
Terms for subject Geology containing production | all forms | exact matches only
ARCO Exploration and Production Technology阿科勘探和开采技术
Atlantic Richfield corporation Exploration and Production Technology阿科勘探和开采技术
computer-aided exploration and production计算机辅助勘探与开采
Conference on Artificial Intellig ence in Petroleum Exploration and Production美国石油勘探开发人工智能会议
exploration and production勘探与开采
exploration and production business model壳牌公司勘探开采商务模式
Exploration and Production Technology Department勘探开采技术部
Exploration & Production Technology Group勘探开采技术组
geodata interactive management map analysis and production地质资料交互式管理图分析和制作
Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association荷兰油气勘探和开采协会
production resources evaluation system生产资源评价系统
unit exploration and production联合勘探和开采