
Terms for subject Economy containing points | all forms | exact matches only
a budgetary view-point预算观点
A lot of new important points are embraced in the new contract新合同内包括了许多新要点
a modal point众数点
a mooring point系泊点
a nodal point集散点
a peril point危险点
a point of view见解
a point of view观点
a point of rationing点数供应
a point of rationing计点配给制
a sampling point抽样点
a turning point商业周期转折
a unloading point卸货地点
a zero point零点
access point入口【通路】点
accident point偶然点
all points bulletin告示全境的通告
basic point pricing system基点价格制
basic point pricing system基点产地价格制
basing-point pricing system基点价格制
basing point system出货地加计运费法
basis point基础点美证券利息用语,一个"基础点"为利息一厘的百分之一
basis points基数点
basis points基础点
be off point不配给的
be on points配给的
Bedaux point system巴德士积点制
Bedaux point system巴德士计点奖金制
beginning point出发点
best efficiency point最佳效率点
break even point盈亏相抵点
breakbulk point卸货点
break-even point保本【损益平岔】点
break-even point收支相抵点
breakeven point轧平点
break-even point analysis损益平衡点分析
breaking point断点
breakthrough point关键问题的解决
breakthrough point惊人的进展
budgetary view-point预算观点
bullion point正货输送点
capacity point能力点
capital turnover point资本回收点 (销售额与资本额相同时的营业水平)
capital turnover point资本回收点销售额与资本额相同时的营业水平
capital turnover point analysis资本回收点分析
chance event points机禪事件点
check point成本检査点
common point道路交叉点
cost minimizing recorder point保证最低费用的订货点
country shipping point乡镇运输站
country shipping point乡镇运输点
Cournot's point柯诺点
credit supply point信贷供应点
cross-over point转换点
customs inspection point海关检査站
cut-off point停止供应点
cut-off point舍弃点
cut-off point取决点
cut-off point分界点
delivery point交货地 (点)
delivery point交【供】货地点
demand point需求点
departure point启航点
desired profit point预期利润点
discounted breakeven point折现盈亏平衡点
dollar value at point of exportation在出口点的美元价值
dual basing point system双重基点制
economic point of view经济观点
economic point of view经济见解
economic replacement point经济更新点
efficient point of production生产有效点
electronic funds transfer at point of scale换算中心的电子经费转移
electronic point of sale电子销售台
end point端点 (post, 柱)
ex point of origin当地交货
ex point of origin现场交货
export-gold point现金输出点
final consumption point最终消费点
financial point of view财务观点
fixed decimal point item固定小数点项目
fixed permanent identifiable point永久固定的标准点
fixed point probability vector定点概率向量
fixed-point representation定点表示法
fixed point representation固定小数点表示法
floating point arithmetic浮点算法
floating-point representation浮点表示法
floating point representation浮动小数点表示法
floating point routine浮点程序
floating point system浮动小数点制
FOB... named point of shipment装运港船上交货价
focal or contact points贸易接触中心
four point six四点六
freezing point
freezing point
gold export point出金结汇点
gold export points黄金输出点
gold import point入金结汇点
gold import points黄金输人点
gold point;gold shipping point现金输送点
gold point;gold shipping point黄金输送点
gold points运金结汇点
gold points输金点 (现金输送点)
gold shipping point黄金运输点
gross rating points电视节目收看率
growing point成长点
high-low point method高低点法
high-low point method高-低点法
historical view point历史观点
ideal point假点
import gold point黄金输入点
import gold point进口黄金点
import species point现金输入点
importing specie point硬币输入点
importing specie point现金输入点
interface point运输的交接点
intervention point介人点
key-point investigation重点调査
key points part of the economy经济命脉
lower turning point下转捩点
maintenance point维修站【点】
method of point rating评分法
method of selected point选点法
middle point平均值
middle point平均价
named departure point指定启运地
necessity for operation at point of lowest average cost, for optimum economic welfare为求最佳经济福利,必须在最低平均成本点上生产
network of national and regional local points国家和区域中心点网
Oil shares gained six points石油股票增长六个点
operation at point of lowest average最低水平操作点
overland common point陆上运输可到达处
overland common point通常陆上运输可达的地点
overland common point陆路共通点
overland common points rate陆路共同地点运费率
panic point恐慌点
percentage points百分点
peril point临界点
peril point clause危险点条款
Please understand that it's necessary for us to place stress on this point请理解我们强调这一点是必要的
point elasticity点弹性伸缩
point four program第四点计划
point gradation各级相差点数
point of connection in the commercial network商业网点
point of contact触【碰】点
point of death死亡点
point of defense抗辩要点
point of departure出货点
point of first sale第一销售地
point of first sale第一销售点
point of inception and termination of liability责任起迄点
point of increase增点
point of loading装载地点
point of loading货车地点
point of make-out计收入水准的起点
point of make-out计算收入的起点
point of making-out计算收入的起点
point of no return临界点
point of origin产地
point of purchase advertising广吿
point of rationing点数供应
point of rationing点数供给
point of rationing计点配给
point of sale销售终端 (terminal)
point of view见解
point spread相离幅度
point spread超迄点数
point value积点价值
points in issue诉讼争执点
points of claim起诉要点
points rationing点数配给
possession in nine points of the law占有者在诉讼中总占上风
profit-loss breakeven point chart利润-亏本分界图
profit-loss breakeven point chart损益平衡图
rate combination point运价组合点
reorder point重新订货点
"saddle point""马鞍点"
scale point尺度点
set point给定点
shipping point装船点
shipping point free on board shipping point起运点交货价
shutdown point停业生产点
shut-down point停止生产点
sideline point边线点
special export import points现金输出
special point输金点
special point现金输送点
special points黄金输出点
specie export point现金输出点
specie exporting point现金输出点
specie import point现金输入点
specie point硬币输送点
specie point现金输送点
spread between the intervention points介入
starvation point饥饿点
stretch a point作为例外
supply point供应【货】点
take-off point起飞点
the basing point pricing基点价格
the basing point pricing基点定价法
the basing point pricing system基点计价制度
the basing point pricing system基点价格制
the Bedeaux point system皮都工资制 (超过标准给奖金的办法)
the mid-point rate平均汇率
the mid-point rate平均价格
the point elasticity点上弹性
the point elasticity点弹性伸缩
the point of absolute diminishing return报酬绝对递减点
the point of diminishing returns报酬递减点
the point of transition临界点
The rice market has reached saturation point大米市场已达到饱和
the taxi pickup point出租汽车乘车点
theory of one point一点论
theory of two points两点论
threshold point ordering最低订货量
transfer point转让站
trigger point触发价格
trigger point触发价格水平
turning point in history历史转折关头
two-point arbitrage两角套汇
two-point arbitrage对角套汇
upper gold point黄金输送点上限
usual point for delivery通常交货地点
variable-point representation system变点表示法
We are in disagreement with them on these points我们在这几点上与他们有分歧
We are prepared to stretch a point and agree to your terms for this transaction我们愿意让一步,同意你们对这笔交易所提的条件
We have discussed the matter together for a long time and gained our point关于此事我们在一起商量了很长时间,并达到了目的
We have to point out that we checked the consignment carefully before shipment, so no damage could have happened必须指出,装船前我们仔细检査了货物,因此不可能会发生货损
We shall supply necessary amount of materials for the construction of the plant in time at the designated point我方将及时在指定的地点提供必要数量的材料供建造工厂使用
We stick to our void in this point在这一点上我们坚持自己的立场
weighted-in-points method加权计分法