
Terms containing promote | all forms | exact matches only
econ.A good initiation can promote further cooperation between us良好的开端可促进你我双方今后的合作
econ., int. law.act to promote the defence of the U.S.美国国防促进法
fin.actively promote investment liberalization and facilitation积极推进投资自由化便利化
fin.actively promote the establishment of more equitable and more balanced new global partnership for development积极推动建立更加平等、更加均衡的新型全球发展伙伴关系
org.name.Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas促进公海渔船遵守国际养护和管理措施的协定
org.name.Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas遵守协定
econ.An agent's work is to sell, distribute or promote the sale of the products made by a certain factory代理商的工作就是推销、经销或促销某一厂家的产品
UN, polit.Beijing Declaration on Elaboration of an International Convention to Promote and Protect the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities关于拟订促进和保障残疾人权利与尊严国际公约的北京宣言
UNBerlin Declaration: Foundations for Global Cooperation to Promote Environmentally Sound Development in Town and Cities柏林宣言: 全球合作促进城镇无害环境发展的基础
econ.Both parties agree to use their best efforts to promote the sale of the jointly developed products either directly to users or through their distribution channels双方同意尽其最大努力直接向用户或通过其销售渠道来推销共同研制的产品
econ.Business talks help to promote the mutual friendship and business between the two firms商务洽谈有助于增进这两家公司之间的友谊和业务
tech.by-pass convention to promote someone to leading post破格提拔
China, polit.call for and promote the building of a harmonious world提岀推动建设和谐世界
UN, health.Comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities促进和保护残疾人权利和尊严的全面和综合国际公约
fin.comprehensively promote the investment liberalization and facilitation全面推进投资自由化和便利化
China, polit.Convention Concerning Triparties Consultations to Promote the Implementation of International Labour Standards三方协商促进实施国际劳工标准公约
UN, polit.Criminal Justice Advisory Unit of UNMIBH promotes professional cooperation between the police and the criminal justice system刑事司法咨询股
China, polit.cultural exchanges that promote common progress文化上交流共进
org.name.Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms关于个人、群体和社会机构在促进和保护普遍公认的人权和基本自由方面的权利和责任宣言
gen.develop or promote发达
fin.endeavor to promote circular development着力推进循环发展
fin.ensure growth and to promote stability保增长,促稳定
China, polit.help promote the work of the people's government at the corresponding level协助本级人民政府推行工作
China, polit.improve legislation to develop democratic politics, guarantee the rights of citizens, promote social programs完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规
tech.in order to promote patronage or sales以广招徕
China, polit.initiate a movement to universally promote and educate Chinese citizens在全国公民中开展普遍的宣传教育运动 (in)
manag.inspire and promote启发与激励
econ.It's desired to promote the acceptance of the new products by means of advertising希望对新产品进行宣传推广,使人们愿意购买
fin.jointly promote efforts of the international community共同促进国际社会的努力
China, polit.laws to promote industrial development有关促进产业发展的法律
China, polit.maintain world peace and promote common development维护世界和平,促进共同发展
China, polit.make efforts to promote public adjudication according to law in an all-round way全面推进依法公开审判
fin.necessary requirement to promote economic recovery推动经济复苏的必然要求
proj.manag.Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow我们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的年青一代、 为公司今后发展奠定基础
econ.Our sales volume has gone up because of our having devised ways and means to promote the sale由于我们想方设法促销产品,所以我们销售量上去了
econ.Please make your whole efforts to promote these products请尽全力推销这些产品
securit.promote a placement安排配售
securit.promote a placement发起配售
econ.promote a product推销产品
China, polit.promote a scientific and healthy lifestyle and good manners倡导科学、健康、文明的生活方式
China, lawpromote advanced technology推广先进技术
China, polit.promote all aspects of government administration by the rule of law全面推进依法行政
China, polit.promote all-round, balanced and sustainable development of the economy and society推动经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展
China, lawpromote and coordinate促进和协调
China, polit.promote and expand the State-owned economic sector发展壮大国有经济
fin.promote balanced development推动平衡发展
China, polit.promote balanced development among regions促进区域协调发展
fin.promote balanced economic development促进经济均衡发展
fin.promote balanced economic, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, safe growth推动经济平衡、包容、可持续、创新、安全增长
fin.promote basic balance of international payments促进国际收支基本平衡
busin.promote business促进业务
busin.promote business发展业务
interntl.trade.promote business促进开展业务
busin.promote business开展业务
China, lawpromote by breaking convention破格晋升
China, lawpromote by skipping one level越一级晋升
China, lawpromote cleaner production清洁生产促进工作
interntl.trade.promote commerce提倡商业
interntl.trade.promote commerce发展商业
interntl.trade.promote commerce促进商业
