
Terms containing power station | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.a nuclear power station核电站
gen.a power station running on heavy oil用重油作燃料的电站
el.mach.above ground power station地面电站
sol.pow.active power of PV power station光伏系统有功功率
el.mach.alternative power station替代电站
tech.alternative power station备选电站
el.mach.atomic nucleus electric power station核电站
tech.atomic power station原子能发电站
el.atomic power station核电厂
wind.atomic power station原子能电站
wind.atomic power station核电站
tech.atomic power station核能发电站
gen.Atomic Power Station No. 1 USSR 1号原子能发电站
tech.atomic-energy power station原子能发电站
el.mach.attending power station值守电厂
hydroel.st.automatic power station自动化动力站
hydroel.st.automatic power station自动化电站
tech.automatic power station自动发电站
el.mach.automation of hydraulic power station水电站自动化
tech.auxiliary power station备用电站
telecom.auxiliary power station备用发电站
hydroel.st.auxiliary power station辅助电站
telecom.auxiliary power station辅助发电站
tech.auxiliary power station备用发电厂
hydroel.st.barrage power station堰坝式水电站
tech.barrage power station堰坝式电站
hydroel.st.barrier power station堤堰式电站
el.mach.base load electric power station基荷电厂
hydroel.st.base load power station基荷电站
el.mach.base load electric power station基底负载发电厂
el.mach.base load power station基本负荷发电厂
UN, tech.base station transmitter, HF high power高频高功率基站发报机
hydroel.st.base-load power station基荷电站
busin.big power station大型发电站
tech.big power station大型发电厂
el.black nuclear power station start-up核电厂无外电源启动
el.mach.block power station区域电厂
earth.sc.block thermal power station单元式热电站
tech.block type runoff-river power station单岸式径流式电站
el.block type run-of-river power station河床式径流电站
tech.boiler house for power station锅炉动力站
hydroel.st.buried power station地下电站
tech.buttress power station墩内式水电站
tech.canal system power station引水渠式发电站
tech.central electric power station中心发电站
tech.central electrical power station中心发电站
el.mach.central electric power station中心电厂
tech.central power station中心发电站
el.mach.channel type power station渠道引水式电站
agric.Chernobyl nuclear power station切诺贝利核电站
econ.China National Ship and Power Station Equipment Corporation中国船舶电站设备公司
el.closed gas turbine power stations闭式循环燃气轮机电厂
tech.coal burning power station燃煤发电厂
tech.coal-fired power station燃煤发电机
tech.coal-fired power station火电厂
environ.coal-fired-power station燃煤发电厂
tech.coal-fired power station燃煤发电厂
tech.coal-fired power station燃煤火电站
manag.combination of central station and isolated plant power中央站与独立厂电力相结合
el.mach.combined cycle power station联合循环电厂
environ.combined cycle-power station This type of plant is flexible in response and can be built in the 100-600 MW capacity range. It produces electrical power from both a gas turbine (ca. 1300°C gas inlet temperature), fuelled by natural gas or oil plus a steam turbine supplied with the steam generated by the 500°C exhaust gases from the gas turbine. The thermal efficiency of these stations is ca. 50 per cent compared with a maximum of 40 per cent from steam turbine coal fired power stations. This type of plant can be built in two years compared with six years for a coal-fired station and 10-15 years for nuclear联合循环电站 (这种发电站反应灵活,可在100-600兆瓦容量范围内兴建。它依靠气体涡轮机(入口温度约1300°C的气体)发电,由500℃所产生的蒸汽供应蒸汽涡轮机,使用天然气或石油天然气废气涡轮气体作为燃料。这些站的热效率大约为-50%,而燃煤蒸汽涡轮机最多只有-40%。这种电站类型可以在两年内建成,同等级的煤电站需要6年,核电站需要10-15年。)
el.compressed air power station燃气轮机压缩空气蓄能发电厂
el.mach.compressed air storage power station压缩空气蓄能电站
el.condensing power station凝汽式发电厂
tech.consumer's power station用户供电站
el.mach.continuous service hydraulic power station连续运行水力发电厂
el.conventional thermal power station常规火电厂
