
Terms for subject Air defense containing precision | all forms | exact matches only
automatic precision approach radar自动精密进场雷达
axis train precision轴系精度
dilution of precision精度衰减因子
geometric dilution of precision几何精度下降
high probability of locating/precision direction finding高截获概率与精确侧向
horizontal dilution of precision平面位置精度因子
joint precision airdrop system联合精确空投系统
missile precision instrumentation radar导弹精度测量雷达
missile precision instrumentation radar导弹精确测量雷达
modified precision approach radar改进型精密进场着陆雷达
position dilution of precision空间位置精度因子
positioning precision定位精度
precision acquisition of vehicle entry phased array warning system"铺路爪"雷达
precision acquisition of vehicle entry phased array warning systemAN/FPS-115雷达
precision acquisition of vehicle entry phased array warning system飞行器进人大气层精确搜索相控阵告警系统
precision aerial delivery system精确空中投放系统
precision aircraft tracking system精密机载跟踪系统
precision angle精确角
precision angle indicator精密角度指示器
precision antenna measurement system天线精密测量系统
precision approach airfield radar精确进场机场雷达
precision comparator精密波长计
precision emitter location strike system精密辐射定位攻击系统
precision-guided ammunition精确制导弹药
precision-guided munition精确制导弹药
precision guided munition精密制导武器
precision guided weapons精确制导武器
precision measuring equipment精确测量设备
precision net精密网络
precision oscillographic work精密示波技术
precision SIGINT targeting system精确信号情报目标系统
precision snap-acting switch精密快动开关
precision strike system精确定位攻击系统
precision tracking精密精确跟踪
precision VI-IF omni-range精确甚高频全向无线电信标
rapid retargeting and precision pointing快速再定位和精确瞄准
relative dilution of precision相对精度因子
super-precision approach radar超精度进场着陆控制雷达
the precision acquisition vehicle entry精确截获再人火箭相控