
Terms containing presumed | all forms | exact matches only
spacepresumed air breathing threat假定的喷气式武器威胁
eng.geol.presumed bearing value推断承载力
commer.presumed happening推定要发生的事
commer.presumed income假定的收入
commer.presumed income推定的收入
China, lawpresumed innocent假定无罪
spacepresumed tactical ballistic missile假定的战术弹道导弹
textilepresumed total loss推定全损
textilepresumed total loss假定全损
busin.presumed total loss推定全损见 constructive total loss
econ.The cement is presumed to be packed in stout paper bags水泥应用结实纸袋包装
econ.the presumed total loss推定全损
econ.the presumed total loss假定全损