
Terms containing prime | all forms | exact matches only
expl.a matter of prime importance头等大事
tech.algorithm to compute prime number计算质数的算法
tech.altitude of the prime vertical东西圈高度
agric.animal-drawn prime motor畜力原动机
tech.anti-corrosive prime coat防腐打底层
tech.anti-corrosive prime coat防腐蚀打底层
tech.anti-corrosive prime coat防锈蚀打底层
busin.articles of prime necessity主要必需品项目
chem.asphalt prime沥青透层
tech.asphalt prime coat地沥青透层
tech.asphalt prime coat沥青打底
tech.asphalt prime coat沥青透层
tech.asphalt prime coat石油沥青透层
tech.asphalt prime coat路面头道沥青
tech.asphalt prime coat沥青头道涂层
busin.at prime cost按原成本
gen.at prime tense起先
gen.at prime tense立即
gen.at prime tense最 〔起,当〕初
tech.average prime cost平均直接成本
securit.bank prime interest rate银行优惠利息
securit.bank prime interest rate银行最低利率
busin.bank prime rate银行优惠贷款利率
busin.bank prime rate银行贷款最低利率
expl.be cut off in one's prime英年早逝
busin.beta-prime distribution贝塔基本分布
busin.beta-prime distributionβ基本分布
agric.beta-prime subunitβ-引物亚单位
tech.bitumen prime coat沥青透层
tech.bitumen prime coat沥青结合层
tech.bitumen prime coat头道沥青
tech.bituminous prime coat沥青底涂层
tech.bituminous prime coat沥青打底层
tech.bituminous prime coating沥青底涂层
tech.bituminous prime coating沥青打底层
busin.books of prime entry原始账簿
tech.color prime white原白色
construct.colour prime white石油原白色
tech.colour prime white原白色
tech.compass prime vertical罗盘的东西圈
tech.corrosion protection prime coat腐蚀防护打底凃层
tech.cost of prime implicant初始隐含价值
tech.deck prime coat房屋楼面第一道涂层
tech.deck prime coat甲板第一道涂层
tech.deck prime coating房屋楼面第一道涂层
tech.deck prime coating甲板第一道涂层
busin.deputy prime minister副首相
busin.deputy prime minister副总理
tech.destination address field prime目的地址主字段
tech.destination address field prime目的地址字段加小撇
tech.destination address field prime接收站地址主字段
expl.Due to the severe fire in his throat,the prime minister will not be able to give a speech at tomorrow's conference首相喉咙发炎、明天的会上他不能讲话
gen.electric prime电雷管起爆药卷
tech.electric prime motor电气牵引机
tech.electric prime mover电动牵引机
tech.electrical prime motor电气牵引机
tech.electrical prime mover电动牵引机
avia.electronic warfare prime indicator unit电子战主显示装置
tech.embedded prime divisor嵌入素除子
tech.essential multiple output prime implicant实质多重输出本原
tech.essential prime implicant实质本原蕴涵
tech.essential prime implicant基本素蕴涵
agric.F prime cell F细胞
agric.F prime cellF'cell F'细胞指具有自主的性因子 F 并带有遗传可识别节段的细胞
agric.F prime plasmid性引物质粒
agric.F prime plasmidF 引物质粒
tech.finite prime divisor有限素因子
busin.flexible prime rate伸缩性基础利率
securit.floating prime rate浮动优惠利率
securit.floating prime rate浮动基准利率
busin.floating prime rate of interest浮动基本利率商业贷款基本利率
commer.floating prime rate of interest浮动最低利率
tech.floating prime rate of interest浮动优惠利率
securit.foreign prime rates外国基本利率
securit.foreign prime rates外国优惠利率
tech.four-wheeled prime mover四轮原动机
tech.fuzzy prime implication模糊素隐含
tech.generation of multiple output prime implicant多端输出质蕴涵项的产生
tech.grid prime vertical网格主垂面
gen.He has recently secured a prime retail location in central Athens for the sportswear giant Nike他最近在雅典市中心为体育用品巨头耐克找到了一个很好的零售店铺地址
busin.historical prime costing历史的主要成本计算
tech.hydraulic prime motor水力原动机
tech.hydraulic prime mover水力原动力