el.conventional thermal power station常规热力发电站
el.mach.cost of power station电站造价
el.mach.dam power station坝式水电站
tech.dam power station坝式厂房
el.mach.dam rear power station坝后式水电站
tech.dam type power station蓄水式水电站
tech.dam type power station靠坝式水电站
tech.dam type power station堤坝式水电站
construct.dam-type power station堰堤式〔坝式〕发电站
construct.dam-type power station蓄水式水电站
tech.decentralized solar power station分散型太阳能电站
tech.diesel power station柴油发电厂
tech.diesel-electric power station柴油发电厂
tech.diesel-electrical power station柴油发电厂
el.mach.district authority owned power station地方电厂
tech.diversion system of hydro power station水电站引水设备
tech.diversion system of hydro power station水电站引水工程
tech.diversion system of hydro power station水电站引水系统
hydroel.st.diversion tunnel power station弓水隧洞式电站
hydroel.st.diversion type power station引水式电站
tech.diversion type power station引水式电站
tech.diversion type power station引水式水电站
el.dual-firing power station燃用双燃料电厂
el.dual-fuel power station燃用双燃料电厂
el.dual-purpose nuclear power station两用核电站
el.dual-purpose nuclear power station核热电站【核】
el.earth station-to-satellite transmitting power ratio地面站-卫星发射功率比
manag.electric power station电力站
manag.electric power station变电所
el.electric power station电站
hydroel.st.electric power station发电厂
hydroel.st.electric power station发电站
tech.electric power station电力变电所
gen.electric power station fueled by uranium用铀作燃料的发电站
tech.electric power station near coal mines坑口电站
hydroel.st.electrical power station发电站
tech.electrical power station电力变电所
el.electrical power station电站
hydroel.st.electrical power station发电厂
tech.electrical power station电力站
tech.electrical power station near coal mines坑口电站
tech.emergency power station应急电站
tech.engineering geologic investigation of nuclear power station核电站工程地质勘察
tech.engineering geological investigation of nuclear power station核电站工程地质勘察
auto.EV power station电动汽车充电站
el.experimental power station实验电站
el.mach.experimental power station试验电站
tech.fixed geothermal power station固定式地热电站
spacefixed power station固定式电站
el.floating power station浮动电站
el.floating power station水上发电厂
el.fossil fuel power station矿物燃料发电厂
el.fossil fuel power station火力发电厂
el.mach.garbage burning power station燃烧垃圾发电厂
tech.gas power station燃气发电厂
el.gas power station燃气电厂
tech.gas power station燃气发电站
tech.gas turbine power station燃气轮机发电厂
tech.gas turbine power station燃气涡轮发电站
met.gas-turbine power station燃气轮机发电厂
el.generating station auxiliary power电厂厂用电功率
tech.geothermal electric power station地热发电站
tech.geothermal electrical power station地热发电站
hydroel.st.geothermal power station地热发电站
hydroel.st.geothermal power station地热电站
el.mach.geothermal electric power station地热发电站
tech.geothermic electro power station地热发电厂
el.gravitationally stabilized solid-state-satellite solar power station重力稳定固态卫星太阳能发电站
el.gross head of a hydroelectric power station水电站总水头
el.gross output of a power station电站的总输出功率[总出力]
el.half-open-air power station半露天发电厂
tech.half-outdoor power station半露天式发电站
met.heat and power station热电厂
environ.heat and power station Power station which produces both electricity and hot water for the local population. A CHP (Combined Heat and Power Station) plant may operate on almost any fuel, including refuse汽电共生厂 (为当地居民供应电力和热水的能量站。一个(结合热和电能)的电厂可使用任何形式的能源而运转,包括垃圾。)
met.heat and power station热电站
tech.heat and power station热电站
construct.heat-power station热电站〔厂〕
water.res., ecol.heat power station热电厂
oilheat power station热电站
construct.heat-power station火力发电站
tech.heat power station火力发电站
el.heat-and-power station热电厂
refrig.heating power station供热电站
el.mach.high capacity water power station大型水电站
