
Terms for subject Technology containing power station | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
alternative power station备选电站
atomic power station原子能发电站
atomic power station核能发电站
atomic-energy power station原子能发电站
automatic power station自动发电站
auxiliary power station备用电站
auxiliary power station备用发电厂
barrage power station堰坝式电站
big power station大型发电厂
block type runoff-river power station单岸式径流式电站
boiler house for power station锅炉动力站
buttress power station墩内式水电站
canal system power station引水渠式发电站
central electric power station中心发电站
central electrical power station中心发电站
central power station中心发电站
coal burning power station燃煤发电厂
coal-fired power station火电厂
coal-fired power station燃煤发电厂
coal-fired power station燃煤发电机
coal-fired power station燃煤火电站
consumer's power station用户供电站
dam power station坝式厂房
dam type power station蓄水式水电站
dam type power station靠坝式水电站
dam type power station堤坝式水电站
decentralized solar power station分散型太阳能电站
diesel power station柴油发电厂
diesel-electric power station柴油发电厂
diesel-electrical power station柴油发电厂
diversion system of hydro power station水电站引水工程
diversion system of hydro power station水电站引水设备
diversion system of hydro power station水电站引水系统
diversion type power station引水式电站
diversion type power station引水式水电站
electric power station电力变电所
electric power station near coal mines坑口电站
electrical power station电力变电所
electrical power station电力站
electrical power station near coal mines坑口电站
emergency power station应急电站
engineering geologic investigation of nuclear power station核电站工程地质勘察
engineering geological investigation of nuclear power station核电站工程地质勘察
fixed geothermal power station固定式地热电站
gas power station燃气发电厂
gas power station燃气发电站
gas turbine power station燃气轮机发电厂
gas turbine power station燃气涡轮发电站
geothermal electric power station地热发电站
geothermal electrical power station地热发电站
geothermic electro power station地热发电厂
half-outdoor power station半露天式发电站
heat and power station热电站
heat power station火力发电站
high head water power station高水头水力发电站
high-power station大电厂
high-capacity power station大容量电站
high-capacity water power station大容量水电站
high-power radio station强功率无线电台
hydroelectric power station水电站
hydroelectric power station operation水电站运行
hydroelectrical power station水力发电厂
hydroelectrical power station水力发电站
hydroelectrical power station水电站
hydroelectrical power station operation水电站运行
installed capacity of power station电站装机容量
internal combustion power station内电站
isolated electric power station孤立电厂
isolated electrical power station孤立电厂
locally controlled power station部分受控电站
locally controlled power station当地控制电站
low-power station小功率电台
low-head hydroelectric power station低水头水电站
low-head hydroelectrical power station低水头水电站
low-head water power station低水头水电站
low-power repeater station功率转播台
main power station主发电厂
maximum output of the power station电厂最高出力
midget water power station小水电站
mobile power station活动电站
multistage water power stations多级水电站
natural gas power station天然气动力站
natural steam power station地热发电站
non-attended remotely controlled power station无人值班的遥控电站
nuclear power station电站
nuclear power station核热电站
offshore nuclear power station近海核电站
optimum size of power station电站的最优尺寸
outdoor power station露天发电厂
outdoor power station户外式电站
outdoor power station露天电站
output of power station电站出力
overground power station架空动力站
peak load power station高峰负荷发电站
peak load power station高峰负荷发电所
peat burning power station燃泥煤发电厂
peat burning power station燃泥煤发电站
power distribution station配电站
power intake station动力输入站
power of pump station泵站容量
power station发电所
electric power station发电厂
electric power station电站
power station动力站 (指水、汽、压缩空气)
power station电站
power station at dam toe坝后式水电站
power station at the toe of the dam式水电站
power station attendant电厂值班人员
power station chamber地下发电站
power station coaling plant发电站装煤设备
power station data acquisition equipment电站数据采集设备
power station equipment电站设备
power station in cascade梯级水电站
power station insulator电站电瓷
power station insulator电站电瓷绝缘子
power station load curve电站负荷曲线
power station process control equipment电站过程控制设备
power station steam turbine电站汽轮机
power-driven drainage irrigation station电动排灌站
public power station公用发电厂
pumped-fed power station抽水蓄能发电厂
pumped-fed power station抽水蓄能发电站
pumped-storage hydro-electric power station抽水蓄能式水力发电
pumped-storage hydro-electrical power station抽水蓄能式水力发电
pumped-storage power station抽水蓄能发电厂
pumped-storage power station抽水蓄能发电站
regional power station区域性发电厂
release wave below-power station电站泄水波
reserve power station备用发电厂
reserve power station应变发电站
semi-outdoor type power station半露天式发电站
series of power station电站群
single-phase power station单相发电厂
small hydro-power station小型水电站
small hydro-power station小水电站
small power station小型发电厂
stand-by power station备用发电站
station power load厂用负荷
station power supply厂用电源
station power supply厂用供电
station service power厂用电 (力)
station service power厂用动 (力)
station service power consumption rate厂用电率
steam power station热电站
steam power station火电厂
steam power station热电厂
steam power station火力发电厂
steam power station火电站
steam power station蒸汽发电站
steam-turbine power station蒸汽透平发电站
steam-turbine power station蒸汽汽轮机发电站
steam-turbine power station蒸汽透平发电厂
steam-turbine power station蒸汽汽轮机发电厂
storage energy power station蓄能电站
storage power station蓄水发电站
super-power station超功率电台
super-power station超功率电站
telecontrolled power station遥控发电站
thermal power station热电站
thermal power station火电站
thermal power station火电厂
thermal power station热力发电站
thermal power station火力发电站
thermoelectric power station热电厂
thermoelectric power station热电站
thermoelectrical power station热电厂
thermoelectrical power station热电站
tidal electric power station潮汐电站
tidal electrical power station潮汐电站
tidal power generating station潮力发电站
tidal power station潮汐发电站
tidal power station潮水发电站
tidal power station潮汐力发电厂
total power of station电站总功率
unattended remotely controlled power station无人值班的遥控电站
underground hydraulic power station地下水电站
underground nuclear power station地下核电站
underground power station地下电厂
underground power station地下电站
wastewater of heating and power stations热电站废水
water power station in river channel河床式水电站