
Terms for subject Economy containing production | all forms | exact matches only
absolute cost of production绝对生产费用
absolute cost of production绝对生产费
accumulated newly-added production capacity累计新增产能力
accumulated quantity of production for current year本年累积产量
accumulated quantity of production for current year本年累计产量
adequacy of credit for agricultural production农业生产贷款充足
adjust production according to sales and integrate industry and trade工贸结合
adjust production according to sales and integrate industry and trade以产定销
adjustment of production, in term of consumer preferences以消费者偏好表示的生产的调整
advance on the cost of production生产费用的上涨
advance on the cost of production生产费的上涨
advantages in the production生产上的优势
After 3 months' trial production, the end product is still not acceptable经过三个月的试产,成品还不能被接受
aggregate expenses of production综合生产费用
aggregate production总生产
aggregate production function总产量函数
aggregate production function投人产出之总量生产函数
aggregate production function总量生产函数
agricultural production model农业生产模型
agricultural production pattern农业生产模式
agricultural production response to price农业生产对价格的反应
agriculture production model农业生产模型
all-round development of in farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production occupations and fishery农林牧副渔各业全面发展 (fishing)
alternate production method轮流生产方法
annual agricultural production历年农业生产
annual net production年净生产量
annual production-cost年生产成本
annual production plan年度生产计划
arrange production according to a fixed number of workers and fixed quotas按定员定额组织生产
auxiliary means of production辅助生产资料
auxiliary production附属生产
auxiliary production辅助生产
average cost of production平均生产成本
average expenses of production平均生产费用
average period of production平均生产期次
average period of production平均生产周期
average price of production平均生产价格
average profit rate of the social production capital社会生产资本的平均利润率
backward economics dominated by small production小生产占优势的落后经济
basic exploited and potentially exploitable production factors已开发及可能开发的基本生产要素
basic production asset生产性固定资产
basic production scheduling system基本生产计划编制系统
basic-level production初级生产
batched-flow production成批生产
benefit of large-scale production大规模生产的优势
benefit of large-scale production大规模生产的优越性
blind production盲目生产
both production and marketing产与销
box diagram of production生产的矩形图
branches of material production物资生产部门
branches of non-material production非物资生产部门
capacity of production工程能力指数
carve d-out production payment分割的生产付款
certified in production and inventory management合格的生产和库存管理
certified in production and inventory management at fellow level生产和库存管理已获同业认证
class production分等级生产
classification by processes of production按生产过程分类
class-product production等级品生产
Cobb-Douglas production function柯布一道格拉斯生产函数
compensate the labour expended in the production process生产过程中有偿劳动消耗
compensation for consumption of the means of production补偿生产资料消耗
computer production control计算机控制采油 (生产)
connotations of the objective of production生产目的的内涵
consumption of the means of production生产资料消费
contracting production with the individual household包产到户
co-operative production合作生产
co-ordination of production and marketing产销平衡
coordination of production and marketing产销协调
coupling science to production将科学运用到生产中去
CR productionCR生产指无污染的生产
credit-financed farm production信贷资助的农业生产
credit-induced production increase信贷引起的产量增加
crop production种植业
decline in production生产衰退
decline of production产量下降
defective production残品
defence production act国防生产法案
defense production军工产品
defense production act国防生产法案
desired production date预定生产日期
direct method of production直接生产法
diversified farm production system农业多种经营法
duplicate production大量生产
economics of large scale production大规模生产的经济法则
economics of large-scale production大规模生产经济法规
economics of mass production大批量生产的经济 (学)
economy of large-scale production大规模生产的经济节约
economy of mass scale production大规模生产的经济节约
economy-class housing production廉价住房工程
efficient point of production生产有效点
efficient production有效生产
element of production生产要素
element of production expenses生产费用要素
elements of production生产要素
energy production发电
engineering production function管理生产的职能
equivalent production成品统一换算
equivalent production等值产量
equivalent production约当产量
equivalent production units约当产量
equivalent units or production约当产量
expansion path in production生产扩张路线
expenditure of production生产费
expense of production生产成本
exploration and production agreement勘探和开采协议
exports in relation to production输出与生产的关系
external diseconomy of production生产的外界不利因素
external economics of production生产的外部有利因素
fabricated production costs假报成本
factory production department工厂生产部门
factory production system工厂生产系统
family sideline production家庭副业
farm production cost农产品成本
floating production浮动分配生产
flow of production牛产流程
flow of production生产流程
