
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing production | all forms | exact matches only
abandonment oil production rate报废产油量
actual oil production response实际采油量增加
actual production rate实际产率
after production period续流期
agents for oil production采油用剂
allocating oil production配产油量
appraisal trial production评价性试生产
appraisal trial production评价试生产
average daily production per well平均单井日产量
average production平均生产量
average production rate平均产量
back production回釆
balanced injection and production rate注采平衡
base production control level基准生产限额
baseline production rate基准产量
baseline production rate基本产量
battery flush production井组初期产量
capacity production标准产量
carbon production factor产炭因素
catalyst production催化剂生产
cessation of production clause停产条款
clean production technique清洁生产技术
closed-in production关井产量
cold flow production冷采
combined injection-production history综合注采曲线
combined production and storage system采油与储油联合系统
combined production and storage system采储系统
commercial production商业性开采
commingled production合采
commingling production多层生产
commingling production多层合采
composite production profile综合生产剖面
composite production test device油井综合测试仪
computer production control计算机控制采油
concurrent production同时开采
constant production rate恒定产量
constant rate production定量生产
continued sand production连续出砂
control production控制开釆
controlled production控制开釆
controlling water cut to stabilize oil production控水稳油
conventional production logging常规生产测井
cumulative hydrocarbon production累计油气产量
cumulative liquid production累计产液量
cumulative production-time relationship累计产量一时间关系
cumulative sand production累计出砂量
current daily production rate当前日产量
current field production当前油田产量
current oil production当前产油量
current oil production level当前产油水平
current production rate当前产量
cyclic injection-production周期性注采
daily average oil production平均日产油量
daily fluid production rate日产液量
daily oil production日产油量
daily production rate日产量
daily production report生产日报
deep production深层开采
deep sea production system深海采油系统
deep water production深水釆油
discounted production revenue产量贴现收入
downhole production allocator配产器
drilling and production platform钻井采油平台
drilling/production platform钻釆平台
drilling/production technology钻釆工艺
dual string production双管采油
dual tubing production双管采油
early production period开釆初期
early production period初产期
early production system早期生产系统
eccentric production allocator偏心配产器
economic production life经济开釆寿命
empirical production rate经验预测产量
empirical production rate经验产量
energy production能源生产
energy production elasticity能源生产弹性系数
equivalent production time等效生产时间
excessive production过分生产
excessive production过大产量
Exploration & Production Technology Department勘探开采技术部
extra-oil production额外产油量
fixed production platform固定式生产平台
floating production platform浮式釆油平台
floating production, storage and off-loading浮式生产储卸油系统
floating production storage and offloading浮式采油、储油和卸油系统
floating production, storage and off-loading tanker浮式生产储卸油油轮 (FPSO tanker)
floating production storage unit浮式生产储油装置
floating production system浮式生产系统
flow production period自喷开采期
flowing production自喷开采
flowing production rate自喷产量
flush production自喷期产量
flushed production period水洗采油期
follow-up production随后开采量
forced production强化开采
formation sand production地层岀砂
full production capacity period达产期
future well production未来井产量
gas lift production气举采油
gas production天然气开采
gas production采气量
gas production rate产气量
gas production technology天然气开釆工艺
gross cumulative production总累计产量
gross primary production总原始产量
gross production总开采量
high level of production高速开采
high-production layer高产层
high sand content production高含砂釆油
historical production performance历史开采动态
hydrogen production制氢
hydrogen production factor生氢因数
hydrogen production from photosynthetic bacteria光合细菌制氢
illegal production非法生产
individual-well production rate单井产量
inflow production relation井底流压一产量关系
initial production初期产量
initial production初产量
initial production pumping初期抽油产量
initial production swabbing初期抽汲产量
injection-production cycle注采周期
injection-production strategy注采方案
injection-production well arrangement注釆井排列
injection-production well arrangement注采井布置
injection-production well conversion注采井转换
injection to production ratio注釆比
interval rate of production阶段采油速度
job order production分批生产
joint production合作生产
large-lot production大批生产
limited production限产
line production流水作业
long-term production长期生产
long-term production长期开采
low production低产
low-water-cut production低含水量开釆
marginal production rate边际产量
mass production批量生产
mass production产液量
maximum daily production最高日产量
maximum production rate最高产量
maximum production rate最大允许产量
maximum sand free production最高无砂产量
