
Terms containing profit on sales | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.deferred gross profit on installment sales分期销售递延毛利
busin.deferred profit on installment sales分期收款销售的递延利润
tech.deferred profit on instalment sales分期收款销货递延利润
busin.gross profit on sale销售毛利
interntl.trade.gross profit on sales销货毛利
interntl.trade.gross profit on sales销售毛利
fin.gross profit on sales销售毛利 (gross trading profit)
econ.gross profit on sales销售利润总额
tech.margin-profit on sale销售的边际利润
tech.margin-profit on sale销售利润边标
econ.margin profit on sales销售边际利润
textilemargin-profit on sales销售边际利润
econ.margin-profit on sales利润边际
textilenet profit on net sale ratio净销售净利润比
textilenet profit on sale销售净利润
textilenet profit on sale销货纯利
interntl.trade.net profit on sales销货纯利
interntl.trade.net profit on sales销售净利
fin.net profit on sales销售净利 (net trading profit)
tech.net profit on sales销货净利
textilenet profit rate on sale销售纯利率
econ.net profits on net sales净利与净销售额
econ.profit margin on sale销售的边际利润
busin.profit margin on sale销售利润率
econ.profit margin on sale销售的利润幅度
busin.profit margin on sale销售利润幅度
econ.profit margin on sales销售的边际利润
econ.profit margin on sales销售利润率
textileprofit on consignment sales寄销利润
textileprofit on goods sales销货利润
textileprofit on goods sales货物销售利润
busin.profit on sale销售利润
fin.profit on sale of capital assets资本资产销售利润
busin.profit on sale of real estate不动产出售利润
tech.profit on sale of scrap equipment报废设备出售利益
busin.profit on sale of securities有价证券出售利润
securit.profit on sale of securities证券出售利润
textileprofit on sales销售利润
fin.profit on sales of assets资产出售收益
textileprofit on sales of assets资产出售利润
interntl.trade.profit on sales of assets售产利益
busin.profit on sales of assets资产岀售利润
fin.profit on sales prior to acquisition以前获得的销货利益
busin.profit on sales prior to acquisition企业未合并前销售利润
securit.profit on sales prior to acquisition收购前的销售收人
busin.profit or loss on installment sale分期付款销售损益
fin.profit or loss on installment sales分期付款销售损益
commer.When the amount of royalties calculated on the actual production, sales or profits falls short of the amount of the minimum, the technology recipient shall cover the difference如按实际产量、销量或利润计算的提成费低于最低数额,技术引进人必须补足差额