form a complete production network形成配套生产
form of production生产形态
forward production plans推进生产计划
gear the production to the market demand按市场需求进行生产
gear up production增进生产
government production政府生产
gross agricultural production农业生产总值
gross farm production or value added of farm农业生产总值
gross farm production or value added of farm农业增加值
gross primary production总第一性生产量
gross primary production总初级生产量 (PPg)
gross production大量生产
gross social production value社会总产值
growth of production生产的发展
halve the production cost使生产成本降低一半
He is the production manager of an independent company他是一家独立经营公司的生产部经理
high-run production大批生产
immaterial production无形生产
immaterial production无形产品
individual production单件生产
integrated production model综合生产模型
intensive margin of production密集生产边际
intermediate factor of production中间性生产要素
job lot production小批生产
job order production按定单生产
job shop type production小批生产
joint product production联产晶生产
joint production联合生产
key factor in production生产的关键因素
large lot production大量成批生产
large lot production大批生产
large-scale production大批生产
large-size production units大型生产单位
layout of line production生产线布置
limited production run小批生产
limited production run小批 (制品)
location of production生产布局
main production orders主要制造生产指令
major countries of production主要生产国
manufacturing production制造生产
margin of production生产边际
market oriented production面向市场的生产
market production商品生产
maximize production将生产提高到最大限度
maximize the production将生产提高到最大限度
maximum economic rate of production最高经济生产量
maximum economic rating of production最高经济生产定额
merchandise production商品生产
method of determining production order quantity生产量制订法
method of production生产方式
minimum viable production有利的最低生产
mobility of factor of production生产要素的流动性
Mr Wang and Ms Li are respectively managing director and production manager of our corporation王先生和李女士分别是我公司的总经理和生产部经理
multi-product production多种产品生产
national production国民生产
national quality production全国优秀产品
necessary means of production必需生产资料
negative production负生产
net primary production净第一性生产量
net production净产品
net value production净产值
nonstandard production非标生产
normal expenses of production正常生产费
not used for production未用于生产
number of production order生产定单号
numerical production analysis产品数值分析
optimum level of production产品生产的适宜水平
organize various specialized corporations for streamlined production组织各企业"一条龙"的协作生产
original production原始生产
Owing to a sudden strike in the factory n., the production was held up for 24 hours由于工人突然罢工,生产停顿24小时
ownership by the production brigade队有制
particular form of social production社会生产的一定形式
pattern of production生产结构
petroleum production石油产量
petroleum production采油量
petroleum production license石油开采许可证
petroleum production licenses石油开采许可证
piecework production单件生产
pilot production试制生产
plant production植物栽培业
potential loss production产量潜在损失
potential of production生产潜力
power of production生产力
power of production生产能力
primary production采掘工业
primary production efficiency第一性生产效率
principal production基本生产
priority increase of means of production生产资料优先增长
private ownership of the means of production生产资料私人占有制
production activity control生产活动控制
production and marketing contract system生产和营销合同制
production and operating activities生产经营活动
production and operation information system生产经营信息系统
production association牛产协会
production association生产协会
production assurance产品质量保险
production automation生产自动化
production belt农业生产区
production bonus超产奖金计划
production bonus产量奖金制
production bottleneck生产中的难题
production brigade生产大队
production budget生产计划
production campaign生产运动
production cartel生产联合
production cartel生产卡特尔
production cartel生产联合企业
production chain流水作业线
production concept生产观点
production control and information system生产控制与信息系统
production cost生产成本〔费用〕
production-cost schedule生产成本表
production credit生产信贷
production data生产数据
production decision生产方案
production distribution产品销售
production distribution产品分配
production distribution system产品分配制度
production efficiency生产效率
production engineering生产组织 (包括核算和管理)
production engineering specifications生产工程规范
production equilibrium生产点
production estimate生产费用估计
production expenses of agricultural and side-line products农副产品生产费用
production facility工业企业
production factor substitution生产因素替换
production flow diagram生产流程图
production flow-pattern生产流程模型
production for one's own needs生产自给
production for self-support生产自络
production foreman车间主任
production function生产关系之相关公式
production function生产函数
production function生产方程
production function analysis生产函数分析
production goods生产商品
production goods生产物品
production goods生产财物
production impact of the credit信贷对生产的影响
production in enormous quantities大批量生产
production increases with quality up and cost of production down优质,高产,低消耗
production index unit cost生产指数单位成本
production indicator生产量指标
production indifference curve生产无异曲线
production information生产情报
