
Terms for subject Technology containing price | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance of an order at below-cost price接受低于成本的订货
accounting price账面价格
add to the prices提价
adjust price调整价格
adjust the price ratios调整比价
adjusted price调整后价格
adjusted sales price调整后的售价
adjusted total price of contract调整合同总价
adjusting price价格调整
adjusting price调剂价
adjustment for price fluctuation价格波动调整
administered-price theory操纵价格论
advance in price提价
advance price提价
advanced price已上涨的价格
advanced price预付价格
agreement price协定价格
all price各费在内的价格
all-in price统包价格
allowance for price declines降价备抵
analysis of material price variance材料价格差异分析
analysis of price decline跌价分析
analysis of prices造价分析
anticipated price预期价格
appreciation of market price市价上涨
appropriate price调拨价格
arm's-length price正常交易价初
asking price卖价
asking price卖方报价
asking price卖主的开叫价
asking price讨价
auction land price拍卖地价
auction price拍卖价 (格)
automatic rate-price indicator自动估价及价值指示器
automatic rate-price indicator估价及价值自动指示器
automatic rate-and-price indicator估价及价值自动指示器
automatic rate-and-price indicator自动估价及价值指示器
average issuing price平均发行价格
average price平均价 (格)
average relative price平均相对价格
barometric price leadership晴雨表式价格领导
base bid price投标底价
base bid price标底
base price地基费用
base price on quality按质论价
basic law of price change价格变化基本规律
basic price date基本价格数据
basic unit price基础单价
bonded price保税价格
book price账面价格
bottom bidding price招标底价
bottom price最低价 (格)
breakdown of bid price投标总价的细分
breakdown of lump sum bid price投标总价的细分
breakdown of price价格分解
breakdown of price价格分析
breakdown of tender prices标价的分项表
bridge the price gap解决差价
bring down price降价
bring down price降低价格
budgeted material price材料预算价格
build and erection price建安工程价格
building construction price建筑工程价格
building construction price index建筑工程价格指数
building price建筑物市价
building price建筑物价格
building price index建筑物价格指数
buy and sell at reasonable price买卖公平
buy at a bargain price议价购买
buy back price回购价格
buyer's price对买主有利的价格
calculated according to current price按现行价格计算
calculated on the basis of their original price按原价计算
calculation price估算价 (格)
call price提前偿还债券价格
call price赎债价格
cash price现金付款的最低价格
cash price付现价格
cash price付现金价格
cash price现款售价
cash sale price现销价格
ceiling price上限价格
ceiling price最大限价
ceiling price最高价 (格)
charm price有吸引力的价格
charming price有吸引力的价格
class price分类价格
clearing price结算价格
close bid price出价收盘
closing asked price要价收盘
closing bid and asked price收盘出价和要求
closing price收盘价 (格)
combination price批发价 (格)
competitive price投标价 (格)
competitive price有竞争能力的价格
computed price推定价格
constructed price推定价格
contango price of money延期日息
contractor's price投标价格
conversion at current price按现价兑换
conversion at market price按市价兑换
convertible price兑换价格
corrected price indices修正后的价格指数
corrective price decline调整性降价
credit price赊卖价格
credit price赊销价格
cross price elasticity交叉价格弹性
current market price现行市 (格)
current price (格)
current-price estimate现价估算值
current selling price现价
current year's price当年价格
cut price削价
cut price offer廉价出售
day of shipment price装运日价格
decline in price物价下跌
decline in price跌价
deflate currency and price紧缩通货和压低物价
delivered price到货价 (格)
delivery price交收价
detailed price list详细价目表
determination of price价格决定
determining ratio cost to selling price确定成本对售价的比率
did price index标价指数
difference between commercial purchasing and selling prices商业进销差价
disequilibrium price不均衡价格
disposition price城市更新用地售价
distribution on selling price按数量分配
distribution price分配价
divergence of price from value价格背离价值
divergencies of prices from values价格脱离价值
double price双重价格
drop in price落价
dual price system二部价格制
durable goods price耐用品价格
dutiable price应征税价格
duty-paid price完税货价
electronic price computing scale电子计价秤
entry price入账价格
equilibrium price供求平衡价格
evaluated bid price评标价
ex barge price驳船价
ex importation dock price入口港栈货价
ex-factory price出厂价 (格)
ex-factory price工厂交货价 (格)
ex-godown price仓库交货价 (格)
exhaust price押金缺少时的价格
exorbitant price过高的价格
expected normal price期望正常价格
export and import price index进出口物价指数
ex-refinery price出炼厂价
extended price预算价格
extended price扩充费用
extended price评估价
extra over price高价
ex-warehouse price仓库交货价 (格)
ex-works price工厂交货价 (格)
factor-price differentials要素价格差别
factor-price equalization要素价格均等化
factor-price frontier要素价格边界
factor-price frontier因子价格界限
