
Terms for subject Textile industry containing press | all forms | exact matches only
annhole top press袖山压熨机
armhole press挂肩熨烫机
armhole seam opening press挂肩缝熨烫机
armhole seam opening press挂肩缝熨开机
armhole seam opening press挂肩缝分开熨烫机
armhole top press袖山压熨机
armhole top press袖山压烫机
automatic collar press自动领子压平机
automatic press自动印花机印 T 恤衫用
automatic press自动烫衣机
automatic utility press自动万能熨烫机
baby press顶压辊
back press后身熨烫机
back press后身熨烫
back seam opening press背缝开熨机
back seam opening press背缝熨开机
back seam opening press背缝分开熨烫机
band-iron press手动式熨斗
body press立体整烫机
body press大身熨烫机
body press整烫机
body shape press立体整烫机
body shape press大身熨烫机
both-side trousers press两侧裤管熨烫机
both-side trousers press裤管成型机
cabinet press柜式熨烫机
cap press button带帽揪钮
cider-press cloth果汁滤布
clicker press冲压裁剪机
clicker press machine冲裁机
clothes press衣橱
clothes press衣柜
coat-and-jacket press board大衣和外套烫衣板
collar creasing press with heat and cool head冷热双头领型机
collar press领子压平机
collar press压领机
collar press pad烫领馒头
collar shaping press领型机
conveyer belt press传送带式粘合机
conveyer press传送式熨烫机
cotton press cloth打包棉布
coveralls automatic press自动熨烫工作服机
crotch press裤裆熨烫机
crotch press裤裆压烫机
crotch press浪底熨烫机
crotch press裤浪底熨烫机
cubic skirt press立体裙子整烫机
cubic skirt press立体烫裙机
cubic skirt press立体裙整烫机
cubic skirt press女装裙整烫机
curing press固化压力机
cut press stitch压花结构
cut press warp knitting machine压花经编机
cut presser and miss-press structures缺垫经编组织
dart seam opening press省缝熨开机
dart seam opening press省缝分开熨烫机
die press模型熨烫法
die press模压熨烫机
double shoulder press双肩熨烫机
double shoulder press双肩压烫机
double shoulder press双肩同时熨烫机
double sleeve press双袖压烫机
double sleeve press双袖同时熨烫机
double-table transfer printing press双面转移印花压烫机
durable press耐久熨烫又称PP整理
durable press耐久压烫性
durable press定型熨烫
durable press D.P DPDP 整理
durable press D.P DP定型熨烫
durable press D.P DP耐久压烫
durable press D.P DP耐久熨烫
durable press D.P DP整理衣料
durable press finish耐久定形整理
durable press finish耐久压烫整理
durable press level耐久压烫程度
durable press plastic replicas立体塑料复制模
durable press plastic replicas耐久压烫塑料复制模
edge press衣边压烫机
edge press block分烫烫台
electric press电烫机
electric press电压呢机
electric press电烫衣机
electric press蒸电熨烫
electrically heated flat bed press电热平板压烫机
electrically-heatd flat bed press电热平板压烫机
European press with microprocessor欧洲型电脑熨烫机
ever press永久熨烫
fashion press流行款式报道
fashion press流行媒体
fashion press时装媒体
fashion press流行服饰新闻报道
finger press指压
finishing durable press finishing耐久压烫整理
finishing permanent press finishing耐久压烫整理
finishing press整理压平机
flat bed press平板热压机
flat bed steam press平板蒸汽压烫机
flat plate press平板压烫机
flat-bed press平板烫熨机
fold and press back yoke扣烫过肩
fold and press back yoke〔工〕扣烫过肩
fold and press crotch reinforcement patch〔工〕扣烫裤底
fold and press heel stay〔工〕扣烫贴脚条
fold and press hem扣烫底领
fold and press hem〔工〕扣烫底边
fold and press reinforcement for knee〔工〕扣烫膝盖绸
fold and press reinforcement for knees扣烫膝盖绸
fold and to press back yoke扣烫过肩
fold and to press crotch reinforcement patch扣烫裤底
fold and to press heel stay扣烫贴脚条
fold and to press hem扣烫底边
fold and to press reinforcement for knee分烫膝盖绸
formatic press立体烫
formatic press立体熨烫机
formatic press立体熨烫
formatic press立体立体机
front press前身熨烫机
front press前身熨烫