mechanical oil production机械釆油
medium scale production中批量生产
Midwest Gas Storage and Production Symposium国际石油工程师协会专业会议中西部天然气储存与生产专题讨论会
mobile production platform可移式采油平台
multiple-zone production多层开釆
natural production decline产量自然递减
net production净产量
net production thickness有效生产厚度
net production thickness净生产厚度
net production time有效开采时间
net production time净生产时间
nominal production额定产量
non-production platform辅助平台
non-production platform非生产平台
observed cumulative production实测累计产量
offshore production platform海上生产平台
offshore production system海上生产系统
offshore production test equipment海上生产测试设备
oil and gas production油气开采
oil field production capacity油田产能
oil production釆油量
oil production产油量
oil production原油产量
oil production石油生产
oil production石油开采
oil production采油
oil production curve釆油曲线
oil-production decline curve产油量递减曲线
oil-production efficiency采油效率
oil production history采油史
oil production pattern采油井网
oil production platform釆油平台
oil production response油产量见效
oil production response产油量见效
oil-well production information油井开采资料
open-line production无油嘴采油
peak field production油田峰值产量
peak oil production最高产油量
per capita production人均产量
percentage production decline curve产量递减百分数曲线
perforation production velocity炮眼流动速度
period of stabilized production稳产期
periodic production test定期生产试验
permanent cessation of production永久停产
permanent production packer永久型采油封隔器
petroleum production釆油量
petroleum production act石油生产法
petroleum production engineering采油工程
pilot production小批量生产
plateau production高峰稳产产量
plateau production period稳产期
plateau production rate最高稳定产量
plateau production rate稳定期产量
post-flush production压裂后产量
post-flush production高峰后稳产值
posttreatment production rate措施后产量
potential production潜在产量
potential production潜产量
pre-production phase试采阶段
prefracture production test压裂前生产测试
pressure-cumulative production curve压力-累计产量曲线
primary production原始产量
primary oil production一次采油量
production acceptance test产量验收试验
production area生产区
production availability采油时率
production behavior开采动态
production bottleneck生产薄弱环节
production by gas lift气举开采
production casing油层套管
production casing生产套管
production ceiling生产极限
production ceiling产量限额
production control facility采油控制设备
production cost开采费用
production cost of current period本期生产成本
production crew采油队
production curve产量曲线
production cutback削减产量
production cutback产量削减
production cycle开釆周期
production data开釆资料
production deck生产甲板
production decline产量递减
production decline curve产量递减曲线
production decline period产量递减期
production decline rate产量递减率
production derrick釆油井架
production distribution生产布局
production downtime停产时间
production downtime关井时间
production, drilling and quarters platform采油、钻井和生活平台 (PDQ platform)
production end产出端
production end采出端
production engineering采油工程
Production Engineering Research Association英国生产工艺研究协会
production facility生产设施
production facility开采设施
production factor采注比
production fluid产岀流体
production fluid产液
production fluid采出液
production forecast产量预测
production geochemistry开发地球化学
production geologist采油地质学家
production history生产史
production history curve开采曲线
production history curve釆油曲线
production history match开采史拟合
production index产量指标
production information生产信息
production-injection history注采史
production-injection history注采曲线
production intensity生产强度
production interruption生产中断
production interruption开采中断
production island生产人工岛
production island采油人工岛
production licence开采许可证
production life开釆期
production liner油层衬管
production log analysis生产测井分析
production log evaluation生产测井评价
production log interpretation生产测井解释
production-log profile生产测井曲线
production-log profile生产测井剖面
production log tool生产测井下井
production logging生产测井
production logging quicklook生产测井快速直观解释
production logging technique生产测井技术
production logging tool生产测井下井
production logging toolstring生产测井下井仪器组合
production log-test simulator生产测井模拟试验装置
production mandrel配产器
production manifold采油管汇
production mardfold生产管汇
production mechanism开采机理
production model开釆模型
production module生产模块
production module釆油模块
production monitoring采油监控
production of current period本期产量
production optimization最优化采油
production optimization module生产优化模块
production payment loan以产品还借款
production payment loan产品支付贷款
production peak高峰产量
production percentage生产时间率
production performance开采动态
production period投产期
production period生产期
production phase生产期
production practice开采工艺
production practice采油作业
production profile开采曲线
production profile生产剖面
production profile产出剖面
production program开釆计划
production quality control产品质量控制
production quota system配产限额制度
production quota system产量限额制度
production quotas产量限额
production range开采层段
production rate产量
production rate decline产量递减