el.mach.high capacity water power station大容量水电站
tech.high head water power station高水头水力发电站
shipb.high power broadcasting station大功率广播电台
shipb.high power coastal station大功率海岸电台
el.mach.high power station大电厂
el.mach.high power station大容量发电厂
tech.high-power station大电厂
hydroel.st.high-capacity hydroelectric power station大容量水电站
hydroel.st.high-capacity hydroelectrical power station大容量水电站
tech.high-capacity power station大容量电站
tech.high-capacity water power station大容量水电站
el.high-merit power station高效率发电厂
tech.high-power radio station强功率无线电台
el.mach.hydraulic power station水电厂
proj.manag.hydraulic power station水电站
busin.hydraulic power station水力发电站
proj.manag.hydro-power station水力发电站
hydrol.hydroelectric power station水力发电厂
eng.geol.hydroelectric power station水力发电站
agric.hydro-electric power station水力发电站
tech.hydroelectric power station水电站
tech.hydroelectric power station operation水电站运行
tech.hydroelectrical power station水力发电厂
tech.hydroelectrical power station水力发电站
tech.hydroelectrical power station水电站
tech.hydroelectrical power station operation水电站运行
hydroel.st.inside dam power station坝内式水电站
tech.installed capacity of power station电站装机容量
tech.internal combustion power station内电站
el.investor-owned power station自办电厂
el.investor-owned power station私营电厂
tech.isolated electric power station孤立电厂
tech.isolated electrical power station孤立电厂
el.mach.isolated power station孤立电厂
el.jointly-owned power station合资发电厂
hydroel.st.layout of power station电站布置
agric.lightning protection of power station发电厂防雷[保护]
el.mach.local power station区域电厂
tech.locally controlled power station部分受控电站
tech.locally controlled power station当地控制电站
el.mach.low er head hydro-electric power station低水头电站
tech.low-power station小功率电台
tech.low-head hydroelectric power station低水头水电站
tech.low-head hydroelectrical power station低水头水电站
tech.low-head water power station低水头水电站
tech.low-power repeater station功率转播台
el.magnetohydrodynamic power station磁流体动力发电厂
el.mach.magnetohydrodynamic power station磁流体发电站
oilmain power station主电站
tech.main power station主发电厂
el.maximum capacity of a power station发电厂最大容量
tech.maximum output of the power station电厂最高出力
el.mean producibility of a hydroelectric power station水电站平均发电量
el.mach.micro water power station小型水电站
hydroel.st.midget water power station小型水电站
tech.midget water power station小水电站
oilmid-range power station调峰电站
el.mach.mini hydro electric power station小型水电站
el.mach.mini water power station小型水电站
earth.sc.mini-hydro power generation station小型水电站
earth.sc.mini-hydro power generation station小型水力发电站
el.mobile diesel power station移动式柴油机发电厂
el.mobile electric power station移动电站
tech.mobile power station活动电站
spacemobile power station移动电站
gen.mobile power station移动式发电站
mil., air.def.mobile power supply station移动电站
hydroel.st.multi-stage water power station多级水电站
tech.multistage water power stations多级水电站
tech.natural gas power station天然气动力站
eng.geol.natural geothermal power station天然地热电站
tech.natural steam power station地热发电站
el.net head of a hydroelectric power station水电站净水头
el.net output of a power station电站的净出力
tech.non-attended remotely controlled power station无人值班的遥控电站
hydroel.st.nuclear power station核电站
tech.nuclear power station电站
met.nuclear power station核动力发电厂
el.mach.nuclear power station原子能发电厂
nucl.phys.nuclear power station原子能电站
el.nuclear power generation station核电站
tech.nuclear power station核热电站
el.nuclear power station cable核电站电缆
el.nuclear thermal power station核电站
el.ocean or sea temperature gradient power station海洋温差发电站
el.ocean temperature gradient power station海洋温差电站
tech.offshore nuclear power station近海核电站
ecol.offshore wind power station海上风力发电系统
