
Terms containing program to program | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
shipb.according to mooring test program to test following items按系泊试验大纲进行下列项目试验
corp.gov.adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget工作及预算计划调整
ITadvanced program to program communication高级程序间通信协议
multimed.advanced program to program communication高级程序间通信
ITadvanced program-to-program communication高级程序间通信协议
multimed.advanced program-to-program communication高级程序间通信
el.advanced program-to-program communications高级程序-程序通信
ITadvanced program-to-program communications高级程序间通信协议
avia.advanced program-to-program communications先进程序间通信
el.advanced program-to-program communications service高级程序-程序通信服务
tech.analog -to-digital converter check program模拟数字变换器检验程序
tech.analogue -to-digital converter check programme模拟数字变换器检验程序
avia.antenna-to-antenna coupling analysis program天线-天线耦合分析计划
avia.application program-to-program communication应用程序与程序通信
el.autocoder to COBOL conversion aid program自动编码语言-通用商业语言转换辅助程序
UNCaribbean Programme for Adaption to Climate Change加勒比适应气候变化计划
China, polit.concentrate on strengthening legislation related to social programs着力加强社会领域立法
busin.contribution to special program对专门计划的捐助
interntl.trade.contributions to special programs对专门计划的捐助
oilcorrection to program程序校正
busin.correction to program程序的校正〔修改〕
tech.file to file program文件到文件连接程序
tech.file to file programme文件到文件连接程序
proj.manag.Hardware, software, or both that allows a user to interact with and perform operations on a system, program, or device一种硬件、软件或两者的结合、用户可通过它与系统、程序或设备相互配合并完成操作
el.heterostructure device simulation program to estimate the performance rigorously精确性能评估异质结构器件模拟程序 (NT&T 的半导体器件模拟程序)
UN, polit.High-level meeting of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific to review the implementation of the Bali Declaration and the Programme of Action亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会审查巴厘宣言和行动纲领执行情况高级别会议
proj.manag.How to compile a C program?怎么编译一个 C 程序 ?
proj.manag.I asked Tim to install an antivirus software program on my computer我要求提姆帮我的计算机安装一套防毒软件
proj.manag.Import from and export to popular email programs, personal information managers, and standard file formats导入与导出普通电子邮件程序、个人信息管理器和标准文件格式
China, polit.improve legislation to develop democratic politics, guarantee the rights of citizens, promote social programs完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规
proj.manag.In those systems, you would have provided some sort of setup program to install your driver在那些系统中、你要提供一些安装程序端口来安装驱动
UNIntergovernmental Conference to Adopt a Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities通过保护海洋环境免受陆上活动污染全球行动纲领政府间会议
earth.sc.International Program to Monitor Earth Rotation and Intercompare Techniques国际地球自转监测和相互比较技术计划
org.name.Interregional Programme of Assistance to Developing Countries for the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries渔业守则计划
org.name.Interregional Programme of Assistance to Developing Countries for the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries协助发展中国家执行《负责任渔业行为守则》区域间计划
org.name.Intersecretariat Committee on Scientific Programmes Relating to Oceanography海洋科学计划秘书处间委员会
UNInter-Secretariat Committee on Scientific Programmes Relating to Oceanography海洋科学方案秘书处间委员会
navig.Intersecretariat Committee on Scientific Programs Relating to Oceanography联合国海洋科学规划秘书处间委员会
earth.sc.Intersectretarial Committee on Scientific Programmes Relating to Oceanography海洋科学计划秘书处联席委员会
expl.It might be argued that measurements of gas concentrations arising from real field conditions could provide an improved approach,however such programs would need to cover a wide range of conditions and explosives and could be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming然而、这样的测量需要涵盖多种条件和炸药、且可能因耗费大、耗时多而受限制
expl.It might be argued that measurements of gas concentrations arising from real field conditions could provide an improved approach,however such programs would need to cover a wide range of conditions and explosives and could be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming可能引起争论的是、对实际现场条件所引起气体的浓度测量、可提供一种改进的方法