tech.imaginary infinite prime divisors虚无限素因子
tech.imaginary prime divisor虚素因子
tech.imbedded prime ideal嵌入素理想
sport.in prime处于顶峰
sport.in prime处于顶点
tech.indirect prime cost间接成本
tech.infinite prime divisor无限素因子
expl.7 is a prime of 217 是 21 的因数
expl.is a prime to 7.3与 7 互为质数
securit.Japanese long-term prime rate日本长期贷款优惠利率
tech.joint characteristic curve of hydraulic coupling and prime motor液力耦合器原动机联合特性曲线
tech.joint characteristic curve of hydraulic torque converter and prime motor液力变矩器原动机联合特性曲线
gen.life's prime need生活的第一〔基本〕需要
construct.life's prime want生活的第一〔基本〕需要
tech.life's prime want生活的第一需要
securit.long-term prime rate长期最低利率
securit.long-term prime rate长期优惠利率
tech.magnetic prime vertical磁东西圈
tech.magnetic prime vertical磁卯酉圈
tech.multiple output prime implicant多出质蕴涵项
tech.non-prime attribute非主属性
securit.non-prime bill非优惠票据
gen.be of prime importance最重要的
tech.one of the prime reasons主要原因之一
tech.origin address field prime本地始端地址字段
expl.Our prime concern is to get the economy back to its feet我们最关心的是让经济恢复活力
expl.past one's prime已过壮年
expl.past one's prime走下坡路
sport.past one's prime全盛期已过
tech.polyvinyl chloride prime window聚氯乙烯主窗
construct.positive prime离心吸人
tech.positive prime离心吸入
tech.positive prime自然回水
avia.power lever angle prime油门杠杆注油角度
construct.prime a pump给泵灌水使泵起动
tech.prime a pump泵充水
avia.prime airlift实际空运飞机数
tech.prime amplifier前级放大器
construct.prime amplifier主〔预,前置〕放大器
tech.prime amplifier主放大器
tech.prime-and-dot notation点撇符号
tech.prime area初始区域
securit.prime asset主要资产
busin.prime assets主要资产
tech.prime bank一级大银行
securit.prime bank主流银行
securit.prime bank重点银行
securit.prime bank一流银行
securit.prime bank bill顶级银行汇票
busin.prime banker's acceptance优等银行承兑
anim.husb.prime beef特级牛肉牛肉质量分级中最高的一级[美]
anim.husb.prime beef一级牛肉
anim.husb.prime beef grade最优级牛肉
commer.prime bill优等汇票
busin.prime bill优等票据
tech.prime bill上等汇票
busin.prime bill of exchange优等汇票
securit.prime bill of exchange最佳汇票
busin.prime borrowers基本客户
securit.prime broker一流经纪人
securit.prime broker大券商
securit.prime broker主要经纪商
securit.prime brokerage基本经纪费
busin.prime business最好企业
tech.prime business income主营业务收入
securit.prime cap优惠上限期权
tech.prime cargo主要货物
expl.prime cartridge药包中装雷管
tech.prime cartridge主要卡盘
tech.prime cartridge过滤器第一层滤芯
anim.husb.prime cattle特级牛
chem.prime city naphtha首城石脑油 (API 比重为 63〜73 的石油溶剂)
tech.prime coat打底层
agric.prime coat底涂层{显技}
tech.prime coat抹灰底层
tech.prime coat路面头道沥青
tech.prime coat沥青透层
tech.prime coat第道抹灰
tech.prime coat打底
tech.prime coat底沥青
tech.prime coat第一道抹灰
tech.prime coat透层
tech.prime coat头道涂层
tech.prime coat涂底层
tech.prime coat抹灰打底
tech.prime coat涂底漆
tech.prime coat首涂层
tech.prime coat沥青透层
tech.prime-coat enamel底涂珐琅
tech.prime coat finish底层表面整修
tech.prime coat finish底层表面加工
tech.prime coat operation第一层涂抹操作
tech.prime coat operation沥青透层施工
tech.prime coating抹灰打底
tech.prime coating首涂层
tech.prime coating涂底层
tech.prime coating头道涂层
tech.prime coating涂底漆
tech.prime coating底漆
tech.prime coating底涂层
tech.prime coating结合层
tech.prime coating第一道抹灰
tech.prime coating打底
tech.prime coating涂底
tech.prime coating底沥青
tech.prime coating打底层
tech.prime coating透层
