
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing products | all forms | exact matches only
addition product加成物
additional product副产物
additional product附加产物
all-product line多种成品油管路
amphiphilic product两亲物
basic product基础产品
batch product sequence油品批次排序
batching in product lines产品分批沿管线输送
bi-product pipeline两种油品管线
bimodal product双众数沉积物
bimodal product双峰沉积物
black products黑色石油产品
black products黑色成品油
blended product掺合产品
bonded oil products保税油品
bottom product塔底产物
bottom product釜底产物
bottoms product残留产物
bulk oil product散装油品
California Steel Industries, Inc. Tubular Products加利福尼亚钢铁工业公司管材产品
capture product俘获产物
chemical product化学产品
complementary products互补产品
condensation product浓缩物
condensation product缩合物
condensation product缩聚产物
condensation product冷凝物
contaminate product tank污染油品罐
contaminate product tank混油罐
contaminated product污染产品
contaminated product污染油品
contaminated product混油
contaminated product tank污染油品罐
contaminated product tank混油罐
cost of products sold产品销售成本
cracked product裂化产物
critical product关键产品
cross product向量积
cutback product稀释产物
daughter product子体产物
decomposed product分解产物
deethanized product脱乙烷产品
degradation product降解产物
degradation product降级产品
dehydration product脱水产物
deterioration of oil product油品变质
differentiated products分异产品
double product双倍积
drained oil product排出油品
elaboration products精工产品
electricity consumption per unit product单位产品耗电
emulsion concent rates of petroleum products石油乳剂
end product最终成果
end product interpretation log最终成果解释测井图
energy product curve能积曲线
energy saving product structure节能型产品结构
finished oil product成品油
finished products产成品
forward oil product前行油品
fouling products污垢物
fuel consumption for unit products单位产品燃料消耗
full energy consumption for unit products单位产品综合能耗
fungible products可代换油品
fungible products可掺混油品
gas by-products天然气副产品
heavy condensation product重质缩合产物
hexasubstitution product六取代产物
illegal product非法产品
index in term of material product实物指标
innovative product改进型产品
innovative product创新型产品
ion activity product离子活度积
joint product关联产品
kind of petroleum products石油产品类别
lagged product滞后积
lagged product落后积
losses of petroleum products油品损耗
losses of petroleum products石油产品损耗
major product moment大积矩
maturation products成熟产物
mean pair product平均偶积
midbarrel product中间馏分油品
mud product specification泥浆产品规范
multi-product distribution unit多油品分配装置
multi-product pipeline顺序输送管道
multi-product pipeline多油品输送管道
new products新产品
non compounded petroleum products非复合石油产品
non-compounded petroleum products非调合的石油产品
non-regenerable product非再生性产物
off-color product颜色不合格的产品
off-test oil product未检验石油产品
oil product石油产品
oil product barrel成品油桶
oil product carrier成品油轮
oil product gathering line成品油集油管线
oil product heater成品油加热炉
oil product loss through breathing石油产品呼吸损失
oil product pipeline成品油管道
oil products油品
oil products石油产品
oil products tanker成品油油轮
oil products transport by pipeline成品油管道运输
on-line analyzer of oil products石油产品在线分析仪
outer product外积
overaged oil product过剩油品
overhead product塔顶产物
oversupplied product长线产品
parallelopipedal product混合积
patented product专利品
permeability-thickness product产能系数
petroleum intermediate product石油中间产品
petroleum products油品
Philippines Welding Products Manufacturers Association菲律宾焊接产品制造商协会
power consumption for unit products单位产品电力消耗
primary product粗产品
product accounting产品统计
product base memorandum产品基准协议
product blending产品调和
product buy-back产品回购
product catalog产品样本
product catalogue产品目录
product certification for environmental mark环境标志产品认证
product conversion油品变换
product conversion产品转化
product costing产品成本核算
product cut油品切换
product departure油品发运
product differentiation产品差别化
product distributing system产品分配系统
product identification产品标识
product identification and traceability产品标识和跟踪
product liabilities产品责任
product-market strategy产品一市场战略
product mix产品品种搭配
product moment correlation coefficient积矩相关系数
product of oil/bulk/ore油品一散货一矿石
product of probability概率积
product output产品产量
product quality油品质量
product quality specification产品质量规格
product recovery rate产品回收率
product sales income产品销售收入
product sales revenue产品销售收入
product selector乘积选择器
product sign乘号
product slate产品方案
product specification level产品规格等级
product specification level产品规范等级
product spillage产品溅溢
product stock产品库存
product tax产品税
product tracking产品跟踪
product upgrading提高产品等级
product upgrading产品升级
product vapour油品蒸气
product variety产品种类
product worth产值
product yield产品收率
product yield产品产率
products cycle成品油排序循环
products sequence油品输送顺序
pyrolysis product热解产物
qualified products正品
qualified products合格品质量水平
reaction by-product反应畐9产品
real gross national product实际国民生产总值
rearrangement product重排产物
recycle oil product回流油品
refined product精制产品
refined product成品油
refined products油品
Regional Petroleum Product Reserve地区油品储备
return product回流产品
secondary product二次产物
sedentary product风化产物
semi-product tank半成品油罐
semimanufactured product半成品
serial design of products产品系列设计
solid petroleum products固体石油产品
soluble product可溶性生成物
sour oil product含硫油品
source-receiver product叠加总次数
specialty oil products专用油品
specialty oil products特种油品
specific product专用产品
specification product合格产品
split product裂解产物
split product分裂产物
straight petroleum products直馏石油产品
straight product直馏油品
substandard product次品
substandard product不合格产品
tailor-made product定制产品
tax on products产品税
tensile product张力积
thickness-conductivity product厚度电导率乘积
unit product cost单位产品成本
unqualified products不合格品
upgrading and updating of products产品升级换代
vacuum tower bottom product减压塔底产品
very large crude/products carrier甚大型原油或成品油油轮
very large product carrier甚大型成品油轮
volcanic product火山喷出物
weathering product of source rock母岩风化物
wrought product锻制件