
Terms for subject Construction containing plastic | all forms | exact matches only
deformation of metals plastic金属的塑性变形
elasto-plastic fracture mechanics弹性塑性断裂力学
moulded plastic compound塑料
plastic adjustment塑性变形后的平衡
plastic bronze轴承〔塑性〕铅青铜
plastic coatings塑料涂料
plastic concrete塑性混凝土即坍落度大的混凝土
plastic concrete shrinkage混凝土塑性收缩
plastic conduit硬质塑胶管
plastic flow of steel钢的塑流〔塑性流动〕
plastic metal高锡含锑轴承青铜
plastic packing塑料〔胶〕填密
plastic pipe塑料管材
plastic plating真空塑料金属喷镀
plastic scintillator塑料〔胶〕闪烁体
plastic structure塑料结构