
Terms for subject Electronics containing points | all forms | exact matches only
access and control point接人与控制点
access point identifier接人点标识符
access point name接人点名称
access unit access point接人单兀接人点
activity measuring point放射性活度测量点
addressable point寻址点
after point alignment逐点调整
aggregative transition point累积过渡点
alarm set point事故警报点
alarm set point报警整定点
all-points-addressable graphics可逐点访问的图形
analysis end point分析终点
analysis point分析点
annealing point退火温度高限
application point of force力的作用点
application service layer service access point应用业务层业务接人点
ash fusion point灰的熔化点
ash melting point t3灰熔化温度t3
astronomic azimuth point天文方位点
astronomical azimuth point天文方位点
ATM adaptation layer service access pointATM 适配层业务接人点
automatic float point自动浮点
automatic four point probe自动四探针
automatic point of sale system自动销售终端系统
automatic working point regulation自动工作点调整
band extract representative point代表点抽样比较法
band extract representative point频带析取代表点
banking point of sales银行销售终端
banking point of sales银行销售点
basic point defence missile system要地防御导弹系统
bearing point控制点
best efficiency point最有效点
billing management point计费管理点
binary floating point arithmetic二进制浮点运算
binary floating point digital differential analyzer二进制浮点数字微分分析器
bitumen softening point gauge沥青软化点测定仪
bleeding point汽轮机抽汽口
Bloch point布洛赫点
break point断开点
break-point address断点地址
breaking point gap断路器接点断开间隙
breakover point导通点
broadband access point宽带接人点
broadband service access point宽带业务接人点
bubble detachment point气泡跃离点
bubble detachment point沸腾开始点
bubble point起沸点
burn-out point烧毁点
burn-out point燃料燃尽瞬间【核】
cable access point光[电]缆接人点
call instance data file point呼叫实例数据文件段
carbon point弧光灯碳极棒
carbon point碳精电极端
cardinal points specification基点说明
cardinal points specification基点规范
central data collection point中央数据收集站
central point中间点
central point antivirus中心反病毒软件
central point antivirus中央要害反病毒软件
charge neutrality points电荷中和点
charge neutrality points电荷中性点
check point检査[测]点
check point检查[测]点
check point检验点
closest point of approach极近似点
closest point of approach最接近点
cold gas measuring point低温气体测量点
command document recovery point命令文件恢复点
commodity supply point商品供应点
contactor points接触器触点
contactor points开关触点
content access point内容接人点
corona point电晕放电点
cross over point穿越点
cross over point跨越点
cross-connecting point交叉连接点
Curie point居里点【核】
customer management point客户管理点
data access point数据接人点
data coordinating point数据协调点
data distribution point数据分配点
data link reference point数据链路基准点
data link service access point数字链路业务接人点
dead point不工作点
decision point判定点
decision point判决点
delivery point供应站
design point设计要点
design point计算位置
detachment point汽泡脱离壁面点
determination of control point控制点[检测点;检测站]的确定
dew point hygrometer
dew-point indicator露点指示仪
direct current ground point直流接地点
direct exchange point直接交换站
direct exchange point直接交换点
discharge point排出孔
discharge point释放点
discharge point放电端
dispatching point调度中心
distributing point配电点
distributing point配电中心
distribution point配电点
distribution point配电中心
distribution point分发点
distribution point multiplexer分配节点多路复接器
DL service access point数据链路业务接人点
dose point剂量点
double-point information双点信息
double-exposure end-point detection双曝光终点检测技术 (technique)
driving point admittance激励点导纳
driving-point function策动点函数
driving-point immittance策动点导抗
driving-point immittance输入导抗
driving-point impedance function策动点阻抗函数
drop point冷凝温度
drop point滴点温度
dry-out point干涸点【核】
edit point编辑点
electronic dew point sensor电子露点传感器
electronic funds transfer at the point of sales system销售点电子资金转账系统
electronic point-of-sale电子销售终端机
energy metering point电能计量点
ent point of titration滴定终点
equilibrium point analysis平衡点分析
equivalent point滴定终点
event detection point事件检测点
event detection point notification事件检测点通知
event detection point request事件检测点请求
event monitoring point事故监测站
event monitoring point事件监视点
expansion dead point膨胀死点
expansion-line end point汽轮机热膨胀终态熔[未计排汽损 失]
expansion-line end point膨胀线终点
experiment point control subsystem实验点控制子系统
extended range floating point information system扩大范围浮点信息系统
face contact and point contact面接触和点接触
fault-point voltage故障点电压
feed-point impedance供电点阻抗
field assembly test point现场装配试验台
file label check point文件标号检查点
final evaporation point最终蒸发点
final evaporation point末级蒸发点
firing point闪点 (f.p.)
