
Terms for subject Environment containing policy | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural policy A course of action adopted by government or some other organization that determines how to deal with matters involving the cultivation of land; raising crops; feeding, breeding and raising livestock or poultry; and other farming issues农业政策 (政府或其他组织采纳的措施,决定如何处理土地耕种、农作物种植、牲畜或家禽饲养及其他农业问题。)
agro-environmental policy农业环境政策
aid policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization that promotes or determines the allocation of assistance, support or relief, often from one country to another援助政策 (由政府或其他组织采纳或从事的、旨在促进或决定援助、支持或救济的分配的行动,通常从一个国家到另一个国家。)
bubble policy EPA policy that allows a plant complex with several facilities to decrease pollution from some facilities while increasing it from others, so long as total results are equal to or better than previous limits. Facilities where this is done are treated as if they exist in a bubble in which total emissions are averaged out; emissions trading泡泡政策排放贸易, 环保局的政策是,允许设施复杂的工厂,在增加其它设施污染的同时,减少一部分设施的污染,只要总结果等于或优于以前的限制。像这样处理过的设施,就好像它们存在于一个总排放量被平均的气泡中。
budget policy The programmatic use of a government's spending and revenue-generating activities to influence the economy and achieve specific objectives预算政策 (影响经济和实现具体目标的,政府的支出和产生收入活动的程序化使用。)
business policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for an enterprise or company organized for commercial purposes商业政策 (为企业或公司组织作商业用途的指导过程、理论或措施。)
chemical policy化学用的政策
Committee on Interagency Radiation Research and Policy Coordination政府机构间辐射研究与政策协调委员会
common agricultural policy The set of regulations and practices adopted by member countries of the European Community that consolidates efforts in promoting or ensuring reasonable pricing, fair standards of living, stable markets, increased farm productivity and methods for dealing with food supply or surplus共同农业政策 (欧盟会员国所采用的法规与策略,用以促进与保障合理价格、适当生活标准、稳定市场、增加农场生产力及处理食物供给或剩余的方法。)
common commercial policy The set of uniform trade principles or practices established by an European Community customs union, which implements common tariff rates, tariff and trade agreements with non-member countries, import and export policies, and export promotion共同商业政策 (由欧盟的关税联盟所建立的一系列共同贸易原则或惯例,应用于制定共同关税税率、与非会员国家间的关税与贸易合约、进出口政策与出口的推广。)
common tariff policy A course of action adopted and pursued by member countries, in which it is agreed to impose a system of duties or tax charges on imports from non-member countries共同关税政策 (会员国采用或进行的行动方针,同意对非会员国的进口商品征收关税或税款的收费制度。)
communications policy Measures and practices adopted by governments relating to the management of communication media通信政策 (被政府采纳用于有关通信传播媒体管理的措施。)
company policy Official guidelines or set of guidelines adopted by a company for the management of its activity公司政策 (被公司采用为活动管理的正式指导方针或一整套规范。)
conservation policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for preserving and renewing human and natural resources保护政策 (保护及更新人类与自然资源的指导程序、理论或行动方针。)
construction policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which plans or organizes for the maintenance, development and erection of houses, offices, bridges or other building structures营建政策 (为了维护、发展和建筑房屋、办公室、桥梁、或其他的建筑结构,而由政府、商业或其他的组织所采用或进行的行动方案。)
co-operation policy Political course of action aiming at establishing trade agreements among the states合作政策 (以制定各国之间贸易协定为目标的政治方针。)
credit policy An official course of action adopted by a business, financial institution or state to regulate, restrict or increase deferred payment arrangements for goods, services or money信贷政策 (企业、金融机构或政府规范、限制和增加货物、服务或货币的延期付款的官方措施。)
cultural policy文化政策
EC policy欧洲共同体政策
economic policy A definite course of action adopted and pursued by a government, political party or enterprise pertaining to the production, distribution and use of income, wealth and commodities经济政策 (一个政务、政党、企业就相关的生产、分配以及收入、财富和商品的应用而采取或者进行的明确的行动方针。)
education policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which promotes or determines the goals, methods and programs to be used for training, instruction or study that leads to the acquisition of skills or knowledge, or the development of reasoning and judgment教育政策 (政府或者其他的组织所采用和追求的行动方针,用以推动或决定为获得技能知识或推理与判断发展所做的训练、教育、或学习的目标、方法与程序。)
energy policy A statement of a country's intentions in the energy sector能源政策 (国家在能源部门的意向说明。)
Energy Policy能源政策
enlargement policy扩展政策
environmental policy Official statements of principles, intentions, values, and objective which are based on legislation and the governing authority of a state and which serve as a guide for the operations of governmental and private activities in environmental affairs环境政策 (基于法律和政府权责的准则、决心、价值和目标的正式声明,被用为政府和私人活动间环境事务处理的一种向导。)
Environmental Policy Center美国环境保护署环境政策中心
environmental policy instrument Technological, economical and legislative measures employed to prevent or control pollution or damage of the environment环境政策手段 (用来防止或控制污染及环境灾害的技术、经济、和法律手段。)
exchange policy Course of action or procedure by government, business, or an individual concerning trade activities汇率政策 (由政府、企业和个人的有关贸易活动产生的行为或过程。)
fishery policy Common Fisheries Policy which covers all fishing activities, the farming of living aquatic resources, and their processing and marketing, on the legal basis of Article 39 of the Treaty of Rome. It was agreed between members of the European Community in 1983. It lays down annual catch limits for major species of fish, a 12-mile exclusive fishing zone for each state, and an equal-access zone of 200 nautical miles from its coast within which any member state is allowed to fish渔业政策 (通常渔业政策涵盖了所有的鱼类活动,对水生生物资源的捕捞,处理和销售。欧洲共同体成员于1983年达成协议。限制每年主要品种鱼类捕捞的上限,每个国家有一个12英里长的独立捕鱼区,一个从海岸开始200海里的所有国家都可进入的捕鱼区。)
foreign policy The diplomatic policy of a nation in its interactions with other nations对外政策 (在和其他国家交往中的外交政策。)
forest policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which seeks to preserve or protect an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreation森林政策 (由政府或其他组织采取的行动方针,旨在保存和保护大片的林区,同时产生产品和收益,例如木材,野生动物栖息地,清洁水,生物多样性和娱乐休闲。)
government policy Any course of action adopted and pursued by a ruling political authority or system, which determines the affairs for a nation, state or region政府政策 (由决策国家、州、或区域事务的执政权责机构或系统,所采用或贯彻的任何行动方针。)
industrial environmental policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for the protection of natural resources from pollution generated by manufacturing or business enterprises工业环境政策 (为保护自然资源免受制造或商业企业产生的污染而制定的指引程序、理念或行动。)
industrial policy Course of action adopted by national government to support and promote industrial activities工业政策 (国家政府采用的、用来支持和提升工业活动的方针原则)
landscape conservation policy景观保护政策
local government policy Any course of action adopted and pursued by a ruling political authority or system, which determines the affairs for a city, town, county or regional area地方政府政策 (执政的政治机构或系统采用的所有行动的方案,它决定了一个城市、城镇、县或地区范围内的行政事务的执行。)
municipal environmental policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action regarding the protection of natural resources in local settings, cities or towns市政环境政策 (关于城市或城镇的本地环境中自然资源保护的指导程序、哲学理念或行动过程。)
National Environmental Policy Act美国国家环境政策法案
nature conservation policy自然保护政策
netting policy All emission sources in the same area that are owned or controlled by a single company are treated as one large source, thereby allowing flexibility in controlling individual sources in order to meet a single emissions standard; emissions trading扣抵政策排放贸易, 同一地区由一家公司所拥有或控制的所有排放源被视为一个大排放源,从而允许灵活地控制个体的来源,以满足单一的排放标准。
offset policy emissions trading, Policy whereby emissions from a proposed new or modified stationary source are balanced by reductions from existing sources to stabilise total emissions抵消政策排放贸易, 从拟议的新的或变更固定源的排放通过减少现有来源以稳定总排放量而平衡的政策。
