
Terms for subject Technology containing pressure head | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
absolute pressure head绝对压头
artesian pressure head地下水压力水头
artesian pressure head承压水
artesian pressure head自流水水压头
atmospheric-pressure head大气冒口
atmospheric-pressure head大气压力冒口
capillary pressure head管压头
delivery pressure head供水压头
diaphragm for excess pressure head超压膜
drop in pressure head压强水头差降
effective pressure head有效压头
excess pressure head过剩静压头
flowing tubing head pressure自喷井管头压力
four-head pressure四头翻边机
gas pressure head气体压力头
geodetic pressure head自流水头
groundwater pressure head地下水压力水头
head of pressure水头
head pressure机头压力
head pressure
head pressure水头压位差
head pressure消火栓的喷嘴压力
head pressure水头 (压力)
head pressure排出压力
head pressure入口压强
head pressure压位差
high-pressure head高压头
high-pressure head高压位差
high-pressure cross head高压十字头
hydraulic pressure head水头
hydraulic pressure head水压
hydrostatic pressure head静水压头
hydrostatic pressure head流体静压头
inertial pressure head惯性压头
intake well head pressure注入井井口压力
low-pressure cross head低压十字头
manometric pressure head液体压力计压头
manometrical pressure head液体压力计压头
normal pressure head正常压力水头
nut for excess pressure head check超压位防松螺母
nut for maximum pressure head check最大压位防松螺母
operating pressure head工作压力
osmotic pressure head渗析压头
potential pressure head水位差
potential pressure head水压差
pressure head压差
pressure head水位差
pressure head扬程 (泵的)
pressure head switch触点式压力计
pressure head switch压力保护开关
pressure head tank压力水箱
pressure type head box压力流浆箱
pressure vessel head压力壳顶盖
recharge per unit pressure head单位回灌量
recording casing head pressure记录套管压力
recording well head pressure记录井口压力
reduction of pressure head压头减小
service pressure head工作压力水头
spring box for excess pressure head超压簧箱
total head pressure全压头
tubing head pressure管头压力
well-head flowing pressure井口喷流压力
well-head pressure井口压力
well-head pressure关井井口压力
working pressure head工作压力水头