
Terms containing pressure head | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.absolute pressure head绝对压头
auto.A/C head pressure空调压缩机出口压力
hydroel.st.acting water head of external water pressure外水压力作用水头
spaceair-pressure head气压受感器
tech.artesian pressure head自流水水压头
tech.artesian pressure head承压水
eng.geol.artesian pressure head承压水压头
oilartesian pressure head自流水压头
dril.artesian pressure head自流液柱压头
tech.artesian pressure head地下水压力水头
desert.artesian pressure head承压水位
tech.atmospheric-pressure head大气冒口
tech.atmospheric-pressure head大气压力冒口
oilavailable pressure head有效压头
eng.geol.available pressure head有效压力水头
dril.available pressure head有效水压头
eng.geol.capillary pressure head毛细压力水头
tech.capillary pressure head管压头
dril.casing head pressure套管头表压力
dril.casing head pressure套管头压力
dril.casing head pressure套压
dril.casing head pressure关井井口压力
mining.closed-in tubing head pressure关井油管口压力
dril.closed-in well-head pressure关井井口压力
hydroel.st.connection box for head cover pressure relief顶盖卸压管连接座
compr.cylinder head hydraulic pressure test气缸盖水压试验
dril."dead head" pressure test关井压力测试
tech.delivery pressure head供水压头
tech.diaphragm for excess pressure head超压膜
oildischarge pressure head排岀压头
dril.discharge pressure head排出压头
bridg.constr.drop in pressure head压力水头差
hydroel.st.drop in pressure head压力水头降落
tech.drop in pressure head压强水头差降
ITdynamic pressure flying head动压式浮动磁头
oileffective pressure head有效压头
tech.effective pressure head有效压头
tech.excess pressure head过剩静压头
mining.flowing tubing head pressure自喷油管压力
oilflowing tubing head pressure自喷油压
oilflowing tubing head pressure自喷井井口压力
mining.flowing tubing head pressure井口流动压力
tech.flowing tubing head pressure自喷井管头压力
tech.four-head pressure四头翻边机
tech.gas pressure head气体压力头
tech.geodetic pressure head自流水头
eng.geol.groundwater pressure head地下水压头
tech.groundwater pressure head地下水压力水头
hydroel.st.head cover pressure measuring顶盖测压
hydroel.st.head cover pressure measuring point顶盖压力测点
hydroel.st.head cover pressure relief pipe顶盖卸压管支管
bridg.constr.head of pressure压头
tech.head of pressure水头
construct.head pressure排出〔输送,水头〕压力
tech.head pressure消火栓的喷嘴压力
expl.head pressure扬程压力
tech.head pressure
tech.head pressure压位差
tech.head pressure机头压力
hydroel.st.head pressure输送压力
hydroel.st.head pressure水头压力
eng.geol.head pressure压头
eng.geol.head pressure承压水头
tech.head pressure排出压力
tech.head pressure水头 (压力)
tech.head pressure水头压位差
auto.head pressure空调压缩机出口压力
tech.head pressure入口压强
el.mach.head pressure水压
met.head pressure液体静压头
refrig.head pressure排岀压力
refrig.head-pressure gauge排气压力表
tech.high-pressure head高压头
construct.high pressure head高压位差
construct.high pressure head高压头
tech.high-pressure head高压位差
tech.high-pressure cross head高压十字头
tech.hydraulic pressure head水头
spacehydraulic pressure head水力压头
auto.hydraulic pressure head压头
oilhydraulic pressure head液压压头
oilhydraulic pressure head水压压头
tech.hydraulic pressure head水压
tech.hydrostatic pressure head静水压头
tech.hydrostatic pressure head流体静压头
tech.inertial pressure head惯性压头
tech.intake well head pressure注入井井口压力
tech.low-pressure cross head低压十字头
tech.manometric pressure head液体压力计压头
tech.manometrical pressure head液体压力计压头
earth.sc.mean pressure suction head平均抽吸压头
oil.proc.mean pressure suction head平均压力吸入高度
mining.mean pressure suction head平均抽汲压头
earth.sc.mean pressure suction head平均压力吸引高度
refrig.mixing static pressure head混合静压头
oilnet pressure head净压头
auto.net pressure head有效压头
chem.net pressure head可利用压头
railw.non-pressure head前盖
tech.normal pressure head正常压力水头
tech.nut for excess pressure head check超压位防松螺母
tech.nut for maximum pressure head check最大压位防松螺母
tech.operating pressure head工作压力
tech.osmotic pressure head渗析压头
tech.potential pressure head水位差
tech.potential pressure head水压差
nautic., tech.pressure control head压力控制头
transp.pressure head压力感受器
transp.pressure head
transp.pressure head压〔水〕头
transp.pressure head测压计的头部
transp.pressure head规管
transp.pressure head气弹冒口
transp.pressure head压力盖
eng.geol.pressure head测压水头
hydroel.st.pressure head压强水头
hydroel.st.pressure head强水
hydroel.st.pressure head压力水头
eng.geol.pressure head承压水位
spacepressure head
transp.pressure head发气压力冒口
transp.pressure head压〔水〕位差
transp.pressure head测压高
transp.pressure head压头
agric.pressure head压[力水]头
compr.pressure head扬程
wind.pressure head压力头
met.pressure head压位差
wind.pressure head压力传感器
oilpressure head承压水头
auto.pressure head压力水头高度
cont.cast.pressure head发气压力冒口
water.res.pressure head压头
tech.pressure head压差
tech.pressure head水位差
dril.pressure head泵的扬程
railw.pressure head后盖
tech.pressure head扬程 (泵的)
hydroel.st.pressure head loss压力水头损失
eng.geol.pressure head monitoring压力头监测系统
tech.pressure head switch触点式压力计
tech.pressure head switch压力保护开关
tech.pressure head tank压力水箱
tech.pressure type head box压力流浆箱
el.pressure vessel closure head压力容器封头【核】
tech.pressure vessel head压力壳顶盖
bridg.constr.pressure water head压力水头
el.reactor pressure vessel closure head反应堆压力容器封头【核】
tech.recharge per unit pressure head单位回灌量
tech.recording casing head pressure记录套管压力
tech.recording well head pressure记录井口压力
refrig.redistribution of pressure head压头的再分布
tech.reduction of pressure head压头减小
tech.service pressure head工作压力水头
mining.shut in tubing head pressure井口【油管头】关井压力
tech.spring box for excess pressure head超压簧箱
met.static pressure head静压头
oilstatic tubing head pressure油管静压
oilstatic tubing head pressure关井稳定油管压力
mining.static tubing head pressure油管头静压
earth.sc.system pressure head系统压力水头
expl.The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition操作人员不必考虑敏化这种混合炸药
expl.The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition药柱和水的扬程压力不会改变这种炸药的密度
expl.The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition玻璃微球有两个优势:
tech.total head pressure全压头
spacetotal pressure head总压头
avia.total-pressure head总压头
earth.sc.tubing head pressure油管头压力
earth.sc.tubing head pressure油压
oiltubing head pressure油管井口压力
mining.tubing head pressure油管头【井口】压力
tech.tubing head pressure管头压力
bridg.constr.water pressure head压力水头
bridg.constr.water-head pressure水头压力
met.welding pressure head焊接压力头
eng.geol.well head flowing pressure井口流压
oilwell head flowing pressure井口流动压力
eng.geol.well head pressure井口压力
tech.well-head flowing pressure井口喷流压力
tech.well-head pressure井口压力
tech.well-head pressure关井井口压力
auto.wheel-nut with pressure head带垫平连接车轮螺母
tech.working pressure head工作压力水头