el.mach.oil-fired power station烧油电厂
el.mach.oil-fired power station燃油发电厂
hydroel.st.on-peak power station峰荷电站
el.mach.on-peak power station峰荷电厂
el.open-air power station露天发电厂
tech.optimum size of power station电站的最优尺寸
tech.outdoor power station户外式电站
hydroel.st.outdoor power station露天式电站
tech.outdoor power station露天发电厂
tech.outdoor power station露天电站
tech.output of power station电站出力
el.mach.overflow power station溢流式电站
tech.overground power station架空动力站
el.mach.overyear storage power station多年调节电站
el.mach.parallel-operated electric power station并网电厂
tech.peak load power station高峰负荷发电站
tech.peak load power station高峰负荷发电所
el.mach.peak-load power station高峰负载发电厂
tech.peat burning power station燃泥煤发电厂
tech.peat burning power station燃泥煤发电站
el.peat-burning power station燃泥煤电厂
el.pier head power station闸墩式水电站
hydroel.st.pier-head power station闸墩式电站
hydroel.st.pondage power station短期调节水电站
el.mach.pondage type power station蓄水式发电厂
met.portable power station移动式发电站
tech.power distribution station配电站
sol.pow.power factor of PV power station光伏系统功率因数
telecom.power feeding repeater station供电增音站
telecom.power feeding repeater station供电中继站
telecom.power feeding station供电站
el.mach.power generating station电站
tech.power intake station动力输入站
tech.power of pump station泵站容量
water.res., ecol.power of pump stations泵站容量
avia.power plant station动力装置站位
hydroel.st.power station动力厂
hydroel.st.power station发电站
tech.electric power station电站
el.mach.electric power station发电站
tech.electric power station发电厂
proj.manag.power station电厂
spacepower station电源
met.power station动力站
environ.power station A stationary plant containing apparatus for large-scale conversion of some form of energy (such as hydraulic, steam, chemical, or nuclear energy) into electrical energy发电厂 (一个固定的工厂,其中有大规模的能源发电形式(如液压、蒸汽、化学或核能源转换设备)将各种能源转换为电能。)
hydroel.st.power station发电厂
tech.power station发电所
tech.power station动力站 (指水、汽、压缩空气)
tech.power station电站
tech.power station at dam toe坝后式水电站
hydroel.st.power station at the toe of the dam近坝式水电站
hydroel.st.power station at the toe of the dam坝后式水电站
tech.power station at the toe of the dam式水电站
tech.power station attendant电厂值班人员
earth.sc.power station automatic control system电站自动控制系统
el.power station auxiliaries电厂厂用电设备
el.mach.power station auxiliaries电厂辅助设备
tech.power station chamber地下发电站
tech.power station coaling plant发电站装煤设备
tech.power station data acquisition equipment电站数据采集设备
environ.power station derating The process by which a power plant is finally taken out of operation电站降额 (将某个发电机组从发电作业流程中分离出来。)
tech.power station equipment电站设备
hydroel.st.power station for hump modulation调峰电站
tech.power station in cascade梯级水电站
hydroel.st.power station in river channel河床式水电站
tech.power station insulator电站电瓷
tech.power station insulator电站电瓷绝缘子
tech.power station load curve电站负荷曲线
el.power station operation电厂运行
el.power station operation电厂管理
hydroel.st.power station planning电站规划
tech.power station process control equipment电站过程控制设备
el.power station site发电站厂址
tech.power station steam turbine电站汽轮机
el.mach.power station voltage电厂电压
hydroel.st.power stations in cascade梯级电站
railw.power supply dispatching station供电调度台
el.mach.power supply station供电站
spacepower supply test station电源检测站
railw.power transformer station动力变电所
tech.power-driven drainage irrigation station电动排灌站
el.mach.pressuring-water type nuclear power station压水式核电站
tech.public power station公用发电厂
el.pump storage power station抽水蓄能电站
el.pump storage power station水泵蓄能水电站
hydroel.st.pumped storage power station抽水蓄能电站
el.pumped storage power station抽水蓄能发电站
hydroel.st.pumped storage power station and tidal power station抽水蓄能及潮汐电站
