
Terms for subject Economy containing power of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a power of attorney代理权
a power of attorney委托书
abuse of the power agency滥用代理权
appropriation of labor power占用劳动力
availability of water power and fuel可利用的水力电能及燃料
balance of power均势
balance of power力量对比
calculation of earning power获益能力预测
capitalization of earning power盈利能力的还原 (折算资本)
capitalization of earning power盈利能力的资本
capitalization of earning power盈利能力的还原折算资本
centralization of power集权制
commodity of labour-power雇佣劳动
commodity of labour-power劳动力商品
concentralization of power in decision making集中决策
concentration of economic power经济力量的集中
creation of purchasing power购买力的创造
daily value of labour-power劳动力的日价值
decentralization of power and interests权力和利益的分散
division of power权力分配
efficiency of power-driven equipment用电设备效率
exchange-value of labour-power劳动力的交换价值
external purchasing power of money用外汇表示的货币购买力
external purchasing power of money货币的对外价值
external purchasing power of money用外汇表示的贷币购买力
fall into the power of落在竞争对手手中 (the competitors)
form of wages equivalent to the commodity price of labour power作为劳动力商品价格的雇佣工资
general purchasing power of the dollar美元总购买力
In pursuance of the rights and power vested in both parties by the now existing lease, any of the terms in the lease shall not be breached为了执行现有租约中赋予双方的权利和权力,该租约中的任何条款不得违反
increase of purchasing power购买力的提高
index number of the purchasing power of money货币购买力指数
inhabit the realization of purchasing power购买力的实现受到压抑
inhibit the realization of purchasing power抑制购买力的实现
maintenance of purchasing power capital theory购买力资本的保持学说
Minister of Water Resources and Electric Power水利电力部长
Ministry of Fuel and Power燃料动力部
Ministry of Fuel and Power英国燃料和能源部
power of absolution赦免权
power of attorney委任书
power of attorney授权【委托】书
power of consumption社会的消费能力
power of dispersion芬散能力
power of eminent domain国家强制征用私人财产的权力
power of index分散能力
power of judgement判断力
power of law-making立法权
power of nature自然力
power of production生产力
power of production生产能力
power of state国家权力
price of labor power劳动力价格
productive power of labour劳动生产力
purchasing power of consumers消费者购买力
purchasing power of money货币的购买力
purchasing power of parity购买力平价
purchasing power of the dollar货币美元购买力
purchasing power of wages工资购买力
quantity theory of the purchasing power of money货币购买力数量说
reproduction of labor power劳动力的再生产
reproduction of labour-power劳动力的再生产
revoke a power of attorney取消委托书
shortage of power动力不足
store of purchasing power购买力的储备
The author has the power to buy back the rights of publication at a fair market price作者将有权以公平的市价买回出版权
The Directors shall have power to alter the terms of the contract董事们将有权更改合同中的某些条款
the mobility of man-power调动人力
The organization has the following powers to issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and all kinds of obligations该机构具有下述权力签发期票、汇票、支票和各种契约
the overconcentration of power in the managerial system管理体制上的集中过多
the power of attorney endorsement委任背书
The power of attorney in fact represents same force and effect as if I were actually present这一代理书具有和我本人亲自到场同样的效力和作用
The purchasing power of this currency has fallen over the last 3 years这种货币的购买力在过去的3年内下降了
the transfer of managerial power from the central to the local authorities中央经济管理权限下放
theory of countervailing powers抗衡论
theory of countervailing powers抗衡力量论
theory of purchasing power parity购买力平价说
transfer of managerial power from the central to the local authorities中央经济管理权限下放
transformation of money from an expression of the price of labour power劳动力价格的货币转换
Under this agreement, all of rights, privileges, powers and immunities shall belong to the creditors' committee按照本协议,一切权利、特权、权力和豁免权属于债权人委员会
utilization rate of labour power劳动力利用率
value of labor power劳动价值
value of labour power劳动价值
We enclosed a true copy of the power of attorney附寄上代理证书的正本
You can apply the full power of the law to get your property back你可以充分利用法律的力量来收回自己的财产