
Terms containing product standards | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
met.actual product standard现行产品标准
ITapplication specific standard product特定用途标准产品
el.application specific standard product专用标准产品
el.application specific standard product large scale integrated circuit专用标准产品大规模集成电路
spaceapplication-specific standard product专用标准产品 (一类专用芯片)
avia.application-specific standard product专用标准产品
busin.coordinator of product standards产品标准协调员
met.current product standard现行产品标准
el.customizable standard product可定制标准产品
el.embedded standard product嵌人式标准产品
el.embedded standard product内置式标准产品
mil., air.def.endorsed data encryption standard products list已签署的数据加密标准产品列表
org.name.General Standard for Vegetable Protein Products植物蛋白制品通用标准
USA, spaceLandsat standard products陆地卫星标准产品
expl.L-Cycle Assessment LCA has been the standard methodology far quantifying all environmental impacts associated with the entire life cycle of products and processes for over a decade生命周期在过去的十年、是用以量化所有环境影响的标准方法、涉及产品的整个生命周期和过程
tech.noise emission standards for products产品噪声发射标准
ecol.noise emission standards for products产品噪声放射标准
busin.non-standard product非标准产品
tech.non-standard product非标准品
commer.Office of Product Standards美国产品标准局
tech.off-standard product非标准品
el.product data exchange standard产品数据交换标准
avia.product definition exchange standard产品定义交换标准
avia.product definition exchanges standard产品定义交换标准
avia.product definition standards产品定义标准
avia.product definition standards and process management board产品定义标准和工艺管理委员会
el.product design standard产品设计标准
avia.product engineering standard产品工程标准
tech.product management standard产品管理标准
shipb.product quality control standard产品质量控制标准
hydroel.st.product quality standard产品质量标准
environ.product standard A standard which prescribes aspects of the physical or chemical composition of products which have potential for causing environmental damage or the handling, presentation and packaging of products, particularly those which are toxic产品标准 (对产品明文规定的,关于可能会造成环境损害的、尤其是有毒的产品包装的物理或化学组成方面的标准。)
tech.product standard产品质量标准
tech.product standard产品技术标准
interntl.trade.product standard产品规格
tech.product standard产品规格标准
patents.product standard产品标准
avia.product standard产品规范
avia.product standard data system产品标准数据系统
telecom.product standards生产标准
spaceproduct standards产品标准
gen.Product Standards产品标准
avia.product standards search产品标准搜索
avia.product-engineering standard产品工程标准
econ.products standard产品标准
China, lawquality and safety standard of agricultural products农产品质量安全标准
commer.rate of products meeting standards产品合格率
textilerate of standard products converted折标准品率
tech.semi-finished product standard半成品标准
org.name.Standard for Aqueous Coconut Products: Coconut Milk and Coconut Cream液状椰子产品-椰奶和椰子奶油标准
org.name.Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products沙丁鱼及沙丁鱼类产品标准
org.name.Standard for Chocolate and Chocolate Products巧克力和巧克力制品标准
org.name.Standard for Edible Casein Products食用酪蛋白产品标准
org.name.Standard for Edible Fungi and Fungus Products食用菌及其制品标准
avia.standard for exchange of product model data产品模块数据交换标准 (ISO 10303, ISO10303)
org.name.Standard for Soy Protein Products大豆蛋白制品标准
el.standard for the exchange of product marketing information产品营销信息交换标准
ITstandard for the exchange of product model产品模型数据交换标准
ITstandard for the exchange of product model data产品模型数据交换标准
el.standard for the transfer and exchange of product model data产品模型数据传送与交换标准
org.name.Standard for Wheat Protein Products小麦蛋白制品标准
org.name.Standard for Wheat Protein Products including Wheat Gluten小麦蛋白制品标准
tech.standard machinery and electric products标准机电产品
tech.standard machinery and electrical products标准机电产品
gen.standard methods for testing tar and tar products焦油及焦油产品标准试验方法
oil.proc.standard methods for testing tar products测试焦油产品的标准方法
avia.standard of exchange for product model data产品模型数据交换标准
textilestandard of product产品定额
textilestandard of product产品标准
tech.standard product标准积
tech.standard product标准产品
textilestandard product cost标准产品成本
textilestandard product cost card标准产品成本卡
avia.standard product definition标准产品定义
econ.standard product numbering标准产品编号
el.standard product numbering system标准产品编号系统
textilestandard product quality标准产品质量
ITstandard product unit标准化产品单元
el.standard product unit标准产品单元
busin.standard product volume标准产量
el.standard products标准化产品
met.standard products标准产品
met.standard rolled steel product标准钢材
met.standard steel product标准钢材
busin.standards and specifications of products产品标准与规格
China, lawsub-standard product不合格产品
el.Technical Electronic Products Radiation Safety Standards Committee电子产品辐射安全标准技术委员会
commer.The products have reached contract specified standards产品已达合同规定标准
avia.the standard of the products delivery from supplies供应商交付规范 (根据中国商用飞机有限公司和供应商的基本合同协议,编制和发放的合同性工艺文件,用于定义零组件的最终交付状态,是供应商制造和最终交付产品的依据之一。供应商产品完工以后,包括装箱、发运、接收等均有一系列规定。但某些产品限于当时的条件,在供应商所在地并未完工,这就是未完工供应商装配件移交。未完工供应商装配件由供应商负责制造,但不具备完全满足订单及采购指令 (PO )和/或合同要求的装配件,因而不可能在规定的交付期百分之百地满足订单的要求而遗留一些未完工的工作量。但供应商为了按时交付,通常会提出对这类未完工产品提出移交申请,而主制造商也为了确保项目总计划进度,在规定条件下也允许供应商发运所申请的此类未完工的采购项目,对此类产品如何移交控制和协调,有详尽的规定)
econ.The superior quality of the materials and the high standard of workmanship are the important specialities of our products优质材料及高标准工艺是我厂产品的两大重要特点
China, lawuse substandard product as a standard one以不合格产品冒充合格产品
econ.We shall prepare the licensed products in accordance with the formula and standards designated by you我方将按照你方规定的方式和标准准备各种特许产品