firing point着火点 (f.p.)
firing point燃点 (f.p.)
firing point着火温度
floating octal point浮点八进制
floating point浮点【计】
floating-point accelerator浮点加速器
floating-point analog-to-digital converter浮点模数转换器
floating point arithmetic logic unit浮点运算器
floating point arithmetic logic unit浮点算术逻辑部件
floating point arithmetic unit浮点运算器
floating-point array processor浮点阵列处理机
floating-point binary浮点二进制
floating-point computation浮动点计算
floating-point decimal浮点十进制
floating-point interpretive program浮点解释程序
floating point logic machine浮点逻辑机
floating-point mean and variance浮点平均值与方差
floating-point multiplier浮点乘法器
floating-point no operating浮点空操作
floating point on-line algorithm浮点联机算法
floating-point operation浮点运算【计】
floating-point operations per second浮点运算/秒
floating-point operations per second每秒浮点运算次数
floating-point output浮点输出
floating-point processing unit浮点处理单元
floating-point processor unit浮点处理器单元
floating point register浮点寄存器
floating-point root isolation浮点根析离
floating-point scratchpad浮点暂时存储器
floating-point scratchpad浮点便笺存储器
floating-point state register浮点状态寄存器
floating-point system浮点运算系统
floating-point system-array processor浮点制阵列处理机
floating-point unordered浮点无序的
floating-point value sign bit first浮点值符号比特先传
flooding point淹没点
flooding point泛滥点
four point bit十字扁铲
four point bit十字钻探钻头
four point prober探针
four point resistivity probe电阻四探针
four point resistivity probe四点电阻率探针
four-point starter四接点起动器
four points loading Wohler machineWohler四点荷载机[弯曲疲劳试验机]
free access point闲置接人点
free access point自由接人点
freezing point冰点 (f.p.; fr.p.)
freezing point凝固点 (f.p.; fr.p.)
function point analysis program功能点分析程序
giga floating-point operations per second十亿次浮点运算/秒
giga floating-point operations per second每秒十亿次浮点运算数
gigabit point of presence吉[千兆]比特人网点
gigabit point of presence吉[千兆]比特汇节点
global trade point network联合国全球贸易站网络
grade-point average平均成绩
graphite sublimation point石墨升华点【核】
grid entry point电网输入点
ground zero point爆心投影点[核爆炸]【核】
grounding point接地点
group service access point分组服务接人点
half-duplex point to point control station半双工点对点控制站
hard point防原子发射场[点]
hard point结构加固点
hard point defence硬点防御
hard point defence array radar硬点防御相控阵雷达
hard point demonstration array radar硬点演示相控阵雷达
hazard analysis critical control point危险分析临界控制点
high altitude relay point高空中继站
high-level signaling transfer point高级信令转接点
hold point停工待检点[质量保证程序]
identification point识另点
improved point defense missile system改进型点目标防御导弹系统
inflection point voltage拐点电压
input and output circuits with isolated common point有隔离公共点的输入和输出电路
input third order intercept point输人三阶截取点
insulated point section铁路隔离道岔区
inter access point protocol接人点间协议
Internet access point因特网接人点
Internet exchange point因特网交换点
Internet telephony service switching point因特网电话业务交换点
isoelectric point零电位差点
Java point of saleJava 销售终端
Java-based point of saleJava 基销售终端
key decision point关键判定点
key point据点
key point核心
key point要害
key point关键点
key point program要害程序
key point program核心程序
knee point弯曲点
knee point of magnetization curve磁化曲线拐点
light point defects光亮点缺陷
light point defects轻微点缺陷
line access point线路接人点
line section between transposition points位于换位点之间的线段
link service access point链路业务接人点
link terminating point链路端接点
load concentration point载荷集中点
load point开始读数点【计】
load point装人点
load unloading point装卸料点
load unloading point加料出料点
local check point局部检验点
local signaling transfer point本地信令转接点
locating point定位点
logistic support control point后勤保障控制点
lower capacity point小流量点[极限]【核】
lower trip point下跳点
lower-level signaling point低电平信令点
Macintosh point-to-point protocolMacintosh 点对点协议
mega-floating-point operations per second百万次浮点运算/秒
mega-floating-point operations per second每秒百万次浮点运算数
Microsoft point-to-point encipherment scheme微软点对点加密方案
