
Terms for subject Agriculture containing point | all forms | exact matches only
accepted point mutation认可点突变
additional point辅助观测点
all-contact point全接点
altimetric point测高点
apical growing point顶端生长点 (punctum vegetationis apicalis)
apical point生长点 (punctum apicale)
attachment point着丝点
bar-point bottom[棒钢]可伸凿尖犁体
bar-point plough[棒钢]可伸凿尖犁
bar-point plow[棒钢]可伸凿尖犁
bar point share[棒钢]可伸凿尖犁铧
beet lifting point甜菜挖掘铲
binary floating-point data二进制浮点数
botanical point of view植物学观点
break point断裂点指染色体
break point translocation断裂点易位
break through point断缺点
break-even point利润界限
breaking point破折点
breaking point破裂点
Brewster point布儒斯特点
burster point松土铲
Canal Point 28-11美 28-11 (美国甘蔗品种)
carbon dioxide compensation pointCO₂补偿点
carbon dioxide compensation point二氧化碳补偿点
carbon dioxide saturation pointCO₂饱和点
carbon dioxide saturation point二氧化碳饱和点
cardinal point of temperature温度基点
Caspary's point凯氏点
central point中点 (punctum centrale)
central point figure中点图
check point关卡
check point检验站
class mid-point组中值
cluster point凝聚点
coagulation point凝聚点
collimating point of picture frame框标
congelation point冻凝点
control switching point控制变换中心
convergence point辐合点
CO₂saturation pointCO₂饱和点
CO₂saturation point二氧化碳饱和点
critical bearing point临界承载量[点]
Critical Control Point关键控制点
critical plasmolytic point临界质壁分离点 (punctum plasmolyticum criticum)
critical point临界点 (punctum criticum)
crystallographic point groups晶体学点群
culminated point顶点 (punctum culminatum)
curie point居里点指居里温度点
curie point writing居里点写人
cut point切点
dead point死亡点指温度
death point死亡点指温度
decision point裁决点
detail point航测碎部点
dew point apparatus露点测定器
dew point control露点调节
dew point recorders露点记录器
difficult point难点
dilution end point稀释限度
dimensionless point无度量点
DNA melting pointDNA 熔解点
DNA melting pointDNA 解链点
draining point滴水叶尖{生理}
drip point滴水[叶]尖
drying point干燥极限
duckfoot point鸭掌式锄铲
ecological cardinal point生态基点
effective hitch point悬挂机构转动瞬时中心
Eight-Point Charter for Agriculture农业 "八字宪法"
electric point gauge电针计
end point -5050%终点
end-point dilution assay终点稀释试验
end point mutant终点突变型
end point product终点产物
end-point titration终点滴定[法]
equi-ionic point等离子点
equivalent point等当点
evolutionary point of view进化观点
exceed the 1 percent point超过 1%显著点
exchange point交换点
explosion point发火点
extra fine point超细[笔]尖
felling point伐点、采伐高
fiber attachment point着丝点
fiber saturation point纤维饱和点
fine point尖端
first permanent wilting point初期起始 萎蔫点
five percent point5%显著点
fixed point observation定点观察
fixing point标定点
floating point operation浮点操作
flush point驱鸟指示
flying point recorder飞点记录器
focus point焦点
four-point linkage四杆机构
four point transformation四点变换
freezing point depressing glycoprotein冰点降低糖蛋白
freezing point depression method冰点下降法
frontier point边[界]点
frost-point hygrometer霜点湿度计
fusion point溶化点
genetic point of view遗传学观点
grade point坡度点
growing point生长点 (punctum vegetationis)
growth point生长点
growth point culture生长点培养
harrow point耙齿
hazard analysis and critical control points危险分析和关键控制点HACCP
heat compensation point热补偿点
high point survey高地观测
hinge point铰链中心
hinge point铰链点
hitch point挂结点
hitch point悬挂点
hitch point牵引点
inflection point屈折点
intercalary growth point节间生长点 (punctum vegetationis intercalaris)
interchange break point互换断裂点
inversion point倒位点
irreversible wilting point永久凋萎点
isobestic point等消光点
isoconcentration point等浓点
isoionic point等离[子]点
isoluminescence point等发光点
isosbestic point等消光点
jelling point胶冻点果冻凝固点
joint point连接点
junction point接合点
killing point of preservatives防腐剂致死点
landing point卸鱼点
landing point上市点
lattice point[晶]格点
leaf pickup point茎叶扶正器
lento-capillary point毛管水迟滞毛管水流仅足维持植物生长的土壤含水量
lento-capillary point慢毛管水点
lifter point挖掘铲
load-discharge point装卸点
low point起点
low point of development temperature发育起点温度
lower dead point下死点
