
Terms containing practicable | all forms | exact matches only
busin.advise by air mail as practicable尽快空邮通知
el.as low as practicable实用尽量低
el.as low as practicable实用尽量低【核】
el.as low as reasonable practicable实用可行尽量低
nautic., tech.as low as reasonable practicable area最低合理可行范围
el.as low as reasonably practicable实用可行尽量低【核】
nautic., tech.as low as reasonably practicable最低合理可行原则
econ.as soon as practicable clause尽速通知条款
met.best practicable control technology最佳实用控制技术
tech.best practicable control technology currently available当前可获得的最佳实用控制工艺
earth.sc.best practicable control technology currently available现有最佳可用控制技术
gen.best practicable control technology currently available现时可用的实际可行最佳控制工艺美国1972年通过的联邦水污染控制法案规定到1977年7月1日应当达到基于此工艺的流出物限制标准
environ.best practicable environment option最实用的环境方案
ecol.best practicable environment option最佳可行环境选择
earth.sc.best practicable environmental option最佳可行性环境方案
busin.best practicable means最佳作业法
tech.best practicable means最佳实践方法
tech.best practicable means最优实用手段
earth.sc.best practicable technology最实用控制技术
water.res., ecol.best practicable wastewater treatment technology最佳实用污水处理技术
econ.His practicable proposal was adopted by the company他那个切实可行的提议被公司采用了
tech.optimum practicable technology currently available最佳实用可行技术
commer.practicable measures行得通的措施
busin.practicable plan切实可行的计划
desert.practicable technology适用技术
interntl.trade.procuring equipment at lowest practicable cost最低价格购得设备
busin.procuring equipment at lowest practicable cost按最低价购置设备
sport.The tying competitors shall be placed in the next round or, if that is not practicable, lots shall be drawn to determine who shall be placed in the next round成绩相等的运动员均应进人下一赛次、如实际条件不允许、则应抽签决定进人下一赛次的人选 (注释:1. 抽签英文为 draw lots,有时英文 lots 可省略; 2. 抽签决定道次、比赛顺序等,竞赛规则中英文常用被动语态如: the order of lanes, the order of competitions etc. shall be draw)
econ.We are sorry that your offer is not practicable很遗憾,你方报盘不可行
econ.We hope you will realize that this compromise on both parties is a practicable solution of the difficulty我们希望你们能认识到这种双方妥协的方案是解决困难的切实可行的办法
econ.We'll execute your order as soon as practicable我们将尽快执行你方订货