
Terms containing privacy | all forms | exact matches only
China, polit.an infringement of sb's privacy侵犯隐私权
busin.call privacy私人通话
avia.call privacy service呼叫保密业务
ITchildren's online privacy protection act儿童在线隐私权保护法
multimed.children's online privacy protection act儿童在线隐私保护法案
securit.client privacy sufficiently safeguarded受到充分保护的客户私隐
telecom.communication privacy通信保密
telecom.communication privacy通信机密
HRComputer Matching and Privacy Protection Act计算机匹配和隐私保护法案
telecom.computer privacy升算机保密性
ITcomputer privacy计算机隐私
telecom.computer privacy计算机安全性
agric.computer privacy计算机保密
adv.consumer privacy消费者隐私权
cryptogr.crowd-blending privacy群体混合隐私
oildata privacy数据保密
ITdata privacy数据保密性
telecom.database privacy数据库保密
cryptogr.differential privacy差分隐私性
gen.disturb sb.'s privacy扰乱某人安静的私生活
el.Electronic Communications Privacy Act电子通信隐私保护法美国
el.electronic privacy information center电子隐私信息中心
busin.employee privacy员工私人秘密
China, polit.freedom and privacy of correspondence通信自由和通信秘密
el.Freedom of Information and Privacy Act信息和隐私自由法
cryptogr.GNU privacy guardGNU 隐私卫士
comp., MSHIPAA Privacy RuleHIPAA 隱私權規則 (A rule issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to implement the privacy requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a federal law that provides rights and protections for participants and beneficiaries in group health plans. The rule establishes national standards for the protection of certain health information, including standards addressing the use and disclosure of individuals' health information and standards for individuals' privacy rights to understand and control how their health information is used)
busin.individual privacy私隐
busin.individual privacy个人隐私
China, polit.infringe upon citizens' freedom and privacy of correspondence侵犯公民的通信自由和通信秘密
busin.interference with right of privacy妨害私人秘密
adv.invasion of privacy侵犯隐私权
adv.invasion of privacy侵犯隐私
tech.invocation privacy lock秘级调用锁
China, lawinvolving individual privacy涉及个人隐私
securit.leakage on client privacy客户隐私泄露
comp., MSManage Privacy Relationships管理私人關係 (The menu that enables users to assign a privacy relationship to contacts)
comp., net.national computer system security and privacy advisory board美国国家计算机系统安全保密咨询委员会
comp., net.network anonymous privacy网络匿名隐私权
comp., net.network privacy网络保密性
cryptogr.original privacy原始隐私
China, lawpatient privacy患者隐私
manag.personal privacy个人私有
multimed.platform for privacy preferencesP3P 协议
cryptogr.platform for privacy preferences project隐私首选项平台项目
ITplatform for privacy preferences project隐私参数项目平台协议
ITplatform for privacy preferences projectP3P协议
comp., net.platform for privacy preferences project隐私参数项目平台
gen.platform for privacy preferences projectP3P 协议
cryptogr.predicate privacy谓词隐私
el.pretty good privacy完全加密程序
el.pretty good privacy恰如其分的保密性
ITpretty good privacy优秀密钥
proj.manag.pretty good privacy相当好的保密性
proj.manag.Pretty Good Privacy一种加密软件
telecom.pretty good privacy相当好的隐私保护
telecom.pretty good privacyGPG 加密软件包
cryptogr.pretty good privacy完美加密
cryptogr.pretty good privacy完美隐私
tech.pretty good privacy加密程序
el.privacy act tracking system隐私法分科教育系统
libr.privacy and security concerns隐私及安全的考虑
AI.privacy and security in ecommerce电子商务中的隐私和安全
telecom.privacy button送像停止按钮可视电话的功能键
telecom.privacy button形象保密按钮
el.privacy check保密检査
ITprivacy clearance保密许可
ITprivacy code保密码
spaceprivacy communication保密通信
telecom.privacy communication私人通信
ITprivacy conscious personalization私密感知个性化
tech.privacy device保密设备
tech.privacy device隐蔽设备
avia.privacy door lock control unit〔客〕秘密门锁控制装置
avia.privacy door lock system〔客〕秘密门锁系统
avia.privacy door module〔客〕秘密门模块
el.privacy electronic mail隐私电子邮件
el.privacy electronic mail保密电子邮件
avia.privacy enhanced mail增强保密的邮件
proj.manag.privacy enhanced mail加密邮件
proj.manag.privacy enhanced mail增强的私密电子邮件
el.privacy enhanced mail隐私增强型电子邮件
ITprivacy enhanced mail保密增强邮件
cryptogr.privacy enhanced mail增强保密邮件
multimed.privacy enhanced mail隐私增强邮件
el.privacy enhanced mail public key infrastructure隐私增强型电子邮件公钥基础设施
el.privacy enhanced messaging隐私增强型信息传送
el.privacy enhanced messaging保密增强信息传送
cryptogr.privacy enhancing technology隐私增强技术
manag.privacy equipment保密设备
ITprivacy feature保密性能
tech.privacy fence民用栅栏
securit.privacy-fixated tycoon注重隐私的大款
cryptogr.privacy function隐函数
auto.privacy glass侧窗,后窗深色玻璃
auto.privacy glass遮光玻璃
tech.privacy glass隐密玻璃
cryptogr.privacy impact assessment隐私影响评估
corp.gov.privacy in information systems信息系统隐私
cryptogr.privacy issue秘密性问题
tech.privacy issue内部发行
spaceprivacy key保密钥匙
telecom.privacy key保密密钥
ITprivacy key保密键
tech.privacy key机密键
tech.privacy landscape screen活动隔断
agric.privacy legislation保密立法
ITprivacy lock私有锁
tech.privacy lock保密锁
tech.privacy lock机密锁
tech.privacy lock procedure机密锁过程
China, lawprivacy of a patient患者隐私
China, lawprivacy of communication通讯秘密
China, lawprivacy of correspondence通信秘密
libr.privacy policy私隐政策
ITprivacy policy隐私策略
securit.privacy policy隐私政策
el.privacy preference platform隐私优先平台
telecom.privacy problem个人隐私问题
tech.privacy problem保密问题
tech.privacy procedure保密过程
tech.privacy protection保密保护
agric.privacy protection保密
tech.privacy protection秘密保护
comp., MSprivacy relationship私人關係 (A setting that determines how much information a contact can view about you)
lawprivacy right隐私权
cryptogr.privacy system隐私制度
busin.privacy system秘密系统
busin.privacy system保密制度
spaceprivacy system保密系统
spaceprivacy system保密通信
tech.privacy system保密通信制
tech.privacy telephone set保密电话机
ITprivacy transformation保密变换
tech.privacy transformation保密通信制
busin.right of privacy隐私权
agric.software privacy软件保密
China, lawspread the privacy of another person散布他人隐私
gen.strict privacy绝密
gen.strict privacy完全秘密
cryptogr.strong notion of privacy强隐私概念
ITtechnology for information security and privacy信息安全与保密技术
expl.technology for information security and privacy信息安全与保密技术信息安全与保密技术是一个涉及计算机科学、网络技术、通信技术、密码技术、信息安全技术、应用数学、数论、信息论等多种学科的边缘性综合学科。其中包括操作系统和数据库的安全与保密,认证与加密技术,防火墙技术等
econ.the privacy equipment保密设备
ITwired equivalent privacy有线等效加密
cryptogr.wired equivalent privacy有线等效保密协议
multimed.wired equivalent privacy有线等效保密
cryptogr.wired equivalent privacy protocol有线等效保密协议
cryptogr.zero knowledge privacy零知识保密性