
Terms for subject Commerce containing private | all forms | exact matches only
a private business私人企业
International Association for the Promotion of Private Foreign Investments国际促进及保护私人国外投资协会 (缩为 APPI)
obtain information through private channels通过私人渠道获取信息
Overseas Private Investment Corporation美国海外私人投资公司
private accountant公司专任会计师 (与公共会计师 (public accountant) 相对)
private brand私人商标
private business个人企业
private carrier自用运输人 (指工商业运输人 (industrial carrier))
private charter party form专用租船契约格式
private commerce私营商业
private corporation私人公司
private corporation不公开招股公司 (与股份公开公司 (open corporation) 相对)
private cost企业成本
private data保密资料
private debt私人债务 (包括:消费信贷 (consumer credit)、银行贷款 (bank loan)、抵押贷款 (mortgage loan))
private demand私人需求
private development of surface supplies自行开发地表水源
private industry私营产业
private insurance民营保险 (指营利性保险 (commercial insurance), 自愿保险 (voluntary insurance), 与公营保险 (public insurance)( 如火险 (fire insurance)、海上保险(marine insurance) 等)相对)
private investor私人投资者
private means私有财产
private offering直接销售证券 (与公开销售证券 (public offering) 相对)
private offering交易所外证券交易
private offering不公开销售证券
private sector institution私营企业
private short-term capital movement私有短期资本流动
private standard私营部门标准
private standard私有标准
private terms非公认条款
private tieline service专线电报
private treaty产业交易中买卖双方私人之间的协定
private treaty买卖双方私下磋商的协议
private trust fund私人信托基金