tech.pumped-fed power station抽水蓄能发电厂
tech.pumped-fed power station抽水蓄能发电站
tech.pumped-storage hydro-electric power station抽水蓄能式水力发电
tech.pumped-storage hydro-electrical power station抽水蓄能式水力发电
tech.pumped-storage power station抽水蓄能发电厂
hydroel.st.pumped-storage power station抽水蓄能电站
tech.pumped-storage power station抽水蓄能发电站
hydroel.st.pure pumped storage power station纯抽水蓄能电站
mil., air.def.radar power supply station雷达电站
sol.pow.reactive power of PV power station光伏系统无功功率
el.mach.regional power station区域电厂
tech.regional power station区域性发电厂
el.mach.regional thermal power station地区火电站
tech.release wave below-power station电站泄水波
hydroel.st.remote-controlled power station远距离操控电站
hydroel.st.remote-controlled power station遥控电站
tech.reserve power station备用发电厂
hydroel.st.reserve power station备用发电站
hydroel.st.reserve power station辅助发电站
tech.reserve power station应变发电站
el.mach.run-off-river power station迳流式水力发电站
el.run-of-river power station径流式水电站
el.satellite nuclear power station卫星核动力站
avia.satellite nuclear power station核动力卫星站
spacesatellite power station卫星电站
spacesatellite solar power station卫星太阳能发电站
spacesatellite solar power station卫星太阳能电站
el.satellite solar power station卫星太阳能电站
avia.satellite solar power station卫星太阳能动力站
spacesatellite solar power stations卫星太阳能发电站
el.sea temperature gradient power station海洋温差电站
el.mach.self-propelled power station车拖电站
spaceself-supply power station自备发电站
hydroel.st.semi-base load power station半基荷电站
ecol.semi-base load power station半基荷电站半基本负荷
tech.semi-outdoor type power station半露天式发电站
el.separate power station独立运行发电厂
hydroel.st.series of power station梯级电站
tech.series of power station电站群
el.series of power stations梯级水电站
el.mach.single phase power station单相发电厂
el.single-circuit nuclear power station单回路核电厂【核】
tech.single-phase power station单相发电厂
hydroel.st.single-unit hydroelectric power station单机组水电站
tech.small hydro-power station小型水电站
water.res., ecol.small hydro power station小水电站
agric.small hydro - power station小型水电站
el.mach.small hydro electric power station小型水电站
tech.small hydro-power station小水电站
el.mach.small power station小电站
environ.small power station Power station of small size for the generation of energy at local level小型发电厂 (在地方一级用能源发电的小规模电站。)
tech.small power station小型发电厂
hydroel.st.small water power station水电站
water.res., ecol.small water power station小水电站
el.mach.small water power station小型水电站
environ.solar power station Plant where energy is generated using radiation from the sun太阳能发电站 (使用太阳的辐射产生能源的地点。)
spacesolar power station太阳能电站
avia.solar power station太阳能发电站
el.special ventilation system of nuclear power stations核电厂的专用排风系统【核】
el.mach.stage power station梯级电站
tech.stand-by power station备用发电站
oilstand-by power station备用电站
gen.standby power station辅助发电站
gen.standby power station备用发电站
el.state-owned power station国有发电厂
el.mach.station auxiliary power电站辅助功率
tech.station power load厂用负荷
tech.station power supply厂用电源
tech.station power supply厂用供电
tech.station service power厂用电 (力)
hydroel.st.station service power厂用电
el.station service power厂用电量
el.station service power厂用电容量
tech.station service power厂用动 (力)
tech.station service power consumption rate厂用电率
el.station service power rate厂用电率
spacestationary power station固定电站
hydroel.st.station-service power厂用电
el.mach.steam gas cycle power station蒸汽-燃气轮机联合循环发电厂
tech.steam power station火电站
met.steam power station火力发电站
tech.steam power station火电厂
tech.steam power station热电厂
tech.steam power station火力发电厂
tech.steam power station热电站
tech.steam power station蒸汽发电站
tech.steam-turbine power station蒸汽透平发电厂
tech.steam-turbine power station蒸汽透平发电站