tech.prime coating沥青透层
tech.prime coating road tar底涂柏油 (道路)
tech.prime coating with linseed oil亚麻籽油底涂
busin.prime commercial paper优等商业票据
busin.prime commercial paper〈美〉最佳商业票据
tech.prime commercial paper一流商业票据
tech.prime compatible set本原相容集合
agric.prime computer主计算机
anim.husb.prime condition肥膘澳、新
anim.husb.prime condition上等膘
tech.prime containerizable cargo最佳集装箱货
tech.prime contract大包合同
tech.prime contract总承包合同
tech.prime contract直接承包合同
busin.prime contract主约
tech.prime contract主要合同
tech.prime contract原合同
tech.prime contract基本合同
busin.prime contract award主承包合同
tech.prime contractor总承包者
tech.prime contractor主要承包者
tech.prime contractor直接承包人
tech.prime contractor总承包人员
tech.prime contractor主要承包人
busin.prime contractor总承包商
tech.prime contractor总承包人
avia.prime contractor主合同单位
tech.prime contractor总承包厂商
avia.prime contractor主承包单位
securit.prime corporate bonds优等公司债券
busin.prime corporation bonds优等公司债
tech.prime cost成本价格
tech.prime cost直接费
expl.prime cost成本价
tech.prime cost直接成本 (包括材料工时在内)
gen.prime cost包工单位付给材料供应者的额外款项包括包装费和运费等
tech.prime cost contract成本合同
tech.prime cost item总成本
tech.prime cost item主要成本项目
busin.prime cost method直接成本法
tech.prime cost method主要成本法 (指负荷分配的方法)
busin.prime cost of sale主要销售成本
busin.prime cost of sale销货的直接成本
busin.prime cost of sale原始销价
tech.prime cost sum总成本
tech.prime cost sum成本总额
busin.prime cost sum预订款
tech.prime cost sum营造商支付给分包商的总价
busin.prime cost variance主要成本差异
busin.prime costing in inventory valuation存货估价中的主要成本计算法
busin.prime costing in inventory valuation存货计价中主要成本计算法
tech.prime couple素数偶
construct.prime couple质〔素〕数偶
tech.prime couple质数偶
busin.prime credit主信用证作为开背对背信用证的依据
securit.prime credit优等贷款
earth.sc.prime cropland基本农田【土】
ecol.prime cropland基本农田
earth.sc.prime cropland preservation area基本农田保护区【土】
ecol.prime cropland preservation area基本农田保护区
agric.prime crude peanut oil初级花生油
railw.prime cultivated land基本农田
earth.sc.prime cultivated land基本农田【土】
busin.prime customer主要消费者
anim.husb.prime cut特级肉块
chem.prime-cut naphtha首城石脑油
busin.prime debtor好信誉债务人
tech.prime decomposition素数分解
gen.prime driver主驾驶员
tech.prime element质元素
tech.prime energy原始能
tech.prime entry进口预先申报
securit.Prime entry原始人账
securit.Prime entry原始记载
gen.prime eost原价
gen.prime eost原始成本
avia.prime equipment主设备
tech.prime factor质因数
tech.prime fictitious meridian虚本初子午线
tech.prime field素域
tech.prime field质域
tech.prime fish上等鱼
tech.prime flow table本原流程表
earth.sc.prime focus主〔牛顿〕焦点
agric.prime focus主焦点 (focus primus)
tech.prime focus cage主焦笼
tech.prime focus cell主焦点光电管
tech.prime frame主帧
anim.husb.prime-grade beef优质牛肉
anim.husb.prime grade cattle特级牛最优级牛
tech.prime-grade oak优质橡木
tech.prime grid meridian网格本初子午线
tech.prime half page主半页
agric.prime hard wheat一等硬粒小麦
anim.husb.prime heavies牲畜最重级的
anim.husb.prime host主要宿主
tech.prime implicant质蕴涵
tech.prime implicant素项
comp.prime implicant素蕴涵
tech.prime in the spots在擦净点上涂底漆
agric.prime information原信息 (informatio prima)
tech.prime information素信息
busin.prime interest银行优惠利率
busin.prime interest优惠贷款利息
securit.prime interest优惠利息
tech.prime interest rate优惠利率
securit.prime interest rate优惠贷款利率
avia.prime intermediate maintenance activity主要的中级维修活动
