
Terms for subject Finances containing pressure | all forms | exact matches only
be under serious pressure面临严峻压力
bow to foreign pressure屈从于外来压力
create upward pressure造成上行压力
curb inflationary pressure遏制通胀压力
cyclical pressure for currency appreciation人民币升值的周期性压力
deflationary pressure通缩压力
deflationary pressure通货紧缩压力
ease pressure on banks缓和银行面临的压力
financial pressure财务压力
heavy international pressure to let the renminbi appreciate要求人民币升值的强大国际压力
imported inflationary pressure输人性通货膨胀压力
increase pressure加大压力
international pressure国际社会压力
market pressure市场压力
mitigate global inflationary pressure缓解全球通胀压力
pressure for money银根紧
pressure for money金钱短缺
pressure from growing demand不断增长的需求压力
pressure on employment就业压力
pressure on funding costs融资成本压力
price pressure effect价格压力效应
put downward pressure on prices对物价形成下行压力
put downward pressure on the dollar压低美元汇率
put pressure on China to let the renminbi appreciate向中国施压要求让人民币升值
put pressure on their funding costs给融资成本增添压力
put severe pressure on对…构成沉重压力
renew wave of downward pressure带来新一波下行压力
resist pressure to revalue the renminbi抵制人民币的升值压力
selling pressure沽压
selling pressure抛售压力
upward pressure上行压力
upward pressure升值压力
upward pressure on the renminbi人民币升值压力 (exchange rate)
upwards pressure on inflation and asset prices通胀和资产价格上行压力