
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing power of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
abnormal operation of power system电力系统异常运行
active power balance of power system电力系统有功功率平衡
automatic switch-on of standby power supply备用电源自动投入
automation of power system dispatching电力系统调度自动化
Balance of electric power and energy of power system电力系统电力电量平衡表
balance of power and energy电力电量平衡
basic fundamentals of power electronics电力电子基础
block type run-of-river power station单岸式径流电站
centralized control of power system电力系统的集中控制
common power demand of plant全厂公用电
constitution of power sources电源组成
continuity of power supply供电连续性
control of active and reactive power有功和无功功率控制
control of active power and frequency有功功率与频率控制
control of reactive power and voltage无功功率与电压控制
conveyance power of water输水能力
cost of power fuel动力燃料费
cost of power generation project per kW发电工程每千瓦造价
dispatching management of power system电力系统调度管理
droop of power system电力系统调差系数
dynamic stability of power system电力系统动态稳定性
economic dispatching of power system电力系统经济调度
element of water power水电要素
element of water power水力要素
Geographical connection of the power system in the power recipient area供电范围电力系统地理接线图现状及远景 (current and future)
hierarchical control of power system电力系统分层控制
input power of impeller叶轮输入功率
input power of runner转轮输入功率
installed capacity of power station电站装机容量
installed capacity of power system电力系统容量
interconnection of wind power generators并网风力发电机
layout of power station电站布置
Layout of power supply facilities at site场内供电线路规划布置图
load curve of power system电力系统负荷曲线
load forecast of power system电力系统负荷预测
loss of power outage per kWh每千瓦时停电损失
mechanical power of runner转轮的机械功率
minimum input power of storage pump蓄能泵最小输入功率
Ministry of water Resources and Electric Power水利电力部
no discharge input power of storage pump蓄能泵零流量功率
no-discharge input power of storage pump蓄能泵零流量功率
nominal voltage of power system系统标称电压
operating voltage of power system系统运行电压
output of power plant发电厂出力
output power of impeller叶轮输出功率
output power of runner转轮输出功率
peak load regulating of power system电力系统调峰
Plan and profile of power outlet with penstock through dam发电输水道包括坝内压力管道的平面图和剖面图
power angle of synchronous generator同步发电机功率角
power capacity of stream河流水能蕴藏量
power capacity of stream河流水力发电容量
power characteristics of power system电力系统功率调节特性
power frequency recovery voltage of circuit-breaker断路器工频恢复电压
power frequency reference voltage of arrester避雷器工频参考电压
power frequency sparkover voltage of arrester避雷器工频放电电压
power of gravity重力能
power of grid connected并网功率
power of hydrogen酸碱度 (pH value)
power regulation coefficient of load负荷的功率调节系数
power station at the toe of the dam坝后式水电站
power station at the toe of the dam近坝式水电站
range of power levers功率范围
rated input power of storage pump蓄能泵最大输入功率
rated output power of turbine水轮机额定输出功率
rated power of transformer变压器额定容量 (transformer rating)
reactive power balance of power system电力系统无功功率平衡
reserve capacity of power system电力系统备用容量
run-of-river power station径流式电站
Schematic diagram of representative daily weekly operating mode of power system电力系统典型日运行方式示意图
secondary control of active power in a system二次调频
secondary power control operation of a generating set发电机组二次功率调节
series of power station梯级电站
service power of plant厂用电
spinning reserve of power system电力系统动态备用容量
steady state of power system系统稳态
steady state stability of power system电力系统静态稳定性
Steady-State Analysis of Power System电力系统稳态分析
supply of water and power三通一平
synchronous operation of power system系统同步运行
testing of power cable电缆试验
transient stability of power system电力系统暂态稳定性
transient state of power system系统暂态
transient-state analysis of power system电力系统暂态分析