org.name.Joint FAO/IOC Programme on Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources粮农组织/政府级海洋学委员会合办的关于生物资源的海洋科学方案
tech.keep to program按照程序
tech.keep to program按计划进行
tech.keep to program按计划完成
tech.keep to program按照计划
tech.keep to program固定施工进度计划
tech.keep to programme按照程序
tech.keep to programme按计划进行
tech.keep to programme按计划完成
tech.keep to programme按照计划
tech.keep to programme固定施工进度计划
swim.learn-to-swim program学习游泳的课程
swim.low-keyed leam-to-swim program低标准初学活动
proj.manag.Make sure you take steps within your program to enforce serial access to shared file descriptors and other external resources确认你的行为在程序范围内、 从而强制实行串行访问制度访问共享文件描述符号和其他的外部资源
busin.management guide to quality program把管理引申到质量程序中去
UNMeeting of Government-Designated Experts to Review and Revise a Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities审查和修订保护海洋环境免受陆上活动污染全球行动方案政府指定专家会议
tech.operating program aids-to-navigation航标作业计划
tech.operating programme aids-to-navigation航标作业计划
China, polit.personnel sent abroad to participate in foreign-aid programs援外出国人员
proj.manag.PLC is a solid-state device used to control machine motion or process operation by means of a stored programPLC 是一种固态电子装置、 它利用已存入的程序来控制机器的运行或工艺的工序
avia.prior-to-service program使用前大纲
spaceprogram for rapid earth-to-space trajectory optimization地球至空间高速弹道最佳程序 (美国国家航空航天局的)
el.program for rapid earth-to-space trajectory optimization高速地对空弹道优化程序
earth.sc.program to analyze coal energy resources PACER分析煤能量资源程序
earth.sc.program to analyze coal energy resources PACER程序
proj.manag.program to be furnished提供的进度计划
tech.program to be furnished提供进度计划
geophys.program to evaluate gun systems射孔枪系统评价程序
el.program to program程序间
el.program to program程序对程序
spaceprogram to program communication程序间通信
el.program to program communications程序间通信
org.name.Programme of Action to Mitigate the Social Costs of Adjustment缓和社会费用调整的行动纲领
org.name.Programme of Direct Assistance to Livestock Production Activities in National Rural Development Schemes国家乡村发展方案中直接援助畜牧生产活动的计划
tech.programme to be furnished提供进度计划
UN, ecol.Programme to Halt Desertification in Africa非洲防治荒漠化方案
tech.program-to-program communication程序间通信
ITprogram-to-program interface程序到程序接口
ITprogram-to-program message switch程序 到程序报文交换
tech.program-to-programme communication程序间通信
el.service ancillary to program making节目制作辅助业务
telecom.source-to-source program transform源到源程序变换
avia.surface-to-air missile improvement program地对空导弹改进计划
gen.Sweden Government has an all-the-people-play education program. The request can enable each Swede to enjoy the theatrical performance welfare瑞典政府有一个全民戏剧教育计划,能让每一个瑞典人都享受到观看戏剧演出的福利
met.tape-to-card programme带-卡片转换程序
econ.The engineer may reasonably ask the contractor to prepare a program of work工程师可以合理地要求承包商准备一份施工计划
proj.manag.This index further provides details by head of expenditure of individual programmes which contribute to a policy area这个索引按开支总目、 列出每个政策范围下的个别纲领详情
UN, polit.three programmes cadet training, refresher courses for former police, and voluntary redeployment to increase the percentage of minority representation in the police forces三个方案士官培训、前警察的复习课程和自愿调动
telecom.Unix to Unix Copy programUNIX至UNIX 复制程序
avia.UNIX to UNIX copy programUNIX 到
multimed.unix to unix copy programUUCP 程序
ITUnix-to-Unix copy programUU 到
comp., net.Unix-to-Unix copy programUnix 到 Unix复制程序
ITUnix-to-Unix copy program UUCP Unix到 Unix复制程序
proj.manag.We wrote the output in one large statement. Rewrite the program to use a separate statement to print each operand我们的程序使用了一条较长的输出语句、 重写程序、 使用单独的语句打印每一个操作数
proj.manag.When a program allocates expanded memory page, the EMM returns a handle to the requesting program当一个程序装入了扩展存储器页中时、 EMM <-> 就将一个标志回复给这个请求程序
interntl.trade.WIPO Permanent Programme for Development Co-operation Related to Industrial Property世界知识产权组织发展工业产权合作常设规划署