tech.prime investment优等投资
securit.prime investment最佳投资高收益、低风险的投资
avia.prime item development specification主项目研制规范
avia.prime-item development specification主项目研制规范
avia.prime item product functional specification主要产品功能规范
avia.prime item specification主要项目规范
tech.prime lacquer上底漆
tech.prime lacquer打底漆
anim.husb.prime lamb肉用肥羔
anim.husb.prime steam lard蒸汽熬制的优质猪油
busin.prime lending rate最优惠放款利率
tech.prime lending rate最优惠短期贷款利率
securit.prime lending rate最佳贷款利率
busin.prime letter of credit主信用证
busin.prime liability on bill of exchange汇票的第一位责任
securit.prime liability on bill of exchange汇票的主要责任
agric.prime log上等材
agric.prime log优等原木
busin.prime maker原始出票人
construct.prime material首涂〔打底, 透层〕材料
tech.prime material首涂材料
tech.prime material透层材料
tech.prime matrix素矩阵
tech.prime membrane底涂层
tech.prime membrane首涂层
life.sc.prime meridian格林尼治子午线〔圈〕
life.sc.prime meridian本初〔主要〕子午线〔圈〕
tech.prime meridian起始子午线
tech.prime meridian本初子午圈线
life.sc.prime meridian本初子午线〔圈〕
tech.prime meridian零子午线
tech.prime meridian零度经线
gen.prime minister内阁总理
busin.Prime Minister首相
expl.prime minister宰相
gen.prime minister总理
avia.prime mission electronic equipment主要任务电子设备
avia.prime mission equipment主任务设备
tech.prime modulus素模
expl.prime morning黎明
securit.prime mortgage优质按揭
expl.prime mover发起人
expl.prime mover自然力如风,水等
sport., med.prime mover主力肌
tech.prime mover牵引机
tech.prime mover起动机
gen.prime mover原动机〔力〕
avia.prime mover牵引车
avia.prime mover主推进器
avia.prime mover拖船
gen.prime mover牵引机 (车)
gen.prime mover会出主意的人
tech.prime-mover and semi-trailer铰接拖挂车
tech.prime-mover cycle原动机的循环
tech.prime-mover governor原动机的调速器
busin.prime mover industry龙头工业
sport.prime mover muscles原动肌
tech.prime-mover truck载重牵引车
securit.prime name美名市场交易中信誉卓著
tech.prime navaids facility主要导航设施
tech.prime number素数【数】
tech.prime number generation素数生成
tech.prime number theorem质数定理
expl.prime object首选对象
tech.prime oblique meridian本初斜子午线
tech.prime paint涂底漆
tech.prime paint底涂层
tech.prime paint头道涂层
tech.prime paint涂底
tech.prime painting上底漆
tech.prime pair素数对
busin.prime paper优等票据
securit.prime paper最佳商业票据
securit.prime paper maker优质票据出票人
avia.prime part master file主要零件总文件
agric.prime particle structure原生单粒结构
agric.prime particle structure单粒结构
earth.sc.prime pasture and meadow基本草牧场【土】
agric.prime period of growth大生长期
tech.prime pigment遮盖颜料
gen.prime plane卯酉面
tech.prime polynomial素多项式
tech.prime power原动机
tech.prime power原动力
tech.prime power基本功率
tech.prime power牵引车
busin.prime products主要产品
tech.prime professional与业主订约的业务单位
tech.prime pump起动泵
tech.prime pump启动泵
busin.prime quality上等品质
busin.prime quality优质
busin.prime quality头等品质
busin.prime quality上品
shipb.prime quality优质品
tech.prime quotient素商
tech.prime rate基本费率
tech.prime rate头等利率
busin.prime rate基本利率指银行对信用好的企业短期贷款利率,为银行贷款利率计算基准
tech.prime rate基础利息率
securit.prime rate fund优惠利率基金
commer.prime rate of interest最低利率
tech.prime rate of interest最优惠利率
commer.prime reason基本理由
tech.prime redemption privilege提前赎回押品的权利
busin.prime redemption privilege提前赎回押品权利
securit.prime redemption privilege提前赎回抵押品的权利
gen.prime responsible authority主要负责人
gen.prime responsible authority主要负责当局
