
Terms for subject Technology containing profit | all forms | exact matches only
abnormal profit非正常利润
abnormal profit超额利润
accidental profit意外的利润
account form of profit-loss statement账户式损益计算表
accumulated profit累积收益
accumulated profit累积利润
accumulated profit利润滚存
adjusted net profit调整后净利润
after-tax profit扣除所得税后的利润
allocate profits分配红利
allotment profit分配盈利
allowance for profit利润补贴
analysis of business profit企业利润分析
ancillary profit附业利润
annual profit年利润
annual profit年收益
appropriated profit拨定利润
ascertainable profit centre可确定利润中心
attributable profit可分配利润
available profit可动用利润
available profit可用利润
average cost profit rate平均成本利润率
average net profit平均纯利润
average net profit平均净利润
average profit margin平均资金利润率
average profit rate平均利润率
average profit rate on funds平均资金利润率
average rate of profit on investment平均资金利润率
balance analysis of profit and loss盈亏临界点分析
balance the profit and loss平衡损益
be responsible for losses and profits统负盈亏
behavior of profit利润动态
behaviour of profit利润动态
being in arrears in handing over profits拖欠上交利润
branch profit分店利润
branch profit分号利润
branch profit and loss account分店损益表
bring about profit实现利润
business or activity not for profit非盈利性经营活动
business profit商业利润
business profit tax盈利税
business profit tax return盈利税申报书
business profit tax return营业利润税退税
calculated on gross profit依毛利计算
casual profit偶得利润
casual profit偶然利益
charged profit and loss method损益收费法
clear profit纯利 (润)
clear profit净利 (润)
commercial profit贸易利润
comparative profit and loss statement比较收入表
comparative profit and loss statement盈损比较表
comparative rate of profit比较利益率
complete responsibility for profits利润包干
conditional profit条件利润
contractor's profit承包人的利润
contractor's profit承包商的利润
contractor's profit承包者的利润
contractor's profit承包人的利益
contribution to profit利润收益
corporation profit tax法人利润税
cost-profit ratio成本利润率
cost-plus a profit成本价加利
cost-plus-profit contract成本加利润合同
cost-plus profit price费用加利润价格
cost-volume-profit assumption本量利假定
cost-volume-profit projection本量利预测
cumulative profit已累缴利润
cumulative profit and tax已累缴利税总额
current term net profit本期净益
decentralization of power and transfer of profits放权让利
decentralized profit control system分散的利润控制系统
declared profit已宣布利润
decreasing profit收益递减
deduct a percentage from profit利润提成
deferred profit on instalment sales分期收款销货递延利润
delivery of profit解缴盈利
departmental profit分部利益
discretionary profits相互抉择利润
disposable profit可支配利润
disposition of net profit净利润的处理
distributable profit可供分配的利润
distributed profit已分配利润
distributive profit经销利润
distributive profit可分配利润
distributor's profit margin经销利润率
distributor's profit margin经销商利润赚头
division of net profit净利润的分配
early profit初期利润
economic profit经济利润
effective profit rate on funds实际资金利润率
enterprise profit drawing企业利润提取
enterprise profit partly reserved企业利润留成
equality of rate of profit利润率均等化
equalization of profit rates利润率平均化
equalization of profit rates on capital资本利润率平均化
estimated profit算利润
excess profit超额收益
excess profit credit超额利润扣除
excess profit levy超额利润附加税
excess-profit-tax credit超额利润税贷款
excess windfall profit超额暴利
excessive profit超额利润
excessive profit tax超额利得税
exclusion of dividend received from profit利润分红除外
expansion of powers and transfer of profits扩权让利
expected profit and loss sheet预计损益表
expected profit with perfect information具有完全信息的期望利润
expected rate of profit预期利润率
extra plan profit超计划利润
extra profit超额利润
extra tax on corporate profit超额公司利得税
extra tax on profits超额利得税
extraction of the profit取得利润
extraordinary profit非常利润
falling rate of profit利润率下降
false profit虚盈实亏
fictitious profit虚假利润
flexible loss and profit变动损益
general profit rate一般利润率
generalizations on cost-volume profit analysis成本一产量一利润分析原理
generous profits丰厚的利润
gross profit毛利 (润)
gross profit利润总额
gross profit analysis销货毛利分析
gross profit margin毛利额
gross profit margin毛利率
gross profit method毛利率法
gross profit method总利润法
gross profit method销货毛利法
gross profit percentage毛利百分率
gross profit ratio test毛利率测试
gross trading profit销货毛利
half-profit system利润平分制
handing profits over-to the state财政上交
high profit item高利项目
high profit product高利产品
huge speculative profits巨额投机利润
illegal profit不当利润
illegal profit不当得利
illegal profit非法所得
imaginary profit预期利益
import profit indices进口盈利指数
income statement and profit appropriation statement损益表及利润分配表
