
Terms for subject Football containing position | all forms | exact matches only
adjust one's position调整位置
adjust position调整位置
analyzing a position读棋
assign position分派位置
change position换位
cover a position补位
cover position补位
defensive position后手
goal scored from an off-side position越位进球
layout position扑倒姿势
line up in position for the kick-off排起阵势准备开球
lower position低位
lunging position两腿开立
lunging position开立
lunging position冲刺姿势
parallel lunging position左右开立
parallel lunging position平行开立
parallel lunging position两腿平行开立
position of free kick任意球的位置
position of free kick任意球位置
position of player球员位置
position switch换位
push-up position俯卧撑姿势
recording game-position记录棋局
shooting position射门位置
staggered lunging position前后开立
staggered lunging position两腿前后开立
straddle position开立姿势
strengthened defensive position加强防御
supporting position接应位置
switch position换位
tuck position蜷曲姿势
withdrawn inside-left position左内锋拖后打法