tech.prime rib主肋
anim.husb.prime rib cut上肋分割肉
tech.prime ring素环
securit.prime risk一级风险
securit.prime risk高风险
securit.prime risk首要风险
tech.prime sheet优质薄
adv.prime shot主镜头
tech.prime singular cube素奇异立方
tech.prime site贵重地皮
tech.prime spot素点
tech.prime standby power source备用电源
tech.prime stratum原始地层
agric.prime swarm第一分蜂群
agric.prime swarm原生蜂群
tech.prime system素系
tech.prime target主要目标
tech.prime target主要目的
tech.prime tenant主要租户
tech.prime tenant最优承租人
tech.prime the fuel system燃油系统充油驱气
expl.prime the pump以财力或人力赞助企业或某项活动
securit.prime the pump投人资金刺激企业发展
gen.prime the pump釆取措施促使…发展
gen.prime the pump采取措施促使其发展
tech.prime tide初潮
expl.prime time黄金时段
expl.prime time收视收听高峰时段
busin.prime time电视黄金时间
multimed.prime time广播电视黄金时段
gen.prime time台的黄金时间
adv.Prime Time Access Rule美国黄金时段准入规则
sport.prime-time coverage黄金时段播送
tech.prime transverse meridian本初横子午线
agric.prime type主型染色体
agric.prime type原型
securit.prime underwriting facility优惠认购贷款
tech.prime variables带撇号的变量
life.sc.prime vertical东西〔卯酉〕圈
tech.prime vertical真卯酉圈
tech.prime vertical circle东西圈
expl.prime want of life生活的首要需求
tech.prime-white kerosine上等白色煤油
chem.prime white oil上等自色煤油
tech.prime window主窗
gen.prime M with给M涂N打底 (N)
gen.prime M with事先为M提供N (N)
gen.prime M with把N注〔灌〕人M内 (N)
gen.prime M with供给M以N (N)
tech.radius of curvature in prime vertical circle卯酉圈曲率半径
expl.Railways in that country are a prime candidate for privatization那个国家的铁路最早成为私有化的目标
tech.rational prime number有理素数
gen.relative prime互质〔素〕
expl.Resign one's charge as prime minister辞去首相职责
tech.right prime formula右素逻辑式
tech.rotary prime mover旋转式原动机
tech.self-prime pump自启动水泵
tech.self-prime pump自吸式水泵
commer.sell at prime costs按成本岀售
earth.sc.sequential prime implicant form时序素隐含式
tech.sequential prime implicant form时序质隐含式
gen.single prime ideal单素理想
expl.Slider primers are in-the-hole delay initiating devices used with detonation cords to prime individual decks of non-cap sensitive explosive孔内延时起爆药是放在炮孔内与导火索用在一起的起爆装置、以起爆各层非雷管起爆炸药
expl.Smoking is believed to be the prime cause of heart disease有人说吸烟是引发心脏病的祸首
tech.solar energy prime mover太阳能发动机
anim.husb.swarm given off by prime swarm再分群第一次蜂群分出的蜂群
agric.swarm given off by prime swarm再分群第一分蜂群分出的蜂群
tech.synthetic resin prime coat合成树脂底涂层
tech.synthetical resin prime coat合成树脂底涂层
expl.That fellow is a prime detective hired那人是雇佣侦探的典型
expl.The hotel is in a prime location overlooking the plain这旅馆处于俯瞰原野景色的最好位置
expl.The parliament charges that the prime minister acts unlawfully议会指责首相行为不合法
expl.the price of prime beef最上等牛肉的价格
expl.the prime of a year春天
expl.the prime of an ecosystem最理想的生态系统
expl.the prime of life壮年
expl.the prime of the moon新月
expl.the prime of this book本书最精彩部分。3
expl.The uncontrolled flying fragments generated by the effects of a blast are one of the prime causes in blasting-related accidents由爆破效应引起的且未加控制的碎石飞片是爆破事故的主要原因之一
expl.to prime a boiler with coal给锅炉加煤
expl.to prime a gun给枪上药
expl.to prime stone mines with powder采石场开采装药
tech.unknown prime number未知素数
securit.US Prime Rate美国优惠利率
securit.US Prime Rate美国基本利率
avia.virtual prime vendor虚拟主供应商
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