factory gate price出厂价 (格)
factory price出厂价 (格)
factory-set price厂定价格
family unit price家庭单元价格
fancy price高价
fancy price特昂价格
farm gate price农场出售价
fellow-trader price同业价格
final price最后价格
final price最终价格
fixing price according quality按质论价
flat price统一价 (格)
flat price平价
floating unit price semi-piecework wage浮动单价半计件工资
floor price最低价 (格)
floor price最低出口价格
floor price最低限价
fluctuation in price价格变动
fluctuation in price物价波动
fluctuation in price价格涨落
force down price杀价
force down price压价
force price down压价
force up commodity price抬价
forced price受制约的价格
forecast price预测价值
forecasting of price价格预测
forward price期货价 (格)
future price期货价 (格)
general contractor's fixed price offer总承包商固定价格开价单
general index of retail price一般消费物价指数
general level of market prices物价总水平
general level of retail price零售物价总水平
general price物价
general price index物价总指数
general price index总物价指数
general price-level adjustment一般物价水平调整
general price level change一般物价水平变动
general price level change总物价水平的变动
general price-level method一般物价水平法
goods price好价 (钱)
grading price路基造价
grading price修建路基造价
gross price总价 (格)
gross price method总价入账
gross selling price总售价
haggle over prices讲价
half price ticket
hidden price increase变相涨价
highest possible price尽可能的最高价
highest possible price可能得到的最高价
highest price method最高价格法
hike in prices涨价
hire purchase price分期付款价格
house purchase price住房零售价格
identical price价格相同
imported price进口价格
indication price指示价格
indicative price指示价
inflation of prices涨价
inflationary high prices膨胀性高价
input output price投入输出成本
inside price批发价 (格)
inside price内部价格
invariability in price价格不变性
invoice price发票价
jack up the price抬高价格
jack up the price抬价
junk price赔本价 (钱)
keep down price平抑价格
labeled price标明价格
labelled price标价
labelled price标明价格
land price土地征购价
land price per floor area楼面地价
land purchasing price土地征购价格
landed price抵岸价 (格)
last invoice price最后进价法
lid on price限价
limited price order限制价格订货
liquidated unit price method清算单价法
liquidation price清算价值 (破产企业资产的)
liquidation unit price清算单价
list of prices价目表
list price目录价 (格)
list price基本价格
list price价格目表价格
list price method标准价格法
listed price明码
listed price牌价
lump price一揽子价格
lump-sum price统包价格
lump-sum price一次总价
maintain the price level维持价格水平
make a price讨价
marked price价目
market cleaning price市场清算价格
market price市场价 (格)
market price牌价
market price method市价法 (指联合成本的分配)
market price of labor市场劳动力价格
market price of labour市场劳动力价格
materials price variance材料价格差异
materials price variance ratio材料价格差异率
materials usage price variance材料耗用价格差异
materials usage price variance材料消费价格差异
maximum price最高价 (格)
mean price平均价 (格)
medium price中等价格
method of price of last purchase最终购入价格法
minimum price最低价 (格)
minimum price最低限价
minimum price fluctuation最低波动价位
minimum price movement最低波动价位
modest price increase适当涨价
modest price reduction适当降价
modify price调整价格
mortgage release price抵押贷款清偿数
most probable selling price最有可能的售价
narrow price gap缩小差价
negative price scissors逆向剪刀差
negotiated price协议价格
net back price出厂价 (格)
net invoice price发票价格净额
net price净值
net price正价
nominal crude price标定油价
nominal price正价
normal price of labor劳动的标准价格
normal price of labour劳动的标准价格
normalized price标准价格
normalized price定价
offer a high price for出高价买
offer price卖方报价
offer price卖价
offered price卖方报价
offered price卖主的开价
offered price要价
office price正式价格
official price法定固定价格
old price旧价
oligopsony price买主垄断价格
on-line price surveillance价格监视线
open price公开标价
open price agreement统一报价协定
optimal price policy最适当价格政策
parity price平价 (价格)
pegged price控制价格
pegged price限定价格
petroleum posted price石油计税标价
piecework price单件产品价格
policy of product-use price differentials不同用途差别定价政策
port of entry price进口港到岸价
position limit price入市限价
posted price标明的价格
prevail price时价
prevailing price通行价格
prevailing price普遍价格
price adjustment调整价格
price adjustment formula调价公式
price adjustment lag价格调整上的时滞
price adjustment mechanism of financial statement财务报表物价调整机制
price after tax纳税后价格
price agreement价格协定
price appeal索取价格
price arbitration公断价格
price behavior价格变化情况
price card价标
price ceiling最高价 (格)
price ceiling限定价格
price concession让价
price concession价格核准
price-consumption curve价格一消费曲线
price coordination method价格协调法
price current定价表
price current价目表
price difference价差
price difference价格差异
price difference of material材料差价
price differentials between commodities商品差价