busin.promote committee促进委员会
fin.promote common development推动共同发展
fin.promote common growth推动共同增长
fin.promote common prosperity through development在发展中共促繁荣
securit.promote compliance with universal standards amongst issuers, intermediaries and investors促使发行人、中介人及投资者遵守公认的标准
China, polit.promote comprehensive, balanced and sustainable economic and social development促进经济社会全面协调可持续发展
China, polit.promote comprehensive development of our relations with other countries推动对外关系全面发展
fin.promote comprehensive economic cooperation推进全面经济合作
China, polit.promote cooperation in practical matters推动务实合作
fin.promote coordinated development推动协调发展
China, polit.promote cross-Straits relations发展两岸关系
China, polit.promote stronger cross-Straits relations发展两岸关系
telecom.promote/demote升级 / 降级
China, polit.promote development of social undertakings促进社会事业发展
fin.promote development while working for change在转变中谋发展
fin.promote economic globalization推进经济全球化
fin.promote economic growth促进经济增长
fin.promote employment促进就业
China, polit.promote equal opportunity in education促进教育公平
fin.promote fair competition促进公平竞争
fin.promote global development推动世界发展
fin.promote global economic growth促进全球经济增长
fin.promote global financial stability促进世界金融稳定
gen.promote good relationships withM 发展同M的良好关系
China, lawpromote governing the country according to law推进依法治国
China, polit.promote government administration in accordance with the law促进依法行政
obs.promote growth促进生长
fin.promote growth through win-win cooperation推动增长,谋求共赢
China, polit.promote health and sanitation activities of a mass character开展群众性的卫生活动
interntl.trade.promote home product推广国货
textilepromote home product推销国货
busin.promote home product提倡国货
tech.promote home products提倡国货
China, polit.promote ideologically sound and well-educated young people to leading posts革命化、年轻化、知识化
China, polit.promote improvements in local-level organizations加强基层建设
China, polit.promote improvements in personnel加强队伍建设
China, polit.promote improvements in personnel力口强队伍建设
fin.promote inclusion of the Rmb in the SDR basket推动将人民币纳人特别提款权篮子
China, polit.promote industrial development促进产业发展
shipb.promote industrial products to trend diversified development促使工业产品向多样化发展
fin.promote industrial structure optimization and upgrading促进产业结构优化升级
fin.promote information sharing促进信息共享
fin.promote institutional reform推进机制改革
fin.promote integrity in financial markets促进金融市场诚信
securit.promote investor awareness提高促进投资者的投资意识
China, polit.promote justice in the judicial system促进公正司法
econ.promote level of profitableness提高盈利水平
fin.promote long-term economic development促进经济长远发展
fin.promote long-term, steady and rapid economic development促进经济长期平稳较快发展
fin.promote more balanced trade促进更加平衡的贸易
fin.promote more extensive economic cooperation推进更为广泛的经济合作
China, polit.promote mutual support and cooperation with in international affairs加强在国际事务中的相互支持和合作
China, polit.promote mutually beneficial cooperation推动互利合作
fin.promote mutually beneficial investment推动互利投资
fin.promote overseas investment促进海外投资
sport.promote peace促进和平
fin.promote peace, stability and prosperity促进和平、稳定与繁荣
China, polit.promote peaceful national reunification促进祖国和平统一
gen.promote physical culture发展体育运动
manag.promote physical culture and build up people's health增强人民体质
manag.promote physical culture and build up people's health发展体育运动
sport.Promote physical culture and sports to build up the people's health.发展体育运动,增强人民体质。
China, lawpromote progress of science and technology推进科学技术进步
China, polit.promote public awareness of宣传群众 (smth)
securit.promote rational flow of property right促进产权合理流动
fin.promote rational international division of labor促进合理的国际分工
fin.promote regional economic integration促进区域经济一体化
fin.promote Rmb exchange rate reform推进人民币汇率形成机制改革
textilepromote sales推销
shipb.promote scientific and technical innovation推进科技创新
fin.promote shared interests促进共同利益
China, polit.promote social fairness and justice促进社会公平正义
China, polit.promote social harmony促进社会和谐
fin.promote social harmony and stability促进社会和谐稳定
fin.promote social inclusion促进社会包容
China, polit.promote social programs推进社会事业
fin.promote social stability促进社会稳定
China, polit.promote socialist democracy发展社会主义民主政治
fin.promote solidarity, cooperation and win-win spirit发扬同舟共济、合作共赢的精神
China, polit.promote sound and fast development of the Chinese economy促进国民经济又好又快发展
China, polit.promote sound and fast economic development促进国民经济又好又快发展
China, polit.promote sound and rapid development of the national economy促进国民经济又好又快发展
fin.promote stability促稳定
fin.promote stable development推动稳定发展
fin.promote steady and healthy development of the capital market促进资本市场稳定健康发展
fin.promote strong, sustainable, and balanced growth促进强劲、可持续和平衡增长
fin.promote sustainable growth of the world economy促进世界经济持续发展
fin.promote sustainable, long-term growth促进可持续长期增长
fin.promote sustained and sound economic development促进经济持续健康发展