production inputs生产性投入
production insurance component生产保险成分
production integrated system生产一体化系统
production labour生产工人
production levels生产水平
production license area生产许可证地区
production loan生产贷款
production management level生产管理水平
production material生产材料
production materials生产材料
production method生产数量法 (to sum the contribution of each producers)
production method to sum the contribution of each producers生产法生产者产值总计法
production method of depression产量折旧法
production models生产模型
production monitoring生产监控
production monitoring and control生产监控
production monitoring and control生产监测和控制
production of commodities商品生产
production of customer's order根据顾客定单生产
production of knowledge知识的产生
production of material objects物质生产
production of means of consumer goods消费资料的生产
production of merchandise商品生产
production of military supplies军需生产
production of physical materials物质资料的生产
production of services服务性生产
production of the means of production生产资料的生产
production of wool羊毛产量
production on the line流水作业法生产
production operational capability生产作业能力
production operations大批生产
production operations生产活动
production & operations management生产与经营管理
production oriented生产导向的
production-oriented scientific research生产性科研
production oriented scientific research生产性科研
production pattern生产形态
production payment产量分成
production payment生产支付
production payment interest产品支付权益
production peak产量高峰
production plant工业企业
production policy生产政策
production-possibility frontier生产可能性边界
production-possibility locus生产可能性轨迹
production practice生产实践
production profit sharing生产利润分配
production propaganda materials生产宣传品
production quality control生产质量管理【控制】
production quota生产指标
production rate生产率
production ratio index生产比指数
production relations生产关系
production reliability acceptance test产品可靠性验收试验
production reliability evaluation program产品可靠性鉴定程序
production reliability test生产可靠性试验
production reliability verification test产品可靠性验证试验
production requisites生产必备条件农场
production run一批 (制品)
production run成批生产
production sampling test产品抽样试验
production sharing外运加工产品分享制或"外运加工"是指不同国家的企业为合作生产与销售某种产品做出的一种创新性安排; 外国企业把未完成或未组装的商品运到某国特殊贸易区,完成组装或制作后返回某些国家销售
production sharing产品分成
production sharing agreement产品分成协议
production sharing contract产品分成合同
production sharing contracts产品分成合同
production statement生产报表
production strategy生产策略
production study生产同期工作测定
production support policy扶植生产政策
production system生产制度
production targets生产指标
production techniques生产工艺
production test生产检验
production test工厂试验
production theory生产理论
production time产品制造时间
production to traffic coefficient产运系数
production transformation curves生产转变曲线
production trend-ration产量趋势比率
production type test生产性试验
production unit生产重位
production value farm生产价值农场
production value of principal mining and manufacturing industries主要工矿业生产价值
production volume生产量
production volume产量
production wages生产工资
production year经济年度
production yield variance产品收得率差异
productions efficiency生产的经济效果
productive force and relation of production生产力与生产关系
profit of industrial production工业生产利润
project used in production but not yet transferred已投产使用未办移交的工程
proportional relation of the various branches of production不同生产部门的比例
public ownership of the means of production生产资料公有制
public production社会生产
quantity production流水大量生产
rate of construction projects turned over for production建设项目投产率
rate of production transformation生产转换率
rate of profit based on the cost of production盈利率
rate of profit based on the cost of production生产成本利润率
relation of production生产关系
relations of commodity production embracing society as a whole全社会的商品生产关系
relations of production牛产关系
requisites of production生产要件
reserve production储量订货、后备生产
resources for production用于生产的资源
resources for production生产资源
risk-based integrated production model基于风险的综合生产模型
roundabout method of production迂回生产法
roundabout production环绕生产
roundabout production间接生产
roundabout production迂回生产
roundabout production process迂回的生产方法
roundaboutness of production间接生产多阶段生产
roundaboutness of production生产的迂回性
scale of production生产规模
scales of production生产规模
scientific research and production科研生产联合公司
sectoral world production按部门划分的世界生
sectoral world production按部门划分的世界生产
self-sufficiency through production生产自给
self-supplying production自给生产
self-supporting production自给生产
set new production record创造新的生产纪录
setup of production产业结构
She wrote her letter of resignation to the managing director, asking for resigning from her post as production manager她写辞职信给总经理,要求辞去生产部经理之职
short run production小量〔短期〕生产
short run production小批生产
short scale production小批生产
short-run production小量〔短期〕生产
single-item production单件生产
small lot production小批生产
small peasant private ownership of the means of production小农私有生产资料所有制
small scale production小批生产
small scale production小规模生产
social appropriation of the means of production社会占有生产资料
