
Terms for subject Architecture containing post | all forms | exact matches only
anchor post锚桩
base of post柱基石
base of post柱基
cased post箱形柱
central post木结构佛塔中心柱
end post桁架端压杆
fender post护柱
finger post路标
floating-post type浮动柱型
girder post大梁支承柱
heel post拄脚
heel post闸门的侧立柱
heel post带加固环的支柱
heel post门轴柱
inverted queen post truss倒双柱桁架
jack post机轴的撑杆
jamb post门窗边框柱
king and queen post truss立字桁架
king post单柱屋架
king post girder单柱大梁
king post roof单立柱桁架屋顶
king post truss单柱倒三角桁架
king post truss单立柱桁架
lamp post路灯柱
lamp post灯柱
marker post反射式向导标
newel post楼梯转弯处的栏杆
post and girder梁柱结构
post-and panel structure立柱镶板式结构
post and railing立柱栏杆
post-and-block fence围墙
property line post地界标
Queen post roof双柱式屋顶
Queen post truss双竖杆桁架
Queen post truss双柱上撑式桁架
shutting post关门模木
sign post指示牌
stand-post hydrant柱式消火栓
T-postT 形支柱
trellis post格构柱
upright post脚手架立杆
upright post直立杆
wooden fence post木护栏桩