production record开采记录
production reduction减产
production report生产报表
production reserves and revolving funds生产储备及营运资金
production response产量响应
production response生产响应
production response产量见效
production restriction限产
production restriction产量限制
production rig修井作业机
production riser生产立管
production riser釆油立管
production risk生产风险
production screen生产筛管
production screen采油筛管
production seismology开发地震学
production seismology开采地震学
production sharing contract产量分成合同
production shutdown停产
production shutdown panel生产系统关断盘
production site生产现场
production specification生产规格
production specification工业标准
production split釆油量分成
production station采油站
production status生产状态
production/storage platform生产储罐平台
production/storage tanker生产储油油轮
production/storage tanker采油一储油油轮
production stream采岀液流
production string生产套管
production surplus生产过剩
production surveillance生产监测
production tail生产后期
production tail开发后期
production tank油田生产罐
production tank生产用罐
production tank生产罐
production target产量指标
production test ship生产测试船
production test string生产测试管柱
production tree生产树
production tree采油树
production trunk line生产干线
production tubing生产油管
production tubing string完井管柱
production valve生产闸门
production wastewater生产污水
production water-oil ratio生产水油比
production welding生产性焊接
production well生产井
production well test生产井试井
production well test生产井测试
production wellhead釆油井口
production year生产年
profit ratio of production产值利润率
put back on production恢复生产
put into production油井投产
put into production投产
put into production开工
quota of production生产配额
rate of oil production采油速度
real cost of production实际生产成本
regulating separate stratum production string分层配产管柱
reserve-production ratio储釆比
reservoir production history油层开采史
reservoir production history油藏采油曲线
restricted production rate限制产量
retainer production packer承托式釆油封隔器
retrievable production packer可收回釆油封隔器
rocking the well to production诱喷
sand free production无砂生产
sand free production无砂产量
sand production出砂
sand production index出砂指数
sand production rate出砂量
secondary production二次开采
secondary production二次采油
selective production scheduling选择性开采程序
semisubmersible production facility半潜式开采设施
semi-submersible production platform半潜式生产平台
separate-layer production分层开采
separate-zone production分层开采
serial production顺序生产
serial production按期生产
settled production稳定期产量
settled production井停喷抽油阶段产量
short-string production短油管采油
short-term production rate短期产量
shutin production续流
side-pocket production allocator偏心配产器
single well oil production system单井浮式釆油系统
single well oil-production system单井采油系统
single-string selective zone production单管分层开采
single-string separate zone production单管分层开采
single-well offshore production system海上单井开采系统
single-well production单井油产量
skid-mounted production header橇装采油管汇
small batch production小批量生产
spare production capacity闲置生产能力
stable oil production稳产油量
stable production period稳产期
storage/production vessel储油一釆油浮式装置
storage/production vessel储油一釆油船
stripper production枯竭期产量
sub-economic production不经济开采
submerged production system水下开采系统
submerged production system水下采油系统
subordinate production phase次要开采阶段
subsea production station水下釆油站
subsea production station水下采油
subsea production system海底釆油系统
subsea production system水下采油系统
subsea production system水下开采系统
subsea production system水下生产系统
subsea production system海底采油系统
subsea production tree水下采油树
surface oil production rate地面油产量
surplus of oil production石油生产过剩
surplus production capacity剩余产能
sustained production稳定产量
swing production机动产量
tail production末期产量
temporary cessation of production临时停产
thermal production well热采井
through-flowline pump-down production tool过出油管泵送采油工具
through-tubing production logging过油管生产测井
top allowable production最高允许产量
total fluid production总产液量
total lease production矿区总产量
total production cost生产总成本
turret anchored production system转塔锚泊开釆系统
ultimate production最终开采量
ultimate production最终产量
uncurtailed production无限制开釆
under production产量不足
unitized production联合生产
unitized production联合开采
unrestrained production无限制开釆
variable production rate变流量
variable production rate变产量
volumetric production体积产量
water free production无水开采
water free production无水产量
water production出水
water production interval出水层段
water production rate产水量
water-cut oil production period含水采油期
water-free oil production period无水釆油期
well production油气井生产
well production curve井釆油曲线
well production profile油井生产剖面
well production rate井产量
well production testing油井生产测试
wellhead production system井口生产系统
wellhead production temperature井口产出液温度
yearly oil production年产油量
yearly production forecast年产量预测
zero oil production零产油量
zonal production分层开采
zone-by-zone production testing逐层生产测试