
Terms containing profiteering | all forms | exact matches only
tech.anti-profiteering ordinance取缔暴利法令
busin.anti-profiteering tax反暴利税
tech.anti-profiteering tax暴利税
tech.audit of profiteer loss and impairment of fixed assets固定资产盘盈盘亏和毁损的审计
tech.engage in speculation and profiteering投机倒把
econ.engage in speculation and profiteering投机倒把谋取暴利
securit.engage in speculation and profiteering参与投机倒把
econ.hoarding and profiteering囤积居奇
textileprofiteer look暴发户服饰
commer.profiteering merchant投机商
busin.profiteering merchant奸商
econ.profiteering merchants奸商
econ.Profiteers extract money from a client投机商从顾客那里刮钱
commer.struggle against speculation and profiteering反投机倒把斗争
tech.take a profiteering attitude投机心理
securit.take a profiteering attitude投机心态
econ.the anti-profiteering ordinance取缔暴利法律
econ.the anti-profiteering tax反暴利税
econ.the profiteering merchants奸商
econ.war profiteer战时渔利者
tech.war profiteer发战争财的人