
Terms for subject Business containing product cost | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
analysis of increasing and decreasing unit cost of product产品单位成本升降分析
applying factory overhead cost to products制造费用摊入产品
by-product method of cost accounting成本会计中产品与副产品成本分摊法
cost accounting by product产品成本会计
cost coefficient of product产品成本系数
cost coefficient of product in process在制品成本系数
cost of by product副产品成本
cost of by product sales畐产品销售成本
cost of by-product副产品成本
cost of incomparable product可比产品成本
cost of non-comparable product非可比产品成本
cost of product finished in current period本期成品成本
cost of products产品成本
cost of self-use semi-finished product自用半成品成本
cost of turning-out a bad product接受次品费用
cost reduction percentage of comparable products可比产品成本下降百分率
cost reduction target on comparable product可比产品成本降低指标
cost sheet of commodity products商品产品成本表
current period product cost本期产品成本
factory cost of product产品工厂成本
finished product cost成品成本
finished product cost variance成品成本差异
gross domestic product at factor cost按要素成本计算的国内生产总值
gross national product at factor cost按要素成本计算的国民生产总值
incomparable product cost不可比产品成本
index of labour cost per unit of product单位产品劳动成本指数
joint cost product联合成本产品
labor cost per unit of product单位产品人工成本
manufacturing cost of commodity products商品制造成本
marketing cost control by product产品营销成本控制
multiple product cost system多种产品成本制
net domestic product at factor cost用因素成本表示的国内净产值
new product development cost新产品开发成本
new product trial run cost新产品试制成本
product cost accounting产品成本会计
product cost subsidiary ledger产品成本分类账
rate of reduction of cost of comparable products可比产品成本降低率
schedule of cost of finished products制成品成本明细表
semi-finished product cost半成品成本
statement of unit cost of major products主要产品单位成本表
workshop cost of product产品车间成本