fusing press压烫熔合机
fusing press黏合机
fusing press热压黏合机
fusing press machine粘合机
fusing press machine压衬机
fusing press machine[粤]粘朴机
fusing press machine黏合机
garment press烫衣板
garment press烫衣机
general utility press万能压平机
glove cutting press手套裁剪机
glove press machine手套压烫机
gravure proof-press凹版样张印刷机
hat press machine制帽水压机
heating press热压机
high pressure body press高压大身熨烫机
high pressure body shape press高压立体整烫机
high pressure body shape press高压立体人形整烫机
Hoffman press霍夫曼式熨衣机
hot-press fusible interlining热压热熔衬
hot-press kettle热压釜
hothead press热压头压烫机
hydraulic cutting press油压裁剪机
hydraulic cutting press〔粤〕啤机
hydraulic press液压冲压机
hydraulic swing arm cutting press摇臂式液压裁断机制鞋
intermediate press中间压平机
international press国际新闻
iron press熨烫
iron top collar for press-shrinking热缩领面
knitwear press针织品熨烫机
laminated press felt层压毡毯
lapel press驳领压熨机
lapel press驳领熨烫机
leg forming press裤管成型熨烫机
leg forming press裤管成形熨烫机
legger press裤管压烫机
machine press packing机器打包法
machine press packing机器打包
mandrel press轧辊装卸机
manual utility press手动万能熨烫机
metal press button揿纽
mini fusing press迷你粘合机
mini fusing press迷你简易型黏合机
miss-press attachment缺压装置
mushroom ironing press蘑菇式压烫机
mushroom press蘑菇式熨烫机
never press免烫
never press无需熨烫
no press免烫
non-press cloth免烫衣服
oil-press duck榨油用帆布
packing press压缩打包
paper press纸板压呢机
paper press电压机
perma-press finish耐久压烫整理
permanent press耐久熨烫
permanent press耐久压烫 (P.P.)
permanent press耐久定形 (P.P.)
permanent press耐久熨烫又称PP整理
permanent press定形熨烫
permanent pressPP 整理衣料 (P.P.)
permanent pressPP 整理 (P.P.)
permanent press定型熨烫
permanent press fabric耐久性压烫织物
permanent press fabric耐久性定形织物
permanent press finish耐久定形整理 (P.P. finish)
permanent press finish耐久压烫整理 (P.P. finish)
placket fusing press门襟粘合机
placket fusing press门襟黏合机
plate press felts平压榨毛毯
pleat press压褶机
pneumatic collar press machine气压翻烫领机
pneumatic utility press万能风压熨烫机
pneumatic utility press万能整烫机
pocket flap forming press袋盖压烫机
pocket flap forming press袋盖熨烫机
pocket folding press口袋折烫机
post-cured permanent press后定型加工焙烘
precured permanent press预定形处理
press arrangement for tops粗梳毛条烫平机
press ball布馒头熨斗垫
press board熨烫用压板
press board熨烫台
press board熨烫用熨烫板
press board熨烫工作台
press board电压纸板
press board手工印花台板
press board压板
press board烫台
press board熨烫用烫板
press bonded fabric压黏布
press bonding fabric压黏布
press button按纽
press button四合扣
press button四合纽
press button子母扣
press button按扣
press button揿纽
press button揿钮
press cake[压]滤饼
press camera新闻摄影机
press chest interlining烫胸衬
press chest interlining〔工〕烫胸衬
press chineseknot四合扣
press chineseknot揿扣
press cloth熨烫覆布
press cloth熨烫垫布
press cloth熨烫布
press cloth水布
press cloth熨烫垫
press cloth烫水布
press cloth熨烫水布
press clothes熨平衣服
press collar interlining压领衬
press collar interlining〔工〕压领衬
press collar point热压领角定型
press collar point压领角
press collar point热压领角定形
press collar point〔工〕热压领角定型
press crease烫皱痕
press crease retention熨烫皱痕持久性
press cutter切样机
press device压针装置
press dish熨烫压板
press dish烫压板
press fasten揿纽
press fastener揿纽
press felt熨烫垫布
press felt熨烫垫
press finishing热板压烫定形
press finishing针织品热板压烫定形
press for liquid fund急需流动资金
press for the repayment of debts逼债,催偿债务
press frame压框
press gloss轧光
press gloss压光
press-in crease retention熨烫折痕耐久性
