
Terms for subject Wrestling containing position | all forms | exact matches only
advantage position优势位置
choice of ground holds position选择跪撑姿势
danger position危险位置
defence position防守位置
defence position防守姿势
defense position防守姿势
escape position完成摆脱的动作
front sit-out position前坐起姿势
ground position跪撑姿势
head-on position迎面跪撑姿势
head-on position仰面跪撑姿势
head-to-head position迎面跪撑姿势
head-to-head position仰面跪撑姿势
hold in standing position站立握抱
kneeling-facing position迎面跪撑姿势
kneeling-facing position仰面跪撑姿势
lift off in kneeling position抱膝提
navy stack-up ride position内抱腿侧面骑
neutral position准备姿势
neutral position相持姿势
offensive position进攻者位置
parterre position跪撑姿势
position of danger危险状态
precarious position危险状态
referee's position跪撑摔开始姿势 (on the mat)
referee's position on the mat跪撑摔开始姿势
side sit-out position侧坐起姿
standing-drag position站立接臂姿势
stand-up position站起姿势