
Terms for subject Weightlifting containing press | all forms | exact matches only
alternate press哑铃交替推
alternate press交替推举
back press颈后推举
backward press体后持铃直臂后伸
bench press卧推
bent forward triceps press体前屈提拉臂
bent forward triceps press屈臂飞鸟
bent press斜板推举
bent press弯身举
bent press屈弓单臂推举
bent-forward triceps press弓身体侧屈伸臂哑铃练习
chest press卧推
chest press胸推
clean and press推举
Continental press上体前倾,上举时上体后倒式推举
continental press欧洲式推举
continental press老式推举 (法)
Continental press欧洲式推举
extension press哑铃伸臂练习
floor press仰卧推举
French press法国式推举
half press半推
half press of the rack架上半推举
hand military press立定推举
hand side press侧推举
hands press behind neck双手颈后推
hands to shoulder and bent press双手提铃至胸屈臂推举
handstand press-up倒立推
handstand press-up倒立推起
headstand press-up头着地的倒立推
headstand press-up头手倒立推
heave press with barbell借力推
incline bench press斜板推
jerk press借力推
left hand bent press左手单臂推举
left hand press左手推举
left hand side press两腿伸长上体右倾极度弯曲的左臂侧推举
left-hand bent press体侧倾左手单臂推举
left-hand press左手推举
left-hand side press左臂侧推
leg press腿举
leg press坐姿蹬腿练习
leg press综合力量器
leg press腿推器
leg press蹬腿练习
leg press heel raise推腿提踵
leg press machine卧式腿推器
leg press-out仰卧腿推举
leg press-out仰卧腿蹬举
leg press toe raise腿推提踵
lying triceps press仰卧头后弯举
military press实力推
military press硬推
military press of the rack架上硬推
Neider press胸前平推
Neider press奈德平推
Olympic curl and press bar标准屈推杠
Olympic press bench标准卧推凳
one hand side press单臂侧举
one-hand military press单手推举
one-hand press单臂推举
one-hand side press单臂侧举
posterior military press颈后推
posterior shoulder press颈后推
power press of the rack架上硬推
press behind neck颈后推
press bench卧推凳
press clean高翻推
press lockout半推
press of the rack架上推举
press on bench卧推
press on box卧推
press out短推犯规
press out上推动作
press out推举失败
press out from neck从头后推出
press up推举
press up推起
pullover and bench press仰卧头后拉起卧推
pullover and press on back卧推
pullover and press on back with bridge仰卧挤推
pullover and press on back with bridge仰卧挺腹推举
push press借力推举
push press借力推
repetition press胸前反复推举
right hand bent press右手单臂推举
right hand bent press身体侧倒的右手单臂推举
right hand press右手推举
right hand side and bent press右手侧推举
seated press坐推
seesaw press with dumbbell交替推哑铃
set press技术推举
shoulder press肩推
side press腰侧屈单臂推举
single arm backward press单臂体后持铃直臂后伸
snatch balance press颈前剪步宽握挺蹲
snatch balance press箭步宽握挺蹲
squat balance press宽握挺蹲
squat balance press颈后宽握挺蹲
standard curl and press bar标准屈推杠
standing press站立推
standing press硬推
standing press position上推预备姿势
standing triceps press with dumbbell站立哑铃臂屈伸
supine press卧推
swing bell triceps press头后弯举
swing triceps press头后弯举
triceps bench press with dumbbell仰卧头后弯举哑铃
triceps bench press with dumbbell仰卧头后弯举
triceps press三头肌练习
two-hand bench press两手卧推
two-hand clean and continental press双手推举
two-hand clean and press双手推举
two-hand clean and press behind the neck双手颈后推举
two-hand military press双手弯举
two-hand military press双手推举
two-hand military press双臂屈伸