tech.steam-turbine power station蒸汽汽轮机发电站
tech.steam-turbine power station蒸汽汽轮机发电厂
tech.storage energy power station蓄能电站
el.mach.storage power station蓄能电站
tech.storage power station蓄水发电站
el.submergible power station淹没式水电站
el.mach.submersible power station溢流式电站
el.mach.submersible power station淹没式电站
tech.super-power station超功率电台
tech.super-power station超功率电站
el.mach.supercentral power station区域电厂
el.super-hydro power station巨型水电站
hydroel.st.telecontrolled power station遥控电站
tech.telecontrolled power station遥控发电站
water.res., ecol.thermal electric power station热电厂
tech.thermal power station火力发电站
tech.thermal power station火电站
earth.sc.thermal power station热电厂
tech.thermal power station火电厂
tech.thermal power station热力发电站
tech.thermal power station热电站
energ.ind.thermal power station热电〔热动力〕站
refrig.thermal power station热动力站
water.res., ecol.thermo electric power station热电厂
wind.thermo electric power station热电站
wind.thermo power station火力发电站
tech.thermoelectric power station热电站
tech.thermoelectric power station热电厂
ecol.thermoelectric power station火力发电厂
tech.thermoelectrical power station热电厂
tech.thermoelectrical power station热电站
tech.tidal electric power station潮汐电站
tech.tidal electrical power station潮汐电站
tech.tidal power generating station潮力发电站
environ.tidal power station Power station where the generation of power is provided by the ebb and flow of the tides. The principle is that water collected at high tide behind a barrage is released at low tide to turn a turbine that, in turn, drives a generator潮汐水力发电站 (由低潮和潮汐流提供能量的发电站。原则就是在高潮时抽取海水在退潮时反过来被释放来转涡轮,以驱动发电机。)
environ.tidal power station潮汐潮水力发电站
el.mach.tidal power station潮汐电厂
tech.tidal power station潮水发电站
tech.tidal power station潮汐发电站
tech.tidal power station潮汐力发电厂
tech.total power of station电站总功率
energ.ind.tower-type solar power station塔式太阳能站
railw.traction power rectifier station牵引整流变电所
el.mach.trailer power station移动电站
el.mach.trailer power station拖车电站
el.mach.train power station列车电站
el.mach.train-mounted power station列车电站
el.mach.transportable power station列车电站
el.triple circuit nuclear power station三回路核电厂【核】
hydroel.st.two-lagoon one-way tidal power station双库单向电站
el.mach.unattended power station无人值守发电厂
gen.unattended power station无人管理电站
tech.unattended remotely controlled power station无人值班的遥控电站
tech.underground hydraulic power station地下水电站
tech.underground nuclear power station地下核电站
el.underground power station地下发电厂
tech.underground power station地下电厂
hydroel.st.underground power station地下电站
el.mach.underground power station地下电厂
el.underground power station地下水电站
tech.underground power station地下电站
el.mach.uninterruptible power station不间断发电厂
hydroel.st.unmanned power station自动化电站
hydroel.st.unmanned power station无人管理电站
construct.unmanned power station自动化〔无人管理〕电站
el.upstream power station上游梯级电站
spacevehicular power station车载式电站
environ.waste-fed power station Power station that functions with refuse-derived fuel废料燃料发电厂 (从废料中提取燃料的发电厂。)
tech.wastewater of heating and power stations热电站废水
met.water-power station水电站
met.water-power station水力发电厂
el.mach.water power station水电厂
hydroel.st.water power station水电站
hydroel.st.water power station水力发电站
railw.water power station水力发电厂
tech.water power station in river channel河床式水电站
hydroel.st.wave power station波力发电站
el.wave power station波浪发电站
el.mach.wind power station风力发电厂
wind.wind power station风电场
environ.wind power station Power station which uses wind to drive a turbine which creates electricity风力发电站 (利用风驱动涡轮机来发电的电站。)
el.working capacity of power station电厂工作容量
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