microwave point-to-multipoint微波单点对多点通信
million floating-point operations per second每秒百万次浮点运算数
minimum yield point最低屈服强度
mobile communications data point移动通信数据点
mobile communications service point移动通信服务点
mobility and service control point移动性和业务控制点
modified point charge model修正点电荷模型
mouth reference point嘴参考点
movable point可动接点
multichannel point-to-point protocol多信道点对点协议
multilink point-to-point protocol多链路点对点协议
multiple point-to-point configuration多路点对点式结构配置
multiple point-to-point configuration径向点对点结构配置
multipoint to point多点到-点
multipoint to point virtual circuit多点到一点虚电路
multi-spectral point scanner多光谱点扫描器
n-point switchm点开关
national point of contract国家合同条款
national signaling point国内信令点
near end signaling point近端信令点
near point of convergence近会聚点
needle-point discharge voltage尖对点放电电压
needle-point spark gap针尖火花间隙
Neel point奈尔点
Neel point奈尔温度
negative node point负节点
network access point人网点
network access point网络接人点
network control point网络控制点
network junction point网络结点
network junction point网络连接点
network service control point网络服务控制点
network service control point网络业务控制点
network service point网络服务点
network service provider Internet exchange point网络服务提供商因特网交换点
network service support point网络业务支持点
network terminating point网络终接点
network trail termination point网络跟踪终接点
network with planned controlling point计划控制点网络
neutral point滴定终点
neutral point中性〔和〕点
neutral point多相中性点
neutral point节点
neutral point中性点
neutral point connection中性点连接
neutral point connection中性点联结
neutral point displacement中性点漂移
neutral-point displacement voltage中性点位移电压
neutral point in a polyphase system多相系统的中性点
neutral-point method中点法
neutral-point method零点法
normalization point归一化点【核】
nucleation point蒸汽起泡点
operating bias point工作偏置点
operating point input impedance工作点阻抗
operating points工作点
optical reference point光参考点
PAS check point协议分析系统检验点
path termination point通道终接点
peripheral node control point外围节点控制点
pinch point窄点[蒸汽发生器中饱和蒸汽与主冷却剂最小温差点]【核】
pinch-off point夹断点
plastic yield-point塑流点
plot a point标绘点
policy enforcement point策略执行点
polyphase neutral point中性点
polyphase neutral point多相中性点
pour point凝点
pour point
power point电源〔墙边〕插座
presentation connection end point表示层连接端点
presentation service access point表示层业务接人点
primary connection point一级连接点
primary cross-connection point主跨接点
primary cross-connection point主交叉连接点
primary flexibility point一次挠曲点
primary point code原点代码
public data access point公众数据接人点
public safety answering point公共安全应答点
QoS reference point服务质量参考点
quantum point contact量子点接触
radar identification point雷达识别站
radar target identification point雷达目标识别站
radio access point无线接人点
radio control point无线控制点
radio distribution point无线电节目分配点
radioactivity measuring point放射性测量点【核】
random access editorial point随机接人编辑点
receiving point接受点
reciprocal lattice point倒易晶格点
reference point tracking参考点跟踪
reference points测量参考点
reference points基准点
reference points控制点
reference transmission level point基准传输电平点
regional control point地区控制点
regional signaling transfer point地区信令转接点
registration point记录点
release point渗出点
remote access point远程接人点
remote transfer point远程传送点
rendezvous point会合点
rendezvous point position会合点位置
rescue point控制点
resource manager entry point block资源管理程序人口点块
response document recovery point negative文件恢复点否定应答
response document recovery point restart文件恢复点再启动应答
secondary cross-connection point辅助交叉连接点
secondary flexibility point二次挠曲点
secondary point code次级点代码
security control point安全控制点
security reference point安全参考点
self-exciting point process自激励点处理
service access point identification业务接人点识别
service access point identifier业务接人点标识符
service access point indicator业务接人点指示符
service agent point业务代理点
service control data point业务控制数据点
service control point model业务控制点模型