lower hitch point下悬挂点
lower hitch point tyre clearance下悬挂点与后轮距离
luminous point亮点
maintenance point维护站
maintenance point维护点
management service focal point管理服务焦点
marginal growing-point边缘生长点 (puncturn vegetationis marginalis)
marker point划行器铲
mathematical point理想点
micelle point分子团点
nine point circle九点圆
nodal point结点 (punctum nodale)
one percent point1%显著点
one-point hitch单点悬挂装置
overlap point磨损工作部件镶尖
pencil-point weeder尖弹齿除草机
penetrometer point透度计锥尖
permanent wilting point永久萎蔫点
phenomenological point of view现象 观点
pin-point weeder圆尖弹齿除草耙
pinching point on seedling夹秧部位
pitch point齿轮啮合节点
planting point种植场地
point bar铧尖铁棒
point breaking machine点粉碎机
point by point computation逐点计算
point chard散射图
point chard点图
point diagram散射图
point error[交叉]点误差
point group symmetry点群对称
point mode display点式显示
point mutant[基因]点突变体
point mutation[基因]点突变
point of attachment着丝点
point of chiasma交叉点
point of compass罗盘分划点
point of compensation补偿点
point of condensation凝聚点{土壤}
point of condensation凝结点
point of crossing over交换点
point of inflection层析点
point of interchange交换点
point of interlocking互锁点
point of last environment restart最后环境点再启动 (POLE restart)
point of partner exchange配对交换点
point of sale & electronic funds transfer销售点电子资金转账
point of share犁铧尖
point of solidification固结点{土壤}
point-of-failure restart故障点再启动 (POF restart)
point rainfall指定点雨量
point retrial点检索
point sampling样点抽样法
point size点数指点有多少个
point stickiness单染色体位点黏着性
point- supported定点支承的
point union点并合
postfixed point后定点
primary focal point基本聚交点
principal point主[基]点
proximal break point近侧断裂点
radius at hitch point悬挂点自由空间半径
railway receiving point铁路受货站
rating point额定点
reference point参考要点
renewable point可换铧尖
replication point复制点
rescue point重人点
reversal point反点
reversible point[双尖]转换松土器
reversible point犁铧翻转式铧尖
reversible point shovel双尖转换松土铲
rice growing point稻生长点
ripper point松土铲
run end-point运行终点
run end-point运行端点
scattering point散射点
scorching point焙焦点
scouring point滑转点
secondary entry point二次人口点
set-point control设定值控制
set-point temperature调节点温度
shipping point inspection口岸检查
single-point hitch单点悬挂
slip point share套尖式犁铧
soil point测湿锥
soil point土湿针
solstitial point二至点夏至点和冬至点
south point南方
spear head point矛形铲尖
special fixed point特殊固定点
species point种点
start point出发点
stationary point稳定点
stationary point定点
sticky point脱黏点
stoichiometric point[化学]计量点
swivel point转轴点
synch point同步点
target point作用部位
target point作用点
teaching point教学点
technical point of view技术角度
technical point of view技术观点
tenacious point韧点
terminal point终点 (punctum terminale)
thawing point露点
theory of two point attachment两点附着学说{生理}
third point loading三分点加载
three point attachment拖拉机三点悬挂装置
three point bond三点连接
three-point cross三点杂交
three- point experiment[基因排列]三点试验
three-point fixed linkage固定式三点悬挂装置
three-point hitch tractor带三点悬挂装置的拖拉机
three-point linkage drill三点悬挂式装播种机
three-point linkage implement三点悬挂式装农机具
three point method三点测法
three-point mounted harvester三点悬挂式收获机
three-point mounted machine三点悬挂式机具
three-point support三点支持
three-point test cross三点测交
tie point约束点指信息
tie point接合点木材
toll point长途电话中心局
tooth point shovel平尖松土铲
translocation point易位点
trigger point触发点指中医针灸过程之一
turgor zero point膨压零点
turning point of leaf emergence rate出叶率转折点
two-point distribution二点分布
two-point hitch两点悬挂装置
two-point loading两点荷载
upper dead point上止点
upper dead point上死点
upper hitch point牵引装置下挂结点
upper hitch point悬挂装置上拉杆联结点
use point使用点
vegetative point生长点 (punctum vegetativum)
virtual hitch point瞬时[回转]中心
virtual hitch point虚牵引点
water sampling point采水样点
weakest point最弱点
weed point除草铲
weed point除草刃
winding point弯曲点
winding point分支点
work -point recorder记工员
yielding point弯曲点
zero point energy零点能来自海森堡测不准原理
zero point mutation零点突变
zero turgor point膨压零点
zero-cross point零交叉点