
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing points | all forms
angle of flat cone point平锥角
anti-ferromagnetic Curie point反铁磁性居里点
artificial neutral point人为中性点
artificial neutral point模拟零点
artificial star point人为星形中性点
balanced operating point平衡工作点
break point voltage断点电压
breakdown point崩溃点
check point水准点
corona point电晕放电尖端
displacement of neutral point中性点位移
driving point immittance策动点导抗
driving point impedance输入阻抗
effect of point尖端效应
elevated temperature yield point高温屈服点
enclosed double point press闭式双点压力机
equal potential point等位点
equal potential point等势点
fire point闪点
fixing point紧固点
gauging point测量点
generator star point发电机星形接法的中性点
interior point linear programming内点线性规划
interior point method内点法
mid-point conductor中间导体
mid-point protection中点保护系统
neutral point中点
normal working point额定运行点
operating point吸合点
pin point discharge针尖放电
point of indication指示点
point weld点焊
potential reference point电位参考点
puncture point击穿点
rotor one-point earthing protection转子单点接地保护
rotor one-point earthing relay转子单点接地继电器
short-circuited point短路点
standing point驻点
star point星形接法的中性点
star point星接中点
three point starter三点启动器
three point switch三点开关
tooth point齿尖
touch-down point接地点