
Terms for subject Space containing power of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
calibration of power参比燃料校准
calibration of power标准燃料校准
end-of-life power寿命末期功率
estimation of power spectral density功率密度谱估计
loss of grasping power握力丧失
nominal output current of power supply电源额定输岀电流
nominal output power of power supply电源额定输出功率
nominal voltage of power电源额定电压
out-of-band power带外功率
Pomros power-off minimum rate of sink无动力最小下沉率
power at begin of life寿命初期功率 (航天器的)
power at end of life寿命末期功率 (航天器的)
power of ammunition弹药威力
power of test检验的功效
power of transponder转发器功率
power test of fragmentation warhead破片战斗部威力试验
power test of nuclear warhead核战斗部威力试验
power test of warhead战斗部威力试验
rapid application of air power快速运用空中力量
rated power of solar array太阳电池阵额定功率
resolving power of image影像分辨率
resolving power of lens物镜分辨率
total power of plant设备总功率
weight to power ratio of solar array太阳电池阵的重量功率比