣传群众 (smth)
promote social fairness and justice促进社会公平正义
promote social harmony促进社会和谐
promote social programs推进社会事业
promote socialist democracy发展社会主义民主政治
promote sound and fast development of the Chinese economy促进国民经济又好又快发展
promote sound and fast economic development促进国民经济又好又快发展
promote sound and rapid development of the national economy促进国民经济又好又快发展
promote the cause of human progress促进人类进步事业
promote the construction of highway促进公路建设
promote the coordinated development促进协调发展 (of)
promote the coordinated development of all regions促进区域协调发展
promote the coordinated development of the material, political and spiritual civilizations推动物质文明、政治文明和精神文明协调发展
promote the development of a harmonious world推动建设和谐世界
promote the development of friendly, good-neighborly cooperative relations with neighboring countries推动周边国家间睦邻友好合作关系的发展
promote the formulation and observance of rules of conduct and common pledges制定和执行各种守则、公约
promote the government of the country according to law推进依法治国
promote the revival of the central region中部地区崛起
promote the wide use of finding of scientific research推广科学研究成果
promote to higher posts level by level逐级晋升
promote what is beneficial and eliminate what is harmful兴利除弊
promote world peace, development and progress推动世界和平、发展和进步事业
pursue peace, promote development and seek cooperation求和平、促发展、谋合作
safeguard world peace and promote common development维护世界和平,促进共同发展
vigorously promote national spirit centred on patriotism弘扬以爱国主义精神为核心的民族精神