income tax on intercompany profit内部利润所得税
increasing rate of management profit经营盈利增长率
inflated profits虚抬利润
law of average profit平均利润法贝
law of average rate of profit平均利润率规律
law of the falling tendency of the rate of profit利润率递减法则
law of the falling tendency of the rate of profit利润率下降法则
legal profit法定利润
long-range profit planning长期获利计划
loss and profit accounting system损益核算制度
loss and profit carried forward结转下期损益
loss of advanced profits insurance预期利润损失保险
loss of profit insurance营业中断收益损失保险
make a detailed statement of profit and loss出具详细的损益计算书
management profit charges经营盈利额
margin of profit润率
margin-profit on sale销售的边际利润
margin-profit on sale销售利润边标
marginal profit边际利益
marginal profit ratio边际收益率
marginal profit yield边际利润收益
marketing profit center销售利润中心
mass of profit利润总额
maximize profit追求最大利润
mean profit平均利润
mean profit rate平均利润率
mesne profit中间收益
miscellaneous profit杂项利润
multipurpose use profit-sharing综合利用利润提成
neat profit纯收益
neat profit纯利 (润)
neat profit净利润
necessary minimum profit必要最低利润
negative profit亏损
negative taxable profits负的应税利润
net amount of non-operating profit and loss营业外损益净额
net business profits tax纯营业收入税
net profit纯利 (润)
net profit纯益 (额)
net profit纯收益
net profit净利 (润)
net profit after depreciation扣除折旧后净利
net profit after depreciation折旧后净利润
net profit after income tax扣除所得税后净利 (润)
net profit after tax税后净利 (润)
net profit after taxation付税后纯利
net profit and loss account纯损益计算
net profit before depreciation折旧前净利润
net profit before taxes纳税前净利润
net profit earned已得纯利
net profit for the current year本年纯利润
net profit for the year本年度纯利
net profit for the year本年度净利
net profit from operation营业净利
net profit margin纯边际利润
net profit of current period本期纯利
net profit of the term本期净利
net profit on sales销货净利
net profit or loss纯损益
net profit or loss section纯损益部分
net profit rate纯利润率
net profit ratio纯益比率
net profit ratio of registered capital资本净利润率
net profit to net worth ratio纯益净值比率
net profit to sales ratio纯益销售额比率
net trading profit销货纯利
net trading profit贸易净利
non-profit accounting equation以不计营利为基础的核算方程式
non-profit association非营利机构
non-profit book-keeping非营利簿记
non-profit company非营利公司
non-profit corporation非营利法人
non-profit corporation非营利性公司
non-profit institution非营利机构
non-profit making company非营利性公司
non-profit making corporation非营利公司
non-profit making organization非营利组织
non-profit organization非营利机构
non-profit organization非营利组织 (机构)
non-periodic profit and loss非定期损益
non-recurrent profit非经常利润
non-recurring profit and loss一次性损益
non-recurring profit and loss偶然损益
not-for-profit organization非盈利机构
not-for-profit organization非营利组织
operating profit运营利润
over-and-above the assigned profit norm超额利润分成
own profit and loss responsibility独立核算责任
paper profit账面利益
pay profit利润解缴
per capita retained profit人均留利
percentage of profit利益率
petty loss and profit小损益
plan of profit delivering利润上缴计划
planned annual profit年度计划利润
planned profit计划利润
plow back profits用于再投资的利润
portion of profits retained by enterprise企业利润留成
post-taxation profit纳税后利润
pretax profits税前利润
production line profit and loss statement生产线损益计算书
product-line profit and loss statement类别产品损益表
profit accrued from evaluation估价增益
profit after tax纳税后利润
profit and loss得失
profit and loss收益和亏损
profit and loss account盈亏计算
profit and loss adjustment account损益调整账户
profit and loss appropriation account损益分配账户
profit and loss contribution损益份额
profit and loss for preceding term前期损益
profit and loss for the previous period前益
profit and loss from warehouses货栈损益
profit and loss on capital and interest本利的盈亏
profit and loss on realization account变产损益账户
profit and loss on realization account财产变现损益账户
profit and loss statement损益计算书盈亏计算表
profit and loss statement损益清单
profit and loss statement盈亏报表
profit and loss summary account损益汇总表
profit and loss transfer损益转让
profit and tax rates for every hundred Yuan of output value百元产值的利税率
profit area盈利区
profit available for dividend可分配利益
profit before tax纳税前利润
profit change into taxes system利改税
profit commission纯益手续费 (保险)
profit commission盈利佣金
profit commission statement纯益手续费清单
profit contribution利润贡献
profit control利润管理
profit criterion利润准则
profit deduction and reserving提留
profit distribution decision利润分配决策
profit distribution quota利润分配定额法
