
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing policy | all forms | exact matches only
access policy贷款限额政策
access policy and access limits贷款政策和贷款限额
accommodating policy宽松的货币政策
accommodating policy通融性的货币政策
accommodative monetary policy宽松的货币政策
accommodative monetary policy通融性的货币政策
active policy酌情而定的政策
active policy相机抉择的政策
activist policy酌情而定的政策
activist policy相机抉择的政策
beggar-my-neighbor policy以邻为壑的政策
beggar-thy-neighbor policy以邻为壑的政策
Central Banking and Monetary Policy Division中央银行业务和货币政策处
cheap money policy宽松的货币政策
cheap money policy低息货币政策
Civil Society Global Policy Forum民间社会全球政策论坛
Civil Society Policy Forum民间社会政策论坛
common agricultural policy共同农业政策
Compensation and Benefits Policy Division报酬和福利政策处
contractionary policy紧缩政策
countercyclical policy反周期政策
Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group对手方风险管理政策小组
credit policy信贷政策
Debt Policy Division债务政策处
Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis经社分析部
Department for Economic and Social Information and Policy Analysis经济及社会信息和政策分析部
discretionary policy酌情而定的政策
discretionary policy相机抉择的政策
easing of monetary policy放松货币政策
easing of monetary policy􀀁 放松银根
easy monetary policy宽松的货币政策
easy monetary policy通融性的货币政策
easy money policy宽松的货币政策
easy money policy低息货币政策
enlarged access policy扩大的贷款政策
enlarged access policy扩大使用基金组织资金的政策
exchange policy外汇政策
exchange policy汇率政策
exchange rate policy外汇政策
exit policy退出政策
expansionary policy扩张性政策
Expenditure Policy Division支出政策处
expenditure-changing policy支出变动政策
expenditure-changing policy支出改变政策
expenditure-switching policy支出转换政策
Financial Sector Policy Division金融部门政策处
fiscal policy财政政策
Fiscal Policy and Surveillance Division财政政策和监督处
foreign exchange policy外汇政策
foreign exchange policy汇率政策
General Resources and SDR Policy Division普通资金和特别提款权政策处
hardening of policy政策收紧
hardening of policy紧缩政策
IMF exchange rate policy advice基金组织汇率政策建议
IMF Paper on Policy Analysis and Assessment IMF document series, PPAA/...基金组织关于政策分析和评价的文章
income policy收入政策
incomes policy收入政策
industrial policy产业政策
Information Technology Policy Committee信息技术政策委员会
interest rate channel of monetary policy货币政策的利率渠道
lending into arrears policy向拖欠国贷款的政策
macroprudential policy宏观审慎政策
market-friendly policy市场导向的政策
market-friendly policy顺应市场的政策
market-oriented policy市场导向的政策
market-oriented policy顺应市场的政策
Memorandum on Economic and Financial Policies经济与金融政策备忘录
monetary policy accommodation宽松的货币政策
monetary policy accommodation通融性的货币政策
monetary policy framework货币政策框架
monetary policy stance货币政策态势
New Deal for a Global Food Policy全球食品政策新协议
New Deal on Global Food Policy全球食品政策新协议
open lending policy宽松的贷款政策
optimal policy最优化政策
optimal policy政策的最优化
outward-looking policy外向政策
Policy and General Issues政策事务和一般事务
policy anticipation政策预期
policy-based lending政策性贷款
policy Board paper执董会政策文件
policy buffer政策缓冲
Policy Communication Division政策交流处
policy coordination政策协调
policy framework paper政策框架书
policy-induced expenditure政策诱发的开支
policy instrument政策工具
policy interest rate政策利率
policy issue IMF, Executive Board政策问题
policy loans政策性贷款
policy mix政策搭配
policy mix政策组合
Policy Monitoring Arrangement政策监测安排
policy of emergency assistance to post-conflict countries战乱后紧急援助
policy of restraint紧缩政策
policy on enlarged access to the Fund's resources扩大的贷款政策
policy on enlarged access to the Fund's resources扩大使用基金组织资金的政策
policy package一揽子政策方案
policy paper政策文件
policy rate政策利率
policy-related rate政策利率
Policy Review Division政策检查处
policy shock政策冲击
policy stance政策态势
policy statement政策声明
Policy Support Instrument政 策支持工具
policy variable政策变量
price policy定价政策
price policy价格政策
pricing policy定价政策
pricing policy收费政策
pricing policy价格政策
procyclical fiscal policy顺周期的财政政策
public policy公共政策
rate setting policy收费政策
restrictive credit policy限制性信贷政策
restrictive monetary policy限制性货币政策
Strategy, Policy, and Review Department战略、政策及检查部
structural policy结构政策
supply-side policy供应学派政策
switching policy支出转换政策
Tax Policy Division税收政策处
tax-based income policy以税收为基础的收入政策
tax-based incomes policy以税收为基础的收入政策
tight credit policy紧缩信贷政策
tight monetary policy紧缩银根
tight monetary policy银根紧缩
tight money policy紧缩银根
tight money policy银根紧缩
tightening of policy政策收紧
tightening of policy紧缩政策
Trade Policy Coordinating Committee贸易政策协调委员会
Trade Policy Division贸易政策处
trade policy review mechanism贸易政策审议机制
tranche policy分档政策
transmission of monetary policy impulses货币传导
unconventional monetary policy非常规货币政策
underlying macroeconomic policy基本宏观经济政策
wage policy工资政策
wages policy工资政策