
Terms for subject General containing present | all forms | exact matches only
According to the present rate, 6.88 Chinese yuan in cash is equivalent to one U. S. dollar.根据目前的牌价,6. 88元人民币相当于1美元
at a fraction of present cost以远低于原〔现〕价的价格
at present当今
at present现在
at present目前
at the present现今 (time)
at the present目前 (time)
at present如今
at the present day现代
be present
be present出席
be present
be present on the scene在场
be present toM 出现在M面前
be present to the mind不忘记
be present to the mind放在心里
even at low pressures there are still large numbers of molecules present仍有大量分子出现
even at low pressures there are still large numbers of molecules present即使在低气压时
exchange presents互赠礼物
for our present purposes目前
for our present purposes对目前实际应用来说
for the present眼下
for the present暂且
for the present当今
give a present of M to把 M 作为礼物送给N (N)
give as a present赠送
have M present with have present with把 M 和 N 弄到一起 (N)
have M present with have present withM使 M 同 N 并存 (N)
He bought us some gingerbread works as present他回来的时候给我们买了一些华而不实的工艺品
He is tied up at the present time. He is not able to take the call他现在有事,没办法接你的电话
in the present case当下
in the present case此际
in the present case这情形
in the present case在这事件中
I've got some money, my camera and some presents for my family我随身携带了一些钱、相机,还有一些给家人的礼物
make a present of M to把 M 作为礼物送给N (N)
make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China洋为中用
make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China古为今用
present a bold front做出勇敢面对现实的样子 (on)
present a bold front显岀大胆对抗的样子 (on)
present a bold front显出厚颜无耻的样子 (on)
present a bold front勇敢地面对 (on)
present a great puzzle是一大难题
present a proposal toM 向 M 提出建议
present a striking contrast to和…成显著对比〔鲜明对照〕
present M at用 M 瞄准 N (N)
present company在场人
present company出席者
present company excepted在场者除外
present company excepted在场〔座〕者除外
present one's custom to成为…的常客
present one's custom to经常光顾
present no difficulties会造成带来困难
present ground range现时地面距离观测时大炮射击目标的水平距离
present impedance to给…造成阻抗
present itself呈现 (to)
present itself出〔呈,浮〕现
present itself to产生在…眼前
present itself出现 (to)
present no problem不会引起困难
present oneself到场
present oneself出席 (现)
present participle现在分词
present position indicator目前位置指示器
present position indicator真实位置显示器
present respectfully
present section本节
present M to把M朝〔向,对〕着N (N)
present M to向N暴露〔显示〕出M (N)
present M to把M送〔介绍〕给N (N)
present M to N for approval把 M 提交 N 批准
present wit急〔机〕智
present M with给M带来N (N)
present M with向M提供〔提出〕N (N)
present M with把N赠给 M (N)
present with great respect奉献
Present your claim ticket and other pertinent information to the employee, leave with a copy of the report, a toll-free number to call and the number of the local office where you made your claim向工作人员出示行李票及其他相关信息,留存一份申报单影印件、免费电话号码及申报办公室电话号码
the nucleus contains a total positive charge that is equal to the number of protons present原子核中包含的正电荷的总数和存在于该原子核中的质子数相等
the present author作者
the present generation现代人
the present generation这-代
the present speaking目前
the present speaking现在
the present volume本书
the present writer作者
the whole aim of present strategy当前战略的总目标
there were none present谁也没有到场〔出席〕
this present speaking目前
this present speaking现在
those here present在座各位
up to the present到目前为止
up to the present至〔迄〕今
under the present conditions在目前情况下
Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务费