press iron熨斗
press iron烙铁
press jack system压针挺针系统
press line烫出的折痕
press luster decatizing machine压光蒸呢机
press machine大型熨衣机
press mitt手套式烫垫
press-off course漏编组织
press-off design一隔一并圈花纹
press-off design一隔一的并圈花纹
press-off loop漏编组织
press-off loop浮线组织
press open烫开
press open collar seam分烫上领缝
press open collar seam分烫领缝
press open collar seam〔工〕分烫领缝
press open dart烫省缝
press open dart分烫省缝
press open dart〔工〕分烫省缝
press open french dart分烫刀背缝
press open French dart烫刀背缝
press open French dart〔工〕分烫刀背缝
press open gorge lineseam〔工〕分烫领串口
press open gorge line seam分烫领串口
press open lining seam烫衣里缝
press open lining seam分烫里子缝
press open lining seam〔工〕分烫里子缝
press open seam烫开线缝
press open seam烫平线缝
press open seam烫开缝
press open shoulder seam分烫肩缝
press open shoulder seam〔工〕分烫肩缝
press open side seam分烫摆缝
press open side seam〔工〕分烫摆缝
press open sleeve seam分烫袖缝
press open sleeve seam〔工〕分烫袖缝
press-packed bale机压包
press-packing machine打包机
press-packing machine压包机
press release服饰新闻稿
press retention压烫保持性
press room整烫室
press seam分缝两片缝合后,再将缝分开熨平
press seam劈缝
press seam open烫开线缝
press seam open烫平线缝
press seam opening烫开缝
press section加压区
press sheet熨烫垫布
press sheet水布
press shine因熨烫过度而发亮
press skirt熨平裙子
press stand工作台板
press stand裁剪、缝制用工作台板
press steaming熨烫汽蒸
press stud揿扣
press stud揿钮
press stud摁扣
press stud大白加
press stud按扣
press stud fastener揿纽
press stud fastener摁纽
press stud fastener揿扣
press stud in four piece set四件扣
press tenter加压拉幅机
press trouser crease烫裤挺缝线
press trousers crease烫裤挺缝线
rapid conveyor press传送带式高效熨衣机
rapid press快速熨烫机
rapid press快速熨烫
ring press button圈面揪钮
roll press滚筒熨烫
roll press滚筒
rotary body finishing press滚动式衣身熨烫机
rotary filter press旋叶压滤机
rubber sole auto hydraulic press橡胶鞋底自动液压机
shoulder off press定肩型压烫机
shoulder off press肩部完成压烫机
shoulder off press肩部最终熨烫机
shoulder seam opening press肩缝熨开机
shoulder seam opening press肩缝分开熨烫机
side press侧身熨烫机
side seam open press侧缝熨开机
side seam opening press侧缝熨开机
side seam opening press侧缝分开熨烫机
skirt press裙熨烫机
skirt press裙压烫机
sleeve press衣袖熨烫机
sleeve press衣袖压烫机
sleeve press pad烫袖垫
sleeve seam opening press袖缝烫开机
sleeve seam opening press袖缝熨开机
sleeve seam opening press袖缝分开熨烫机
sock press短袜定形机
sock press短机
special body shape press特种人体整烫机
special body shape press特种人形整烫机
steam electric press蒸汽熨烫
steam press蒸汽熨烫
stereo boarding press立体熨烫
stocks press machine烫短袜机
straight linear fusing press直线型压烫
stud press拷纽
supplementary press辅助熨烫机
tailor's press board马凳
tailor's press board熨衣板
thermo fusing press热熔烫压机
thermofusing press热熔压烫机
tie press领带颈扣
transfer press转移印花压烫机
trouser forming press裤管成型机
trouser leg press裤管熨烫机
trouser press熨烫成或保持裤管折线
trouser topper press裤头熨烫机
trouser topper press裤腰压平机
tuck press压褶机
use press cloth隔布压烫
utility press万能熨烫机
utility press通用熨烫机
vulcanizing press模压《制鞋》
waist press腰围衬里压烫机
waist press腰围衬里压烫机
waistband seam opening press腰头缝熨开机
waistband seam opening press腰头缝分开熨烫机
warp-knitted cot-press fabric经编花压织物
warp-knitted miss-press fabric经编缺压织物
warp-knitted press fabric经编压纱织物
wrinkle free shirt press抗皱衬衫熨烫机
wrinkle free trousers press裤熨烫机
wrinkle-free shirt press抗皱衬衫熨烫机
wrinkle-free trousers press抗皱裤子熨烫机
wrinkle-free trousers press抗皱裤熨烫机