price differentiation分化价格
price downslide价格剧降
price earning ratio价格一收益比 (率)
price earning ratio高变动率
price elasticity of demand需求价格灵活性
price elasticity of demand for import进口需求的价格弹性
price escalation价格升级
price escalation clause价格逐步上涨的条款
price escalation clause价格自动调整条款
price escalation rate价格上涨率
price evaluation and classification according to quality按质分等论价
price fixing默许订价
price fixing价格协商 (投标人之间的)
price floor最低价 (格)
price floor价格下限
price floor最低限价
price fluctuation价格变动
price gain价格收益
price gap差价
price gap价差
price gap between different localities地区差价
price including commission包含手续的价格
price including tax税金在内的价格
price inelasticity价格无弹性
price inflation价格膨胀
price list报价单
price loco当地交货价格
price mark价格记号
price mark-down价格折扣
price markdown percentage价格降低率
price movement limit价格移动限额
price on a uniform basis统一价 (格)
price on spot现货价 (格)
price-output determination价格一产量的决定
price partly in the exchange交换比价
price preference价格优惠
price schedule价格表
price spread effect矿产价格刺激
price strategy of mineral commodities矿产价格对策
principal factors of price decreasing价格下降主要因素
principal factors of price increasing价格增长主要因素
privileged price优待价
programming request for price quotation编制市场报告要求程序
project construction price建设工程价格
project price settlement audit工程价款结算的审计
railway freight price铁路货物运价
railway keep-price transport铁路保价运输
raise price提高物价
raise the current price抬高时价
raise the current price提高时价
raise the price提价
range of administered price行政定价范围
range of price价格范围
range of price价格幅度
range of price changes调价浮动
ration price配给价格
reasonable price售价公道
reasonable price价格公道
reasonable price公平价格
receding prices价格跌落
receding prices逐渐下跌的物价
recommended retail price推荐零售价格
recovery of price价格会升
redemption price清偿价格
release price赎回扣押权的费用
request for price quotation请求价格引证
resale price maintenance维持转卖价格
reserve against decline in prices价格下降准备
reserve price卖主的最低售价
reserve price最低价 (格)
retail price销售价格
reverse price-fixing反向定价
revised price修正后价格
rock bottom price最低价 (格)
rocketing prices物价飞涨
satiety price市场饱和价格
scale down price降价
scarcity price缺货价格
scarcity price缺货市场
schedule of bidding price投标报价表
schedule of prices估价表
schedule of rates and prices单价及价目表
seasonal price季节性价格
sell at market prices明码售货
sell goods at high price高价出售
sell goods at high price高价销售
seller's price卖价
seller's price卖主控制价格
selling goods at reduced prices削价处理商品
selling off goods at reduced prices拍卖
selling price卖方报价
selling price inventory method按销售价格盘存法
send down price压价
sensitivity coefficient of price价格敏感系数
settled price落定价
shipment price发送价格
short-period price短期价格
skimming price撇奶油式价格
skimming-the-cream price最高价订价法
slide price浮动价格
sluice-gate price开闸价格
sluice-gate price闸门价格 (欧洲共同市场规定的最低进口价)
spatial price discrimination空间价格差别
split the price difference on 50% basis差价对半分
standard purchase price标准采购成本
steep increase in prices物价飞涨
straighten out the relationships among taxes, charge, prices理顺税、费、价三者关系
strike price敲定价格
subcontract price分包价格
subscription price认可价格
subsidized price补收价格
successful price tendered中标价格
sufficiency of contract price合同价格的充分性
supply price供货价格
support price维持性价格
surcharge on fuel prices燃料价格附加费
table of price价目表
tank cession price油罐转证价
target price标准价格
target price预定价格
target profit transfer price目标利润转移价格
tax price课税价格
tax reference price课税参考价格
the lowest price最低价 (格)
the overall price level物价总水平
the price ask喊价
the price asked要价
theoretic leasing price理论出租价格
theoretic price理论价格
theoretic prices on a composite basis复合理论价格
trade price批发价 (格)
trader's price居间价格
traditionally used by shopkeepers to mark prices码子
transfer prices among commercial enterprises商业内部调拨价格
trend of stock price股价走势
trigger price mechanism控制价格结构
true supply price实际供给价格
under price定低价格
up or down an alteration of price clause加价或减价条款
up-to-date price现时价格
upward adjustments of prices调高物价水平
upward price trend涨价趋势
upward trend of price涨风
valuation at market price按市场价格估价
value of the stock of assets at constant price按不变价格计算的资产现有价值
variable prices变化的价格
variation of price价格变动
variation of price价格变化
vie with one another to raise prices竞相提价
volatile price飞腾性价格
wharf price仓库交货价 (格)
world export prices indices世界出口价格指数
world market price世界市场价格
world market price国际市场价格
zone price区域价格
zoning price分区定价
Showing first 500 phrases