profit drawing利润提取
profit-duty rate of investment投资利税率
profit estimating利润预算
profit improvement plan利润改善计戈
profit index利润指标
profit-investment criterion利润投资准则
profit-loss breakeven point chart利润亏损分界图
profit manager利润经理
Profit margin边际利润
Profit margin利润限度
profit margin of current capital流动资金利润率
profit margin of fixed capital固定资金利润率
profit margin of wage工资利润率
profit margin per person人均利润率
profit maximization最大限度利润
profit of accrued from insurance保险增益
profit on disposal of property财产处理利益
profit on environment有益于环境
profit on sale of scrap equipment报废设备出售利益
profit on sals销售利润
profit on working capital流动资本利润率
profit participating preferred stock参与分红优先股
profit payable audit应付利润审计
profit planning编制利润计划
profit plus taxes ratio of investment投资利税率
profit rate盈利率
profit ratio of net worth净值利润率
profit ratio of paid-up capital实收资本利润率
profit remaining system利润留成制
profit sensitivity ratio盈利敏感率
profit-sharing bond分红债券
profit-sharing security分红证券
profit-sharing system分红制
profit taking见利抛售
profit through circulation流通利润
profit vector利润向量
profit-volume analysis利润量分析
profit-volume graph利量图
profit-volume graph利润量图表
profit-volume ratio利量比率 (利润销货额比率)
profit-volume ratio利润量比率
profits discounting method刚润贴观法
profits in excess of the norm超目标利润
profits realized实现利益
profits turned over to the state利润上缴
pure economic profit纯经济利润
pure profit纯利
pure profit净利 (润)
quest for profit追逐利润
railway bureau transport profit路局运输利润
rake in enormous profits from攫取高额利润
rate of both profits and taxes on entire funds全部资金利税率
rate of capital net profit资金利润率
rate of cost net profit成本利润率
rate of marginal profit边际利润率
ratio analysis of net profits to net sales净利与净销售额比率分析
ratio of gross profit to net sales毛利对销货净额比率
ratio of internal reserves to net profits内部准备对净利润比率
ratio of net profit净利比率
ratio of net profit to capital净利润对资本比率
ratio of net profit to net worth净利对净值的比率
ratio of profit payments and tax turnover投资利税率
realization and liquidation profit and loss变产清算损益
realized profit实现的利润
recurrent profit and loss重复性损益
redemption of stock by distribution of net profit分配净利润赎回股票
reinvest profit净利润再投资
reinvest profit利润再投资
retain a portion of profit to be placed at the disposal of the enterprise利润留成
retain varying portions of profit超额利润分成
retained profit待分配利润
retained profit per capita人均留利
retaining part of the extra profit超额利润分成
revaluation profit重估价利益
role of profit margins边际利润的作用
running form of profit and loss statement连续式损益表
salable profit销售利润
sales and profit comparisons销售额与利的比例
sales profit销售利润
secret profits秘密利润
securing of the profit取得利润
sell at a profit赚钱卖出
share in profits分红
share in profits分享利润
share profit分红
sharing extra profit超额利润分成
sharing the entire profit全额利润分成
sharing the total profit全额利润分成
special exemption of reinvested profits再投资利润的特殊免税
statement of profit and loss损益计算书
statement of variation on profit利润变动表
statutory profit法定利润
subordinate unit paying profit所属上交利润
super-normal profit超正常利润
super-normal profit超额利润
surplus from profit已获盈余
surplus profit结余利润
surplus profit分余利润
surplus profit额外利润
surplus profit剩余收益
take profit取得利润
target profit计划利润
target profit pricing目标利润定价
target profit transfer price目标利润转移价格
tax on income and profit所得及利润税
tax on profit利得税
tax on undistributed profit未分配利润率
tax on undistributed profit未分配利润税
taxable profit课税利润
taxable profit可征税利润
taxable profit应税利润
taxes and profits to be delivered to the sate上交税利
the income and profit ratio收入利润率
theory of profit upon alienation利润让渡论
to allot a profit分配利润
to distribute a profit分配利润
total capital profit ratio资本总额与利润比率
total excess profit总超额赢利
total net profit盈余总额
total operating profit总生产赢利
transfer of profits让利
transport enterprise capital profit-tax rate运输企业资金利税率
transport enterprise cost profit rate运输企业成本利润率
transport target from loss to profit achieved扭亏增盈运输利润指标
turn from deficits to profits扭亏增盈
underwriting profit承保收益
undistributed profit未分配盈利
undistributed profits audit未分配利润审计
undivided profit未分配的利润
unified average social rate of profit统一的社会平均盈利率
unit profit sharing单位利润分配
unremitted profit and loss未达损益
usual profit通常的利润
variable loss and profit变动损益
variable profit ratio变动利润比率
venture profit风险盈利
volume-cost-profit relationship量一本一利关系式
windfall profit超额利润
windfall profit意外利益