social character of production生产的社会性质
social material relationship of production生产的社会物质关系
social nature of production生产的社会性
social production社会生产
social relationship concerned with directly material production直接物质生产的社会关系
socialization of means of production生产资料公有化
socialized production社会化生产
society's direct possession of the means of production社会直接占有生产资料
sphere of material production物资生产领域
sphere of material production物质生产领域
sphere of production material物资生产领域
stabilization of production生产稳定
subeconomic production不经济的开采生产
suitable for industrial production适合于工业生产的
supplemental production order产品补充订货单
supply of means of production生产资料储备
support large domestic production支持国内大量生产
system for production availabilityse resources consumption生产可行性资源消耗系统
tail-end production结束时期产量
target for production生产指标
technology of production生产技术
tertiary production三级生产 (指服务行业)
the abstraction of production in general生产的一般抽象
the act of production生产行为
the advantage in the production生产的优势
the advice on production for export出口商品通知单
the amortization based on production volume产品产量摊销法
the anarchic state of social production社会生产的无政府状态
the anarchy of production生产的无政府状态
the bottleneck in production生产上的难题
The business exigencies of the corporation required that the plant should increase the production公司有业务方面的紧急需要,要求工厂增加产量
the census of production生产普查
The company promised to extend the period of time for production on the ground that such extension was justified该公司答应延长生产期限,只要延期是合理的
The cost shall be evaluated for production of the article on large scale大规模生产该项产品的成本应予评定
the elasticity of the substitution of element of production生产要素替代弹性
The factors of production are land, labour and capital生产的要素是土地、劳力和资本
The factory is taking all responsible steps to ensure the expansion of production facilities该工厂正在采取一切负责的措施,以保证扩充生产设施
the finished production in current period本期完工产量
the fully completed project-turned over for production全部建成投入生产的建设项目
The insufficient paper production in the country gave the market a boost该国纸张产量不足使其价格上涨
the laws of priority increase of means of production生产资料生产优先增长规律
the means of production生产资料
the micro aim of production微观生产目的
the most many, much 的最高级 appropriate production volume最宜生产量
the motive of production生产动机
the multiproduct production多种产品生产
the optimal production vector最适当生产向量
The output of steel is a decisive factor in determining the production level for a given year钢产量是测定某一年生产水平的一个决定性因素
the partly completed construction project turned over for production部分建成投入生产的建设项目
the production adjustment生产调整
the production allocation产量分配
the production allocation产量记额
the production bottleneck生产中的瓶颈现象
the production bottleneck生产中的难题
the production emulation生产竞赛
the production of wool羊毛产量
the production, planning and control system生产计划控制制度
the production possibility curve生产可能往曲线
the production-possibility frontier生产可能性边界线
the production result生产成果
the production surface生产面
the production volume variance产量差异
the relations between procurement, production and marketing供产销关系
the relationship of production生产关系
the requisites of production生产条件
the restructuring of world industrial production世界工业生产结构改革
the safety in production安全生产
the scheduling of production生产安排
the simplification of production生产单一化
the small serial production小批生产
the socialization of means of production生产资料公有化
the sub-economic production不经济的生产
the tact-system production节拍装配生产方式
the tail-end production结束时间产量
the tolerance level in production生产宽容度
the unauthorized production擅自生产
the uneconomic production不经济生产
the valley in production生产的谷值
The washing machine was modified considerably before it went into production这种洗衣机在投产前做了相当大的改进
They contemplated a purchase of necessary equipment for the expansion of production他们曾打算购买必要的设备以扩大生产
They should furnish space, tools, equipment and labour force enough for its production他们应提供生产该物品足够用的空间、工具、设备和劳力
tow major parts of social production社会生产两大部类
two sections of means of production生产资料的两大部类
two-section of means of production生产资料的两大部类
units of production生产单元
units of production depreciation method生产量折旧法
value is the relation of production cost to effectiveness价值是生产费用对效用的关系
value of farm production农产品价值
value of production foregone放弃的生产价值
variable cost of production可变生产成本
volume of production生产额
volume production容积产量
volume production大量生产
war production军工生产
We are chasing your order with our production department我们正在向生产部门催促贵方的订货
We will gear up our production to meet the needs of our clients我们将增加生产以适应我方客户的需要
world production世界产量
world production世界生产
world production pattern世界生产模式
You have no right to enter into commercial production of the similar goods without being permitted未经允许你方无权从事类似货品的商业性生产
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