
Terms for subject Finances containing product | all forms | exact matches only
actual gross national product实际国民生产总值
actual volume of consumption per unit product实际单耗
agricultural products futures农产品期货
allocation of actual factory overhead to products实际工厂间接费用之摊入产品
analytic product分成的产品
analytical product分解的产品
applying factory overhead cost to products工厂间接费用按预计数摊入产品
bank products银行产品
banking products金融产品
bond fund products债券基金产品
brand products名牌产品
build exposure to internationally diversified products建立国际多元化产品的敞口
by-product proceeds副产品实收额
by-product recoveries副产品抵偿数.以副产品抵偿正品成本之部份
by-product sales副产品销售
capital preservation product保本产品
comparative statement of product costs产品成本比较表
complex structured credit products复杂结构性信贷产品
cost accounting by products产品别成本会计
cost of by-product sales副产品销售成本
cost of product产品成本
cost per unit product单位产品成本
create investment products denominated in the Chinese currency创设以人民币计价的投资产品
credit market products信贷市场产品
debt-to-gross domestic product ratio债务负担率
debt-to-gross domestic product ratio债务对国内生产总值比率
depreciation unit-of-product method折旧产品单位法
derivative product衍生产品 (即"金融衍生工具"金融衍生产品")
develop new products for new markets为新市场开发新产品
dollar net national product以美元计算的国民生产净值
encourage expanded trade in financial products and services刺激金融产品及服务中交易的扩展
enhance required disclosure on complex financial products提高复杂金融产品必须的透明性
equity-based product股票衍生产品
European Convention on Products Liability of Person bounding and Death《关于人身伤亡产品责任欧洲公约》
exchange-traded product场内交易产品
expenditure on gross domestic product国内生产总值的支岀
expense of test production of new kind of products新产品试制费
financial products金融产品
financial products and services金融产品及服务
financial products search金融产品搜索
global gross domestic product全球国内生产总值
gross domestic product国内生产总值 (商品和劳务币值总和,不包括海外收人支出)
gross domestic product growth国内生产总值增长率
gross national product国民生产总值 (商品和劳务币值总和,包括海外收人支出)
gross national product implicit price deflator物价指数国民生产总值
hold and trade renminbi-denominated products持有并交易人民币计价的金融产品
increase financial products增加金融产品
Index-linked product与指数挂钩的金融产品
industrial product price index工业品价格指数
investment insurance products投资性保险产品
investment product投资产品
investment-linked product投资挂钩产品
joint product costing联产品成本计算
joint product costing system联产品成本计算制度
joint product method联产品法用于成本分摊
labor-intensive products劳动密集型产品
make products competitive提高产品的竞争力
marginal product of capital资本边际产量
market access product市场延拓产品
marketing cost control by product控制产品销售成本
multiple-product pricing多种产品定价法
national gross product国民生产总值
national income and product account国民收人和生产账户
national income and product accounts国民收入和国民生产核算帐
new- and high-technology products高新技术产品
new financial products新型金融产品
nominal gross domestic product名义国内生产总值
offer "paper gold" online trading products提供"纸黄金"网上交易产品
offer renminbi settlement products推出人民币结算的产品
offer renminbi-denominated investment products推出人民币计价的投资产品
open up product markets开放产品市场
overseas anti-inflation products海外抗通胀产品
overseas investment products对外投资产品
part-finished product a/c半成品帐户
participating product可分红产品
producer's price index for manufactured products工业品出厂价格指数
product charge产品费用
product cost report产品成本报吿
product costing产品成本计算
product liability insurance产品责任险
product quality bond insurance产品质量保证保险
products denominated in the renminbi人民币计价产品
QDII products合格的境内机构投资者产品
qualified domestic institutional investor products合格的境内机构投资者产品
real expenditure on gross national product国民生产总值实际支出
real gross domestic product实际国内生产总值
Regulations Governing Pre-sale Procedures for Insurance Products《保险商品销售前程序作业准则》
relax controls on Chinese exports high -tech products放松高新技术产品对中国出口的管制
renminbi-denominated financial products人民币计价的金融产品
renminbi-denominated investment products人民币计价投资产品
repackage loans into investment products for sale to investors把贷款重新包装成投资产品卖给投资者
sale revenue from merchandise products商品产品销售收入
search of financial products金融产品搜索
securities-related products证券相关商品
soy product futures豆类产品期货
summary of cost of finished products制成品成本汇总表
take strong measure against fake and shoddy products打假
toxic derivative products有毒衍生品
trust products信托产品
unveil a slew of renminbi-denominated products推出诸多人民币计价产品
valuation of joint product联产品估价
variation on product cost产品成本差异
wealth management products理财产品