
Terms for subject Archery containing point | all forms | exact matches only
anchor point拉弦手固定点
arrow point箭头
balance point重心
blunt point平头箭的箭头
double-barb point双倒钩射鱼用箭头
drawing point拉弓点弓扣处
field point野外箭箭头
heavy point重箭头
nocking point搭箭处
nocking point搭箭点
point-blank range平射程
point of aim瞄准标记
point of impact on target中靶点
point-of-aim mark瞄准标志
point-of-aim shooting缺口发射
point-of-aim shooting瞄准标记发射
point-of-aim shooting缺口射击
pressure point弹簧箭侧垫
regular point普通箭头
sighting point准星
target point箭头