
Terms for subject Sports containing points | all forms | exact matches only
accumulative point累计得分
acupuncture point针刺穴位
acupuncture point穴位
amass a point得分
attack point攻击点法 (orienting)
attack the weak points of one's opponent攻击对方弱点
be awarded a point得分
best total of points最好成绩
bonus point加分
break point关键时刻
breaking point身体、精神或感情强度在压力下的崩溃点
breaking point极点
breaking point of breath holding屏息的临界点
bring one's strong points into full play充分发扬长处
bring one's strong points into full play充分发挥特长
centre point中央
chalk a point得分
code of points评分标准
compensation point代偿点
concede a point输掉一分 (Tchoukball)
concede a point失一分
cover point防守点
cover point防守位置
critical point关键期
cumulative point总分
cumulative point累积分
dead point of swing摆动的极点
decide on points按分数评定胜负
decide on points按积分定胜负
deduct point扣分
earn a point得分
equilibrium-point hypothesis平衡点假设
equilibrium-point mode平衡点模式
experience point电子游戏经验点数
get a point得分
give point to让分给对方
give points让步
go point for point比分交替上升
gold point金牌冠军
half point0.5 分
highest point total最高总分
hit point生命力即电子游戏中人物或作战单位的生命数值
hitting point击球点
horizontal reference point水平参考点
isoelectric point等电点 (pl)
judge's point裁判的评分
judge's point评分
lead by two points领先两分
lose points on purpose故意失分
Magic Point电子游戏 魔法力
magic point电子游戏魔法力
make points得分
match point
match point决胜分
measurement point测量点
medical point医疗站
minus point负分
motor point运动点
near point近点
particle point质点
penalization point大分
penalty point扣分
pick up a point得分
pin-point accuracy高度准确
place point of support支点
plus point正分
point advantage分数领先
point angle点角
point average得分率
point competition拔河拔过点定输赢的比赛
point difference分的差距
point difference分差
point getter射中的球员
point getter得分的球员
point getter得分能手
point-light technique点照明技术
point maker得分手
point massage穴位按摩
point of application作用点
point of attachment连结点
point of attachment附着点
point of elbow鹰嘴
point of hand grasp撑竿跳高握竿点
point of pain痛点
point of wrench application扭转作用点
point principle评分原则
point scale评分标准
point spread橄榄球、篮球等赌赛中强队与弱队的分数差
point standard评分标准
point system积分制
point system计分法
15-point system15 分制
point system评分原则
point system计分方法
11 point system11 分制
point the toe脚尖绷直
point the toe绷脚尖
point the toe绷脚
point-to-point computation点对点计算
points against失分数
points against失分
points assessment计分表
points for得分数
points for得分
points won得分
reduce points扣分
running summary of the points scored累积分数
score a point达到目的
score a point获得利益
score a point赢得赞同
score a point得一分
set point调定点
setting-point theory调定点学说
strong point长处
strong point强项
successive point相继点
target point得分
team points团体分
technical point技术要点
total point总成绩
total point总分
trail by one point输一分
turning point生死关头
two-point advantage领先 2 分
two-point discrimination两点辨别
two-point discriminator两点辨别阈
two-point threshold两点辨别阈
vertical reference point垂直参考点
weak point短处
win a point得分
win by four points四分取胜
zusanli points足三里穴