service management access point业务管理接人点
service point维修站
service switch access point业务交换接人点
service switching and control point业务交换与控制点
service switching point/intelligent peripheral业务交换点/智能外部设备
session service access point会话服务接人点
set point command整定点命令
set point command设置整定值指令[命令;信号]
set-point control定点控制
set-point control按整定值控制
set-point device定值装置
set-point device定点装置
set-point device整定装置
set-point precision infrared angular scanner定点精密红外角扫描器
short circuit fault point on voltage curve电压曲线上的短路故障
short-circuit point短路点
signaling control point信令控制点
signaling point restart control信令点再启动控制
single defect point点缺陷
single defect point单故障点
single point bonding单点键合
single-point diamond turned surface单刃金刚石切削表面
single point diamond turning单刃金刚石切削
single point failure analysis单点故障分析
single-point information单点信息
single point of failure单一故障点
single point responsibility单点可信度
single point responsibility单点响应度
single-point tape automated bonder单点载带[带式]自动键合机
single-point tape automated bonding单点载带带式自动键合技术
single-point tape bonder单点载带[带式]键合机
six point bit六点钻头
smelting point熔化温度
smelting point熔点
solder termination point焊接端点
source access point system信源接人点系统
source service access point信源服务接人点
source service access point address信源服务接人点地址
special service railway coupling point铁路专用线接轨点
standard point location code标准点定位码
standardized tactical entry point标准化战术接人点
star point星形接法的中性点
star point中性点
starting point of the limitation period时效期的起算点
static limit of yield point静态屈服极限
stationary breaker point断路器固定触点
status point状态点
steam sampling point蒸汽取样点
storage and distribution point存储与分配站
sub point分站
sub point分点
summation point总和点
summing point总和点
supplementary control points应急控制点
supplementary control points辅助控制点
supply point admittance电源点导纳
switching point开关站
switching point中继站
synchronous point同步点
synchronous point command同步点命令
tap point分支点
target identification point目标识别点
termination point局终端
termination point端接点
termination point终接点
termination point接端点
test level point测试电平点
test point access测试点访问
test point logic逻辑测试点
third order intercept point三阶截取点
third-order output intercept point三阶输出截听点
three point differential equations三点式微分方程
tie-line power metering point联络线功率计量点
titration end point滴定终点
trade point engine贸易点计算机系统
transfer service access point传送业务接人点
transit point经纬仪测点
transit point基准点
transition point转接点
translation point code转换点代码
transmission maintenance point-international line国际线路传输维护点
trigger detection point-notification触发检测点通知
trigger detection point-request触发检测点请求
trillion floating-point operations per second10¹²次浮点运算/秒美、法计数制
trillion floating-point operations per second万亿次浮点运算/秒
trillion floating-point operations per second每秒万亿次浮点运算数
trip set points事故保护停堆整定值【核】
true neutral point真实中性点
unstable equilibrium point不稳定平衡点
upper trip point上跳点
upper yield point屈服点极限
upper yield point屈服点上限
upper-level signaling point高电平信令点
used energy end point汽轮机实际终态焙[考虑排汽损失后]
video access point视频接人点
videotex access point可视图文接人点
virtual analog switching point虚拟模拟交换点
virtual channel connection termination point虚信道连接终接点
virtual international connecting point虚拟国际连接点
virtual network access point虚拟网络接人点
visual identification point目视识别点
vulnerable point易损坏点
wall temperature of critical point临界点壁温
wall temperature of dry out point干涸点壁温
warning-point photocell报警点光电管
well-point method井点法[降低地下水位的一种方法]
wireless access point无线接人点
working point group key工作点分组键
yield point屈服极限
yield point stress屈服点的应力
zenith point天顶点【天文】
zero crossing point过零点
zero-point correction零点修正
zero point of charge零充电点
zero transmission level reference point零传输电平参考
zirconium point-source lamp错点光源灯
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