pay policy A course of action or procedure regarding compensation or recompensation for work done or services rendered薪水政策 (一系列的行动或过程来补偿所做的工作或服务。)
policy guideline方针政策
policy instrument The method or mechanism used by government, political parties, business or individuals to achieve a desired effect, through legal or economic means政策工具 (采用某种方法或机制,通过法律和经济手段,政党、政府或个人达到预期的效果。)
policy integration The process of coordinating, harmonizing and unifying the goals and procedures of various offices or units of an organization整合政策 (各办事处或单位组织之间具有良好的沟通、协调的过程和统一的目标。)
policy planning The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate any course of action that may be adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization政策计划 (安排或准备的过程,由政府或者某一组织采取和实施的任何计划。)
prices policy The guiding procedure, philosophy, or course of action for decisions regarding the monetary rate or value for goods and services价格政策 (有关货币汇率或决定商品和服务价值的指导过程和理念。)
pricing policy of resources The guiding procedure or philosophy for decisions regarding the monetary rate or value of a country or region's resources, including natural resources, human resources and capital, or man-made goods资源的定价政策 (这些指导原则有关货币汇率或一个国家或地区的资源价值,包括自然资源、人力资源和资本,或人造商品。)
production policy Measures and activities promoted by governments aiming at the structural definition of the productive apparatus生产政策 (由政府实施的措施和活动,来促进生产的结构化调整。)
research policy研究策略
scientific policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which promotes or determines the direction for the systematic study, research and experimentation of a particular aspect of the physical or material world, which may lead to scholarly contributions in a branch of knowledge科学政策 (政府、企业或其它组织采用的一套行为,它推进或决定了物理或物质世界特定领域的系统的学习、研究和实验的方向,可能在知识的某个分支有学术性贡献。)
social policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which seeks to ensure that all people have acceptable working or living conditions by providing social security, welfare, health care, insurance, fair employment practices, low cost housing or educational opportunities社会政策 (一种通过了政府,企业或其他组织的行动方针,其目的是确保所有的人都可以接受社会提供的工作或生活保障,福利条件、医疗、保险、公平就业、低成本住房或教育机会。)
space policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which seeks to support research and the exploration of planets, asteroids and other elements in the region beyond earth's atmosphere or beyond the solar system空间政策 (通过政府或其他组织从事或采用的行动方针,旨在支持研究和探索行星,小行星和地球以外的大气或地区以外的太阳系的其它要素。)
taxation policy The use of government tax and spending policies to achieve desired macroeconomic goals. Accordingly, they involve discretionary efforts to adjust governmental tax and spending to induce changes in economic incentives and, hence, to stabilize fluctuations in aggregate demand税收政策 (政府的税收和支出政策,以达到理想的宏观经济目标。因此,它们努力酌情调整税收和政府开支,导致经济刺激的变化,以稳定总需求的波动。)
territorial policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which determines the present and future use of each parcel of land in an area土地政策 (由政府、企业或其它组织通过和奉行的行动方针,它确定当前和今后的每一块土地的利用。)
trade policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which promotes or determines the direction for the act or process of buying, selling or exchanging goods and services within a country or between countries贸易政策 (政府、企业或某些其它组织所采取和实施的一系列行动,旨在促进或决定在一个国家内部或国际间购买、销售或交换商品和服务的行为或过程的方向。)
transportation policy Comprehensive statements of the objectives and policies which a local transport authority intends to pursue; it includes and estimate of transport expenditure, a statement of transport objectives, etc.交通政策 (地方交通管理局希望实现的目标和政策的全面说明。它包括并评估交通开支、交通目标的说明等。)
urban policy A course of action adopted and pursued by government, business or some other organization, which seeks to improve or develop cities or towns through land use planning, water resource management, central city development, policing and criminal justice, or pollution control城市政策 (政府、企业或其他组织采取和奉行的行动方针,其目的是通过土地使用规划、水资源管理、中心城市的发展、治安和刑事司法,或污染的控制来改善或发展城市或城镇。)