commer.promote the achievement of our goals in the world market促进我们在国际市场上目标的实现
fin.promote the balanced development of foreign trade促进对外贸易平衡发展
fin.promote the building of lasting peace and common prosperity and harmonious world推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界
China, polit.promote the cause of human progress促进人类进步事业
wushu.promote the circulation of qi行气
wushu.promote the circulation of qi形气
China, lawpromote the construction of highway促进公路建设
China, polit.promote the coordinated development促进协调发展 (of)
China, polit.promote the coordinated development of all regions促进区域协调发展
China, polit.promote the coordinated development of the material, political and spiritual civilizations推动物质文明、政治文明和精神文明协调发展
China, polit.promote the development of a harmonious world推动建设和谐世界
China, polit.promote the development of friendly, good-neighborly cooperative relations with neighboring countries推动周边国家间睦邻友好合作关系的发展
fin.promote the development of the world economy促进世界经济发展
fin.promote the establishment of a balanced and win-win for the multilateral trading system推动建立均衡、普惠、共赢的多边贸易体制
fin.promote the establishment of fair, reasonable, non-discriminatory international trading system推动建立公平、合理、非歧视的国际贸易体系
China, polit.promote the formulation and observance of rules of conduct and common pledges制定和执行各种守则、公约
econ.promote the general good of the community增进社会的公共福利
China, polit.promote the government of the country according to law推进依法治国
sport.promote the integrity of sport发扬体育诚信
fin.promote the international use of the renminbi推动国际市场使用人民币
busin.promote the level of profitableness提高盈利水平
busin.promote the new company创办新公司
fin.promote the reform of international financial institutions推进国际金融机构改革
fin.promote the renminbi to companies向企业推介人民币结算服务
China, polit.promote the revival of the central region中部地区崛起
interntl.trade.promote the sale of products推销产品
gen.promote the sales of goods促销
econ., int. law.promote the socialist modernization program促进社会主义现代化建设
econ.promote the transaction of products推销产品
fin.promote the upgrading of the consumption structure促进消费结构优化升级
China, lawpromote the wide use of finding of scientific research推广科学研究成果
footb.promote to a higher division将一个队升至较高一级
China, lawpromote to higher posts level by level逐级晋升
fenc.promote to the next round晋升到下一轮
fenc.promote to the next round晋升下一轮
econ.promote transactions推销
fin.promote transparency and predictability增加透明度和可预见性
China, lawpromote what is beneficial and eliminate what is harmful兴利除弊
China, polit.promote world peace, development and progress推动世界和平、发展和进步事业
securit.pursue and promote追捧
China, polit.pursue peace, promote development and seek cooperation求和平、促发展、谋合作
chem.push pin2promote sales推销
securit.readjust and reorganize state-owned enterprises to promote re-arrangement of assets调整改组国有企业促进资产重组
org.name.Regional Plan of Action to Promote Responsible Fishing Practices in South East Asia东南亚促进负责任捕捞规范区域行动计划
UN, polit.Regional Seminar to promote Public Awareness on the Issues and Policies of Low-income Shelter and Settlements提高公众对低收入住房和住区问题和政策的认识区域讨论会
fin.safeguard and promote the sustainable development维护和促进可持续发展
China, polit.safeguard world peace and promote common development维护世界和平,促进共同发展
fin.strongly promote economic restructuring大力推进经济结构调整
UNTechnical Assistance Trust Fund to Promote Technical Co-operation and Assistance in Industrial, Environmental and Raw Material Management促进工业、环境和原料管理方面技术合作和 援助的技术援助信托基金
econ.The ABC company took such action as it deemed necessary to promote its salesABC 公司采取必要行动以促进其销售
econ.The company has spent a lot of money on advertising to promote its corporate image这家公司花费了大量广告费以树立其公司形象
econ.They have done a lot to promote the sales, as a result, many repeat orders from our customers are rush in他们做了许多促销工作,结果顾客的续订定单大量涌来
ceram.They leave a film which dulls the surface and promotes growth of mildew它们会留下一层薄膜,使表面暗淡,促使霉菌生成
cosmet.This anti-wrinkle cream promotes a youthful appearance这款抗皱乳霜能促进皮肤年轻态
tech.to promote economic property繁荣经济
fin.vigorously promote innovation大力推进自主创新
China, polit.vigorously promote national spirit centred on patriotism弘扬以爱国主义精神为核心的民族精神
ecol.water-instrument of promote infiltration促渗管
econ.We have widened our contracts to promote the new product effectively我们已扩大接触面,以便有效地推销新产品
econ.We hope you will promote credit sales so as to pave the way for a renewal of the agreement, when it expires望促进赊销,为协议期满后续订协议铺平道路
econ.We regret to say that the new product of yours is not worth our effort to promote很遗憾,你们这种新产品不值得我方努力推销
econ.We shall actively promote the sale of the product and shall maintain an adequate sales force我们应积极促进产品的销售,并须维持一支充分的销售力量
econ.We shall continue our efforts to promote business between us我们将继续努力促进我们之间的业务
commer.Your efforts to promote this line will be rewarded by success你方为推销这类商品付出的努力将获得成功